<?php use Drupal\DrupalExtension\Context\RawDrupalContext; use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext; use Behat\Mink\Selector\CssSelector; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml; /** * Defines application features from the specific context. */ class SelectorsContext extends RawDrupalContext implements SnippetAcceptingContext { /** * Holed a list of CSS Selectors. * * @var array */ protected $cssSelectors = []; /** * Holed a list of XPaht Selectors. * * @var array */ protected $xpathSelectors = []; /** * Holed the file path for where we could have selector files. * * @var string */ protected $filesPath = ''; /** * Initializes context. * * Every scenario gets its own context instance. * You can also pass arbitrary arguments to the * context constructor through behat.yml. */ public function __construct(array $parameters) { if (isset($parameters['selectors'])) { if (isset($parameters['selectors']['css']) || isset($parameters['selectors']['xpath']) || (isset($parameters['files_path']) && isset($parameters['files']))) { if (isset($parameters['selectors']['css']) && count($parameters['selectors']['css'])) { $this->cssSelectors = $parameters['selectors']['css']; } if (isset($parameters['selectors']['xpath']) && count($parameters['selectors']['xpath'])) { $this->xpathSelectors = $parameters['selectors']['xpath']; } if (isset($parameters['files_path']) && $parameters['files_path'] != '' && isset($parameters['files']) && count($parameters['files'])) { $this->filesPath = $parameters['files_path']; foreach ($parameters['files'] as $selectorFile) { // Get the content of the selector file. $fileContent = file_get_contents($this->filesPath . $selectorFile); if (!empty($fileContent) && $fileContent != '') { $fileSelectors = Yaml::parse($fileContent); // Add all list of CSS selectors to the cssSelectors Array. if (isset($fileSelectors['css']) && count($fileSelectors['css'])) { foreach ($fileSelectors['css'] as $selectorName => $cssSelecter) { $this->cssSelectors[$selectorName] = $cssSelecter; } } // Add all list of XPath selectors to the xpathSelectors Array. if (isset($fileSelectors['xpath']) && count($fileSelectors['xpath'])) { foreach ($fileSelectors['xpath'] as $selectorName => $xpathSelector) { $this->xpathSelectors[$selectorName] = $xpathSelector; } } } else { throw new \Exception('The file "' . $this->filesPath . $selectorFile . '" is empty or does not exist under SelectorsContext'); } } } } else { throw new \Exception('behat.yml should include "selectors" with css, xpath, files_path, and files parametars. under SelectorsContext'); } } } /** * Register Selectors. * * @BeforeStep @javascript */ public function registerSelectors() { $selectorHandler = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->getSelector('named'); // Register selector name for all CSS selectors. $css = new CssSelector(); foreach ($this->cssSelectors as $name => $selector) { $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($name, $css->translateToXPath($selector)); } // Register selector name for all XPath selectors. foreach ($this->xpathSelectors as $name => $selector) { $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($name, $selector); } } /** * Selector : To add a new selector name with a css selector. * * Example 1: When I add "mobile logo" selector for "header img#logo" css selector * Example 2: And I add "breadcrumb" selector for ".breadcrumb" css selector * Example 3: And I add "breadcrumb first link" selector for ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a" css selector. * * You could add in the behat.yml file so that you do not need * to add the most general selectors in your features. * default: * suites: * default: * contexts: * - SelectorsContext: * parameters: * selectors: * css: * breadcrumb first link: ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a" * xpath: * page title: "//h1[contains(@class, 'page-header')" * * @When /^I add "(?P<selectorName>[^"]*)" selector for "(?P<cssSelecter>[^"]*)" css selector$/ */ public function addSelectorNameForCssSelector($selectorName, $cssSelecter) { if (!empty($selectorName) && $selectorName != '' && !empty($cssSelecter) && $cssSelecter != '') { // Add the selector name for the css selector to the selectors array. $this->cssSelectors[$selectorName] = $cssSelecter; // Translate the CSS selector to XPath selector. $css = new CssSelector(); $xpathSelector = $css->translateToXPath($cssSelecter); // Registor the name for the XPath selector. $selectorHandler = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->getSelector('named'); $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($selectorName, $xpathSelector); } else { throw new \Exception('The selector name and the CSS selector must not be empty.'); } } /** * Selector : To add a new selector name with a XPath selector. * * Exmaple 1: When I add "page title" selector for "//h1[contains(@class, 'page-header')" xpath selector * Example 2: And I add "Dashboard" selector for "//*[@id='navbar-link-admin-dashboard']" xpath selector * Example 3: And I add "Vertical orientation" selector for "//*[@id='navbar-item--2-tray']/div/div[2]/div/button" xpath selector. * * * You could add in the behat.yml file so that you do not need * to add the most general selectors in your features. * default: * suites: * default: * contexts: * - SelectorsContext: * parameters: * selectors: * css: * breadcrumb first link: ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a" * xpath: * page title: '//h1[contains(@class, "page-header")' * * @When /^I add "(?P<selectorName>[^"]*)" selector for "(?P<xpathSelector>[^"]*)" xpath selector$/ */ public function addSelectorNameForXpathSelector($selectorName, $xpathSelector) { if (!empty($selectorName) && $selectorName != '' && !empty($xpathSelector) && $xpathSelector != '') { // Add the selector name for the XPath selector to the selectors array. $this->xpathSelectors[$selectorName] = $xpathSelector; // Registor the name for the XPath selecor. $selectorHandler = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->getSelector('named'); $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($selectorName, $xpathSelector); } else { throw new \Exception('The selector name and the XPath selector must not be empty.'); } } /** * Selector : To add a new selector name with a css selector. * * Example 1: When I load selectors from "" file * Example 2: And I add "breadcrumb" selector for ".breadcrumb" css selector * Example 3: And I add "breadcrumb first link" selector for ".breadcrumb li:nth-child(1) a" css selector. * * @When /^I add selectors from "(?P<fileName>[^"]*)" file$/ */ public function iAddSelectorsFromFile($fileName) { if (!empty($fileName) && $fileName != '' && isset($this->filesPath) && $this->filesPath != '') { // Get the content of the file. $fileContent = file_get_contents($this->filesPath . $fileName); if (!empty($fileContent) && $fileContent != '') { $fileSelectors = Yaml::parse($fileContent); // Register all CSS selectors in the file. if (isset($fileSelectors['css']) && count($fileSelectors['css'])) { foreach ($fileSelectors['css'] as $selectorName => $cssSelecter) { // Add the css selector to the css selector array. $this->cssSelectors[$selectorName] = $cssSelecter; // Translate the CSS selector to XPath selector. $css = new CssSelector(); $xpathSelector = $css->translateToXPath($cssSelecter); // Registor the name for the CSS selecor. $selectorHandler = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->getSelector('named'); $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($selectorName, $xpathSelector); } } // Register all XPath selectors in the file. if (isset($fileSelectors['xpath']) && count($fileSelectors['xpath'])) { foreach ($fileSelectors['xpath'] as $selectorName => $xpathSelector) { // Add the selector name for the XPath selector to the xpath selectors array. $this->xpathSelectors[$selectorName] = $xpathSelector; // Registor the name for the XPath selecor. $selectorHandler = $this->getSession()->getSelectorsHandler()->getSelector('named'); $selectorHandler->registerNamedXpath($selectorName, $xpathSelector); } } } else { throw new \Exception('The file "' . $this->filesPath . $fileName . '" is empty or does not exist under SelectorsContext'); } } else { throw new \Exception('No file name or the file_path parameter is not right in the behat.yml file'); } } /** * Selector: To print list of CSS selectors which has been registered. * * Example: When I print css selectors. * * @Then /^(?:|I )print css selectors$/ */ public function printCssSelectors() { echo Yaml::dump($this->cssSelectors); } /** * Selector: To print list of XPath selectors which has been registered. * * Example: When I print xpath selectors. * * @Then /^(?:|I )print xpath selectors$/ */ public function printXpathSelectors() { echo Yaml::dump($this->xpathSelectors); } /** * Move the focus to selected field input element. * * Example #1: When I move focus to "Title" field * Example #2: And I move focus to "Body" field. * * @When /^(?:|I )move focus to "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" field$/ */ public function moveFocusToField($selectedField) { $field = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($selectedField); $fieldid = $field->getAttribute('id'); $this->getSession()->getDriver()->evaluateScript("jQuery('#{$fieldid}').focus();"); } /** * Select all text in selected field input element. * * Example #1: When I select all text in "Title" field * Example #2: And I select all text in "Description" field. * * @When /^(?:|I )select all text in "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" field$/ */ public function selectAllTextInField($selectedField) { $field = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($selectedField); $fieldid = $field->getAttribute('id'); $this->getSession()->getDriver()->evaluateScript('document.getElementById("' . $fieldid . '").select();'); } /** * Select part of the text in selected field input element. * * Example #1: When I select from 0 to 5 text in "Title" field * Example #2: And I select from 0 to 5 text in "Description" field. * * @When /^(?:|I )select from (?P<from>\d+) to (?P<to>\d+) text in "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" field$/ */ public function setSelectionRangeFromField($from, $to, $selectedField) { $field = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($selectedField); $fieldid = $field->getAttribute('id'); if ($from < 0) { $from = 0; } if ($to === 0) { $to = $field->getValue()->length(); } $this->getSession()->getDriver()->evaluateScript('document.getElementById("' . $fieldid . '").setSelectionRange(' . $from . ',' . $to . ');'); } /** * Select a part text in selected field input element. * * Example #1: When I select "title name" text in "Title" field * Example #2: And I select "some content" text in "Description" field. * * @When /^(?:|I )select "(?P<selectedText>[^"]*)" text in "(?P<selectedField>[^"]*)" field$/ */ public function selectTextInField($selectedText, $selectedField) { $field = $this->getSession()->getPage()->findField($selectedField); $fieldid = $field->getAttribute('id'); // Get the value of the selected field. $fieldValue = $field->getValue(); // Have the $selectionStart. $selectionStart = strpos($fieldValue, $selectedText); if (empty($selectionStart)) { throw new \Exception(sprintf('We do not have "%s" in the "%s" field.', $selectedText, $selectedField)); } // Have the selectionEnd. $selectionEnd = $selectionStart + strlen($selectedText); $this->getSession()->getDriver()->evaluateScript('document.getElementById("' . $fieldid . '").setSelectionRange(' . $selectionStart . ',' . $selectionEnd . ');'); } }