<?php /** * @file * Utility code related to menus and menu blocks. */ use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; /** * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_HOOK_alter(). */ function uswds_base_theme_suggestions_block_alter(array &$suggestions, array $variables) { // Set the block variable $block = ''; if (!empty($variables['elements']['#id'])) { $block = Block::load($variables['elements']['#id']); } if (!empty($block)) { // We need to suggest our custom theming for menu blocks in certain regions. if (in_array('block__system_menu_block', $suggestions)) { $menu_regions = [ 'primary_menu', 'secondary_menu', 'mobile_menu', 'sidebar_first', 'sidebar_second', 'footer_menu' ]; if (in_array($block->getRegion(), $menu_regions)) { if (_uswds_base_process_menu_region($block->getRegion())) { $suggestions[] = 'block__system_menu_block__' . $block->getRegion(); } } } // We need to suggest our custom theming for menu blocks in certain regions. if (in_array('block__block_content', $suggestions)) { $bc_regions = ['hero']; if (in_array($block->getRegion(), $bc_regions)) { $suggestions[] = 'block__block_content__' . $block->getRegion(); } } } return $suggestions; } /** * Helper function to mark block-content items as being in one of our block regions. * * This is the way we communicate a content block's region to its preprocessor * and template. * @see preprocess/uswds_base_preprocess_block__block_content__* */ function _uswds_base_mark_block_content_items(&$variables, $region) { if (!empty($variables['content'])) { $variables['content']['#uswds_base_region'] = $region; } }