<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\textareatabs\Unit\Plugin\Filter; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState; use Drupal\Core\Language\Language; use Drupal\filter\Plugin\FilterInterface; use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase; use Drupal\textareatabs\Plugin\Filter\TextAreaTabs; use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder; /** * Test the text area tab filter class. * * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\textareatabs\Plugin\Filter\TextAreaTabs * * @requires module textareatabs * @group textareatabs */ class TextAreaTabsTest extends UnitTestCase { /** * Filter plugin definition array. * * @var array */ protected $definition; /** * Default filter settings. * * @var array */ protected $defaults; const LANG = Language::LANGCODE_DEFAULT; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->definition = [ 'id' => 'textareatabs', 'title' => 'Replace tabs with non-breaking spaces', 'provider' => 'textareatabs', 'type' => FilterInterface::TYPE_TRANSFORM_REVERSIBLE, ]; $this->defaults = [ 'id' => 'textareatabs', 'provider' => 'textareatabs', 'weight' => 0, 'status' => TRUE, ]; $container = new ContainerBuilder(); $container->set('string_translation', $this->getStringTranslationStub()); \Drupal::setContainer($container); } /** * Assert that the process method works. * * @param string $replacement * The replacement string to use for the plugin configuration. * @param string $output_prefix * The output prefix to tack onto whatever the test string is. * * @covers ::process * @dataProvider replacementProvider */ public function testProcess($replacement, $output_prefix) { $configuration = $this->defaults + [ 'settings' => ['textareatabs_character' => $replacement], ]; // Generate a random sentence. $sentence = $this->getRandomGenerator()->sentences(10, TRUE); // Instantiate the plugin. $filter = new TextAreaTabs($configuration, 'textareatabs', $this->definition); $this->assertEquals($configuration, $filter->getConfiguration()); // Assert that the text replacement has been made correctly. $this->assertEquals($output_prefix . $sentence, $filter ->process("\t" . $sentence, self::LANG) ->getProcessedText()); } /** * Provide data for testing the process method. * * @return array * An array of method parameters. */ public function replacementProvider() { return [ [" ", " "], ['<a href="javascript:alert(aaaaaaaa)>"', "\""], ["AAAA", "AAAA"], ]; } /** * Assert that the settings form behaves properly. * * @covers ::settingsForm */ public function testSettingsForm() { $configuration = $this->defaults + [ 'settings' => ['textareatabs_character' => ' '], ]; $form_state = new FormState(); // Instantiate the plugin. $filter = new TextAreaTabs($configuration, 'textareatabs', $this->definition); $this->assertEquals($configuration, $filter->getConfiguration()); // Get the settingsForm. $form = $filter->settingsForm([], $form_state); $this->assertArrayHasKey('textareatabs_character', $form); $this->assertEquals(' ', $form['textareatabs_character']['#default_value']); } }