views.query.search_api_query: type: views_query label: 'Search API query' mapping: bypass_access: type: boolean label: If the underlying search index has access checks enabled, this option allows you to disable them for this view. skip_access: type: boolean label: Do not execute additional access checks for all items in the search results. preserve_facet_query_args: type: boolean label: By default, changing an exposed filter would reset all selected facets. This option allows you to prevent this behavior. views.row.search_api: type: views_row label: 'Search API rendered item' mapping: view_modes: type: sequence label: View modes for each datasource orderby: key sequence: type: sequence label: A list of all the bundles and their configured view mode orderby: key sequence: type: string label: View mode for the specific bundle views.cache.search_api_time: type: views_cache label: 'Time-based caching (Search API)' mapping: options: type: mapping label: 'Cache options' mapping: results_lifespan: type: integer label: 'The length of time raw query results should be cached.' results_lifespan_custom: type: integer label: 'Length of time in seconds raw query results should be cached.' output_lifespan: type: integer label: 'The length of time rendered HTML output should be cached.' output_lifespan_custom: type: integer label: 'Length of time in seconds rendered HTML output should be cached.' views.cache.search_api_tag: type: views_cache label: 'Tag-based caching (Search API)' mapping: options: type: mapping label: 'Cache options' views.argument.search_api: type: views.argument.numeric label: 'Search API' views.argument.search_api_fulltext: type: views.argument.search_api label: 'Search API more like this' mapping: parse_mode: type: string label: 'Parse mode' conjunction: type: string label: 'Conjunction' fields: type: sequence label: 'Fields' orderby: value sequence: type: string label: 'Field' views.argument.search_api_more_like_this: type: views_argument label: 'Search API more like this' mapping: fields: type: sequence label: 'Fields' orderby: value sequence: type: string label: 'Field' views.argument.search_api_term: type: views.argument.search_api label: 'Search API taxonomy term' views.field.search_api: type: views_field label: 'Search API standard' mapping: link_to_item: type: boolean label: 'Link to item' use_highlighting: type: boolean label: 'Use highlighted field data' multi_type: type: string label: 'Handling of multiple values' multi_separator: type: string label: 'Separator for multiple values' views.field.search_api_boolean: type: views.field.boolean label: 'Search API boolean' mapping: link_to_item: type: boolean label: 'Link to item' use_highlighting: type: boolean label: 'Use highlighted field data' multi_type: type: string label: 'Handling of multiple values' multi_separator: type: string label: 'Separator for multiple values' views.field.search_api_date: type: label: 'Search API date' mapping: link_to_item: type: boolean label: 'Link to item' use_highlighting: type: boolean label: 'Use highlighted field data' multi_type: type: string label: 'Handling of multiple values' multi_separator: type: string label: 'Separator for multiple values' views.field.search_api_entity: type: views.field.search_api label: 'Search API entity reference' mapping: display_methods: type: sequence label: 'Display settings' orderby: key sequence: type: mapping label: 'Display settings for bundle' mapping: display_method: type: string label: 'Display method' view_mode: type: string label: 'View mode' views.field.search_api_field: type: views.field.field label: 'Search API entity field' mapping: field_rendering: type: boolean label: 'Use entity field rendering' fallback_handler: type: string label: 'Fallback handler' fallback_options: type: views.field.[%parent.fallback_handler] label: 'Options for fallback handler' views.field.search_api_numeric: type: views.field.numeric label: 'Search API boolean' mapping: link_to_item: type: boolean label: 'Link to item' use_highlighting: type: boolean label: 'Use highlighted field data' multi_type: type: string label: 'Handling of multiple values' multi_separator: type: string label: 'Separator for multiple values' format_plural_values: type: sequence label: 'Pluralized strings' sequence: type: string label: 'Singular/Plural string' views.field.search_api_rendered_item: type: views.field.search_api label: 'Search API rendered item' mapping: view_modes: type: sequence label: 'View modes for each datasource' orderby: key sequence: type: sequence label: 'A list of all the bundles and their configured view mode' orderby: key sequence: type: string label: 'View mode for the specific bundle' views.filter.search_api_boolean: type: views.filter.boolean label: 'Search API boolean' views.filter.search_api_datasource: type: views.filter.search_api_options label: 'Search API datasource' views.filter.search_api_date: type: label: 'Search API date' views.filter.search_api_fulltext: type: views_filter label: 'Search API fulltext search' mapping: parse_mode: type: string label: Parse mode min_length: type: integer label: Minimum search string length fields: type: sequence label: Fields to search on orderby: value sequence: type: string label: Field name expose: type: mapping label: 'Exposed' mapping: placeholder: type: label label: 'Placeholder' views.filter.search_api_language: type: views.filter.language label: 'Search API language' views.filter.search_api_numeric: type: views.filter.numeric label: 'Search API numeric' views.filter.search_api_options: type: views.filter.many_to_one label: 'Search API options' views.filter.search_api_string: type: views.filter.search_api_numeric label: 'Search API string' views.filter.search_api_term: type: views.filter.taxonomy_index_tid label: 'Search API taxonomy term' views.filter.search_api_text: type: views.filter.search_api_string label: 'Search API text' views.filter.search_api_user: type: views.filter.user_name label: 'Search API user' views.filter_value.search_api_boolean: type: string views.filter_value.search_api_datasource: type: string views.filter_value.search_api_date: type: label: 'Search API date' views.filter_value.search_api_fulltext: type: string views.filter_value.search_api_language: type: string views.filter_value.search_api_numeric: type: views.filter_value.numeric views.filter_value.search_api_options: type: sequence orderby: value sequence: type: string label: 'Value' views.filter_value.search_api_string: type: views.filter_value.numeric views.filter_value.search_api_term: type: string views.filter_value.search_api_text: type: views.filter_value.numeric views.filter_value.search_api_user: type: string views.relationship.search_api: type: views_relationship label: 'Search API' mapping: skip_access: type: boolean label: Do not execute access checks for entities referenced via this relationship.