

namespace Drupal\Tests\search_api\Kernel\Processor;

use Drupal\comment\CommentInterface;
use Drupal\comment\Entity\Comment;
use Drupal\comment\Entity\CommentType;
use Drupal\comment\Tests\CommentTestTrait;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Database;
use Drupal\Core\Session\AnonymousUserSession;
use Drupal\Core\TypedData\DataDefinitionInterface;
use Drupal\node\Entity\Node;
use Drupal\node\Entity\NodeType;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\Tests\search_api\Kernel\ResultsTrait;
use Drupal\user\Entity\Role;
use Drupal\user\Entity\User;

 * Tests the "Content access" processor.
 * @group search_api
 * @see \Drupal\search_api\Plugin\search_api\processor\ContentAccess
class ContentAccessTest extends ProcessorTestBase {

  use CommentTestTrait;
  use ResultsTrait;

   * The nodes created for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\node\Entity\Node[]
  protected $nodes;

   * The comments created for testing.
   * @var \Drupal\comment\Entity\Comment[]
  protected $comments;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp($processor = NULL) {

    // Create a node type for testing.
    $type = NodeType::create(['type' => 'page', 'name' => 'page']);

    // Create anonymous user role.
    $role = Role::create([
      'id' => 'anonymous',
      'label' => 'anonymous',

    // Insert the anonymous user into the database, as the user table is inner
    // joined by \Drupal\comment\CommentStorage.
      'uid' => 0,
      'name' => '',

    // Create a node with attached comment.
    $values = [
      'status' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED,
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'test title',
    $this->nodes[0] = Node::create($values);

    $comment_type = CommentType::create([
      'id' => 'comment',
      'target_entity_type_id' => 'node',

    $this->addDefaultCommentField('node', 'page');

    $comment = Comment::create([
      'status' => CommentInterface::PUBLISHED,
      'entity_type' => 'node',
      'entity_id' => $this->nodes[0]->id(),
      'field_name' => 'comment',
      'body' => 'test body',
      'comment_type' => $comment_type->id(),

    $this->comments[] = $comment;

    $values = [
      'status' => NodeInterface::PUBLISHED,
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'some title',
    $this->nodes[1] = Node::create($values);

    $values = [
      'status' => NodeInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED,
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'other title',
    $this->nodes[2] = Node::create($values);

    // Also index users, to verify that they are unaffected by the processor.
    $datasources = \Drupal::getContainer()
      ->createDatasourcePlugins($this->index, [

    $index_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('search_api_index');
    $this->index = $index_storage->load($this->index->id());

   * Tests searching when content is accessible to all.
  public function testQueryAccessAll() {
    $permissions = ['access content', 'access comments'];
    user_role_grant_permissions('anonymous', $permissions);
    $this->assertEquals(5, $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getIndexedItemsCount(), '5 items indexed, as expected.');

    $query = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $result = $query->execute();

    $expected = [
      'user' => [0],
      'comment' => [0],
      'node' => [0, 1],
    $this->assertResults($result, $expected);

   * Tests searching when only comments are accessible.
  public function testQueryAccessComments() {
    user_role_grant_permissions('anonymous', ['access comments']);
    $this->assertEquals(5, $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getIndexedItemsCount(), '5 items indexed, as expected.');

    $query = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $result = $query->execute();

    $this->assertResults($result, ['user' => [0], 'comment' => [0]]);

   * Tests searching for own unpublished content.
  public function testQueryAccessOwn() {
    // Create the user that will be passed into the query.
    $permissions = [
      'access content',
      'access comments',
      'view own unpublished content',
    $authenticated_user = $this->createUser($permissions);
    $uid = $authenticated_user->id();

    $values = [
      'status' => NodeInterface::NOT_PUBLISHED,
      'type' => 'page',
      'title' => 'foo',
      'uid' => $uid,
    $this->nodes[3] = Node::create($values);
    $this->assertEquals(7, $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getIndexedItemsCount(), '7 items indexed, as expected.');

    $query = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $authenticated_user);
    $result = $query->execute();

    $expected = ['user' => [0, $uid], 'node' => [3]];
    $this->assertResults($result, $expected);

   * Tests building the query when content is accessible based on node grants.
  public function testQueryAccessWithNodeGrants() {
    // Create the user that will be passed into the query.
    $permissions = [
      'access content',
    $authenticated_user = $this->createUser($permissions);

        'nid' => $this->nodes[0]->id(),
        'langcode' => $this->nodes[0]->language()->getId(),
        'gid' => $authenticated_user->id(),
        'realm' => 'search_api_test',
        'grant_view' => 1,

    $query = \Drupal::getContainer()
    $query->setOption('search_api_access_account', $authenticated_user);
    $result = $query->execute();

    $expected = [
      'user' => [0, $authenticated_user->id()],
      'node' => [0],
    $this->assertResults($result, $expected);

   * Tests comment indexing when all users have access to content.
  public function testContentAccessAll() {
    // Deactivate our custom grant and re-save the grant records.
    \Drupal::state()->set('search_api_test_add_node_access_grant', FALSE);
    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandlerInterface $access_control_handler */
    $access_control_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    $grants_storage = \Drupal::getContainer()->get('node.grant_storage');
    foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
      $grants = $access_control_handler->acquireGrants($node);
      $grants_storage->write($node, $grants);

    user_role_grant_permissions('anonymous', ['access content', 'access comments']);
    $items = [];
    foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
      $items[] = [
        'datasource' => 'entity:comment',
        'item' => $comment->getTypedData(),
        'item_id' => $comment->id(),
        'text' => 'Comment: ' . $comment->id(),
    $items = $this->generateItems($items);

    // Add the processor's field values to the items.
    foreach ($items as $item) {

    // Verify all items were indexed with the same "all" realm grant.
    $all = ['node_access_all:0'];
    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $this->assertEquals($all, $item->getField('node_grants')->getValues());

    // Verify that the anonymous user has exactly that grant.
    $grants = node_access_grants('view', new AnonymousUserSession());
    $this->assertEquals(['all' => [0]], $grants);

   * Tests comment indexing when hook_node_grants() takes effect.
  public function testContentAccessWithNodeGrants() {
    $items = [];
    foreach ($this->comments as $comment) {
      $items[] = [
        'datasource' => 'entity:comment',
        'item' => $comment->getTypedData(),
        'item_id' => $comment->id(),
        'field_text' => 'Text: &' . $comment->id(),
    $items = $this->generateItems($items);

    // Add the processor's field values to the items.
    foreach ($items as $item) {

    foreach ($items as $item) {
      $this->assertEquals(['node_access_search_api_test:0'], $item->getField('node_grants')->getValues());

   * Tests that acquiring node grants leads to re-indexing of that node.
  public function testNodeGrantsChange() {
    $this->index->setOption('index_directly', FALSE)->save();
    $remaining = $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getRemainingItems();
    $this->assertEquals([], $remaining, 'All items were indexed.');

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeAccessControlHandlerInterface $access_control_handler */
    $access_control_handler = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()

    $expected = [
      'entity:comment/' . $this->comments[0]->id() . ':en',
      'entity:node/' . $this->nodes[0]->id() . ':en',
    $remaining = $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getRemainingItems();
    $this->assertEquals($expected, $remaining, 'The expected items were marked as "changed" when changing node access grants.');

   * Tests whether the "search_api_bypass_access" query option is respected.
  public function testQueryAccessBypass() {
    $this->assertEquals(5, $this->index->getTrackerInstance()->getIndexedItemsCount(), '5 items indexed, as expected.');

    $query = \Drupal::getContainer()
      ->createQuery($this->index, ['search_api_bypass_access' => TRUE]);
    $result = $query->execute();

    $expected = [
      'user' => [0],
      'comment' => [0],
      'node' => [0, 1, 2],
    $this->assertResults($result, $expected);

   * Tests whether the property is correctly added by the processor.
  public function testAlterPropertyDefinitions() {
    // Check for added properties when no datasource is given.
    $properties = $this->processor->getPropertyDefinitions(NULL);
    $this->assertTrue(array_key_exists('search_api_node_grants', $properties), 'The Properties where modified with the "search_api_node_grants".');
    $this->assertTrue(($properties['search_api_node_grants'] instanceof DataDefinitionInterface), 'The "search_api_node_grants" key contains a valid DataDefinition instance.');
    $this->assertEquals('string', $properties['search_api_node_grants']->getDataType(), 'Correct DataType set in the DataDefinition.');

    // Verify that there are no properties if a datasource is given.
    $properties = $this->processor->getPropertyDefinitions($this->index->getDatasource('entity:node'));
    $this->assertEquals([], $properties, '"search_api_node_grants" property not added when datasource is given.');

   * Creates a new user account.
   * @param string[] $permissions
   *   The permissions to set for the user.
   * @return \Drupal\user\UserInterface
   *   The new user object.
  protected function createUser(array $permissions) {
    $role = Role::create(['id' => 'role', 'name' => 'Role test']);
    user_role_grant_permissions($role->id(), $permissions);

    $values = [
      'uid' => 2,
      'name' => 'Test',
      'roles' => [$role->id()],
    $authenticated_user = User::create($values);

    return $authenticated_user;


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