

namespace Drupal\Tests\search_api\Functional;

use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Index;
use Drupal\search_api\Utility\Utility;

 * Verifies that the "Search excerpt" field in entity displays works correctly.
 * @group search_api
class ExcerptFieldTest extends SearchApiBrowserTestBase {

  use ExampleContentTrait;

   * Modules to enable for this test.
   * @var string[]
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected static $additionalBundles = TRUE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {


    // Do not use a batch for tracking the initial items after creating an
    // index when running the tests via the GUI. Otherwise, it seems Drupal's
    // Batch API gets confused and the test fails.
    if (!Utility::isRunningInCli()) {
      \Drupal::state()->set('search_api_use_tracking_batch', FALSE);

   * Tests that the "Search excerpt" field in entity displays works correctly.
  public function testSearchExcerptField() {
    $assertSession = $this->assertSession();

    $path = '/search-api-test-excerpt-field';
    foreach ($this->ids as $itemId) {
      $assertSession->pageTextContains("Item $itemId test excerpt");

    // Visiting the same page a second time retrieves the rendered node from
    // cache, not using the updated test excerpt template.
    $stateKey = 'search_api_test_excerpt_field';
    \Drupal::state()->set($stateKey, 'test--{{item_id}}--excerpt');
    foreach ($this->ids as $itemId) {
      $assertSession->pageTextContains("Item $itemId test excerpt");

    // Changing the GET parameters does skip the render cache for the nodes.
    $this->drupalGet($path, ['query' => ['foo' => 'bar']]);
    foreach ($this->ids as $itemId) {
      $assertSession->pageTextNotContains("Item $itemId test excerpt");


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