<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\search_api\Functional; use Drupal\block\Entity\Block; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Drupal\search_api\Entity\Index; use Drupal\search_api\ServerInterface; /** * Tests the Search API overview page. * * @group search_api */ class OverviewPageTest extends SearchApiBrowserTestBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static $modules = [ 'block', ]; /** * The path of the overview page. * * @var string */ protected $overviewPageUrl; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); $this->drupalLogin($this->adminUser); $this->overviewPageUrl = 'admin/config/search/search-api'; } /** * Tests various scenarios for the overview page. * * Uses a single method to save time. */ public function testOverviewPage() { $this->checkServerAndIndexCreation(); $this->checkServerAndIndexStatusChanges(); $this->checkOperations(); $this->checkOverviewPermissions(); } /** * Tests the creation of a server and an index. */ protected function checkServerAndIndexCreation() { $server_name = 'WebTest server'; $index_name = 'WebTest index'; $actions = [ [Url::fromRoute('entity.search_api_server.add_form'), 'Add server'], [Url::fromRoute('entity.search_api_index.add_form'), 'Add index'], ]; // Enable the "Local actions" block so we can verify which local actions are // displayed. Block::create([ 'id' => 'classy_local_actions', 'theme' => 'classy', 'weight' => -20, 'plugin' => 'local_actions_block', 'region' => 'content', ])->save(); // Make sure the overview is empty. $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertLocalAction($actions); $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains($server_name); $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains($index_name); // Test whether a newly created server appears on the overview page. $server = $this->getTestServer(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains($server_name); $this->assertSession()->responseContains($server->get('description')); $server_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($server->getEntityTypeId() . '-' . $server->id()); $servers = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $server_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-enabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($servers, 'Server is in proper table'); // Test whether a newly created index appears on the overview page. $index = $this->getTestIndex(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains($index_name); $this->assertSession()->responseContains($index->get('description')); $index_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($index->getEntityTypeId() . '-' . $index->id()); $fields = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $index_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-enabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($fields, 'Index is in proper table'); $this->assertSession()->linkNotExists('Execute pending tasks', 'No pending tasks to execute.'); // Tests that the "Execute pending tasks" local action is correctly // displayed when there are pending tasks. \Drupal::getContainer() ->get('search_api.task_manager') ->addTask('deleteItems', $server, $index, ['']); // Due to an (apparent) Core bug we need to clear the cache, otherwise the // "local actions" block gets displayed from cache (without the link). See // #2722237. \Drupal::cache('render')->invalidateAll(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertSession()->linkExists('Execute pending tasks', 0); } /** * Tests enable/disable operations for servers and indexes through the UI. */ protected function checkServerAndIndexStatusChanges() { $server = $this->getTestServer(); $this->assertEntityStatusChange($server); // Re-create the index for this test. $this->getTestIndex()->delete(); $index = $this->getTestIndex(); $this->assertEntityStatusChange($index); // Disable the server and test that both itself and the index have been // disabled. $server->setStatus(FALSE)->save(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $server_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($server->getEntityTypeId() . '-' . $server->id()); $index_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($index->getEntityTypeId() . '-' . $index->id()); $servers = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $server_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-disabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($servers, 'The server has been disabled.'); $indexes = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $index_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-disabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($indexes, 'The index has been disabled.'); // Test that an index can't be enabled if its server is disabled. // @todo A non-working "Enable" link should not be displayed at all. $this->clickLink('Enable', 1); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $indexes = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $index_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-disabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($indexes, 'The index could not be enabled.'); // Enable the server and try again. $server->setStatus(TRUE)->save(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); // This time the server is enabled so the first 'enable' link belongs to the // index. $this->clickLink('Enable'); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $indexes = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $index_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-enabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($indexes, 'The index has been enabled.'); // Create a new index without a server assigned and test that it can't be // enabled. The overview UI is not very consistent at the moment, so test // using API functions for now. $index2 = Index::create([ 'id' => 'test_index_2', 'name' => 'WebTest index 2', 'datasource_settings' => [ 'entity:node' => [], ], ]); $index2->save(); $this->assertFalse($index2->status(), 'The newly created index without a server is disabled by default.'); $index2->setStatus(TRUE)->save(); $this->assertFalse($index2->status(), 'The newly created index without a server cannot be enabled.'); } /** * Asserts enable/disable operations for a search server or index. * * @param \Drupal\search_api\ServerInterface|\Drupal\search_api\IndexInterface $entity * A search server or index. */ protected function assertEntityStatusChange($entity) { $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $row_class = Html::cleanCssIdentifier($entity->getEntityTypeId() . '-' . $entity->id()); $rows = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $row_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-enabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($rows, 'The newly created entity is enabled by default.'); // The first "Disable" link on the page belongs to our server, the second // one to our index. $this->clickLink('Disable', $entity instanceof ServerInterface ? 0 : 1); // Submit the confirmation form and test that the entity has been disabled. $this->submitForm([], 'Disable'); $rows = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $row_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-disabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($rows, 'The entity has been disabled.'); // Now enable the entity and verify that the operation succeeded. $this->clickLink('Enable'); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $rows = $this->xpath('//tr[contains(@class,"' . $row_class . '") and contains(@class, "search-api-list-enabled")]'); $this->assertNotEmpty($rows, 'The entity has benn enabled.'); } /** * Tests server operations in the overview page. */ protected function checkOperations() { $server = $this->getTestServer(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $basic_url = $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('entity.search_api_server.canonical', ['search_api_server' => $server->id()]); $destination = "?destination=" . $this->urlGenerator->generateFromRoute('search_api.overview'); $this->assertSession()->responseContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/edit$destination\">Edit</a>"); $this->assertSession()->responseContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/disable$destination\">Disable</a>"); $this->assertSession()->responseContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/delete$destination\">Delete</a>"); $this->assertSession()->responseNotContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/enable$destination\">Enable</a>"); $server->setStatus(FALSE)->save(); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); // Since \Drupal\Core\Access\CsrfTokenGenerator uses the current session ID, // we cannot verify the validity of the token from here. $params = $destination ? "$destination&token=" : '?token='; $this->assertSession()->responseContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/enable$params"); $this->assertSession()->responseNotContains("<a href=\"$basic_url/disable$destination\">Disable</a>"); } /** * Tests that the overview has the correct permissions set. */ protected function checkOverviewPermissions() { $this->drupalGet('admin/config'); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains('Search API'); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(200); $this->drupalLogin($this->unauthorizedUser); $this->drupalGet($this->overviewPageUrl); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals(403); } /** * Asserts local actions in the page output. * * @param array $actions * A list of expected action link titles, keyed by the hrefs. */ protected function assertLocalAction(array $actions) { $elements = $this->xpath('//a[contains(@class, :class)]', [ ':class' => 'button-action', ]); $index = 0; foreach ($actions as $action) { /** @var \Drupal\Core\Url $url */ list($url, $title) = $action; // SimpleXML gives us the unescaped text, not the actual escaped markup, // so use a pattern instead to check the raw content. // This behaviour is a bug in libxml, see // $this->assertSession()->responseMatches('@<a [^>]*class="[^"]*button-action[^"]*"[^>]*>' . preg_quote($title, '@') . '</@'); $this->assertEquals($url->toString(), $elements[$index++]->getAttribute('href')); } } }