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group admin_label: '' operator: and value: '' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: search_api_fulltext_2_op label: 'Fulltext search 2' description: '' use_operator: true operator: search_api_fulltext_2_op identifier: search_api_fulltext_2 required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false group_info: label: '' description: '' identifier: '' optional: true widget: select multiple: false remember: false default_group: All default_group_multiple: { } group_items: { } min_length: 3 fields: { } plugin_id: search_api_fulltext id: plugin_id: search_api_numeric id: id table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: id relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: '=' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: id_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: id_op identifier: id required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false created: plugin_id: search_api_date id: created table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: created relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: '=' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: created_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: created_op identifier: created required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false keywords: plugin_id: search_api_string id: keywords table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: keywords relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: '=' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: keywords_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: keywords_op identifier: keywords required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false name: plugin_id: search_api_text id: name table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: name relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: '=' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: name_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: name_op identifier: name required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false search_api_language: plugin_id: search_api_language id: search_api_language table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_language relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: 'in' group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: language_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: language_op identifier: language required: false remember: false multiple: false remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' is_grouped: false search_api_datasource: plugin_id: search_api_datasource id: search_api_datasource table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_datasource relationship: none admin_label: '' operator: or value: { } group: 1 exposed: true expose: operator_id: datasource_op label: '' description: '' use_operator: true operator: datasource_op identifier: datasource required: false remember: false multiple: true remember_roles: authenticated: authenticated anonymous: '0' administrator: '0' reduce: false is_grouped: false sorts: search_api_id: id: search_api_id table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_id relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' order: ASC exposed: false expose: label: '' plugin_id: search_api title: 'Fulltext test index' header: result: id: result table: views field: result relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' content: 'Displaying @total search results' plugin_id: result footer: { } empty: { } relationships: { } arguments: search_api_datasource: plugin_id: search_api id: search_api_datasource table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_datasource break_phrase: true type: plugin_id: search_api id: type table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: type break_phrase: false not: true keywords: plugin_id: search_api id: keywords table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: keywords break_phrase: true page_1: display_plugin: page id: page_1 display_title: Page position: 1 display_options: path: search-api-test page_2: display_plugin: page id: page_2 display_title: 'Page with operations' position: 2 display_options: path: search-api-test-operations defaults: style: false row: false fields: false style: type: default row: type: fields fields: search_api_id: table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_id id: search_api_id plugin_id: standard entity_type: null entity_field: null relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: true element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true search_api_operations: id: search_api_operations table: search_api_index_database_search_index field: search_api_operations plugin_id: search_api_entity_operations relationship: none group_type: group admin_label: '' label: '' exclude: false alter: alter_text: false text: '' make_link: false path: '' absolute: false external: false replace_spaces: false path_case: none trim_whitespace: false alt: '' rel: '' link_class: '' prefix: '' suffix: '' target: '' nl2br: false max_length: 0 word_boundary: true ellipsis: true more_link: false more_link_text: '' more_link_path: '' strip_tags: false trim: false preserve_tags: '' html: false element_type: '' element_class: '' element_label_type: '' element_label_class: '' element_label_colon: false element_wrapper_type: '' element_wrapper_class: '' element_default_classes: true empty: '' hide_empty: false empty_zero: false hide_alter_empty: true destination: false block_1: display_plugin: block id: block_1 display_title: Block position: 2 display_options: display_extenders: { } defaults: use_ajax: false use_ajax: true rest_export_1: display_plugin: rest_export id: rest_export_1 display_title: 'REST export' position: 1 display_options: display_extenders: { } path: search-api-rest-test pager: type: some options: items_per_page: 10 offset: 0 style: type: serializer options: grouping: { } uses_fields: false formats: { } row: type: data_entity options: { } label: 'Search API Test search view' module: views id: 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