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id: template_medical_appointment
title: 'Request a Medical Appointment'
description: 'A medical appointment request webform template.'
category: ''
elements: "introduction:\n  '#markup': 'After you submit the form, a care specialist will call you back within XX hours to schedule an appointment.'\nh2:\n  '#type': webform_horizontal_rule\ncall:\n  '#markup': 'You may also speak with a care specialist directly by calling <a href=\"tel:XXX-XXX-XXXX\">XXX-XXX-XXXX</a> on Monday–Friday between 8:30 am to 5:00 pm EST.'\ngeneral:\n  '#type': fieldset\n  '#title': 'General Information'\n  '#title_display': invisible\n  '#attributes':\n    style: 'background-color: #efefef'\n  type:\n    '#type': radios\n    '#title': 'Who are you?'\n    '#options':\n      Patient: Patient\n      Caregiver: Caregiver\n    '#options_display': buttons\n    '#required': true\n  relationship:\n    '#type': webform_select_other\n    '#title': 'What is your relationship to the patient?'\n    '#options': relationship\n    '#states':\n      visible:\n        ':input[name=\"type\"]':\n          value: Caregiver\n      required:\n        ':input[name=\"type\"]':\n    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EST'\n          '2pm-4pm EST': '2pm-4pm EST'\n        '#title': 'Time of Day'\n        '#empty_option': 'Any time of the day'\npatient:\n  '#type': fieldset\n  '#title': 'Patient Information'\n  patient_name:\n    '#type': webform_flexbox\n    patient_first_name:\n      '#title': 'Patient First Name'\n      '#type': textfield\n      '#required': true\n    patient_last_name:\n      '#title': 'Patient Last Name'\n      '#type': textfield\n      '#required': true\n  patient_contact:\n    '#type': webform_flexbox\n    patient_email:\n      '#title': 'Patient Email'\n      '#type': email\n      '#states':\n        required:\n          ':input[name=\"type\"]':\n            '!value': Caregiver\n    patient_phone:\n      '#title': 'Patient Phone'\n      '#type': tel\n      '#required': true\n      '#placeholder': 000-000-0000\n      '#states':\n        required:\n          ':input[name=\"type\"]':\n            '!value': Caregiver\n  patient_phone_preferences:\n    '#type': 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time of the day'\nappointment:\n  '#type': fieldset\n  '#title': 'Appointment Information (optional)'\n  medical:\n    '#type': textarea\n    '#title': 'Please provide information about your medical needs'\n    '#rows': 3\n  insurance:\n    '#type': textfield\n    '#title': 'Please provide insurance plan name information'''\n  referral:\n    '#type': checkbox\n    '#title': 'Have you been referred by a physician?'\n  physician:\n    '#type': textarea\n    '#title': 'Please provide information about the referring physician'\n    '#rows': 3\n    '#states':\n      visible:\n        ':input[name=\"referral\"]':\n          checked: true\nactions:\n  '#type': webform_actions\n  '#title': 'Submit button(s)'\n  '#submit__label': 'Send Request'\n"
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