{# /** * @file * Template for a rocketship 3 column layout. * * Available variables: * - top: top region * - header: header region * - primary: sidebar region * - secondary: sidebar region * - main: main content region * - footer: footer region * - bottom: bottom region */ #} {# no sidebars by default #} {% set sidebars = false %} {% set layoutType = '1col' %} {% set layoutModifier = 'no-sidebars' %} {% set classMain = '' %} {% set classAsideLeft = '' %} {% set classAsideRight = '' %} {# If left and right sidebar content #} {% if (content.first is not empty and content.first|render|striptags|length) and (content.second is not empty and content.second|render|striptags|length) %} {% set sidebars = true %} {% set layoutType = '3col' %} {% set layoutModifier = 'sidebars' %} {% set classMain = 'center' %} {% set classAsideLeft = 'left' %} {% set classAsideRight = 'right' %} {# If left but no right sidebar content #} {% elseif content.first is not empty and content.first|render|striptags|length %} {% set sidebars = true %} {% set layoutType = '2col' %} {% set layoutModifier = 'sidebar-primary' %} {% set classMain = 'right' %} {% set classAsideLeft = 'left' %} {# If right but no left sidebar content #} {% elseif content.second is not empty and content.second|render|striptags|length %} {% set sidebars = true %} {% set layoutType = '2col' %} {% set layoutModifier = 'sidebar-secondary' %} {% set classMain = 'left' %} {% set classAsideRight = 'right' %} {% endif %} {# classes for the template wrapper #} {% set stickyClass = false %} {% set promotedClass = false %} {% if content['#node'] is defined %} {% if content['#node'].get('promote') is defined and content['#node'].get('promote').value == 1 %} {% set promotedClass = true %} {% endif %} {% if content['#node'].get('sticky') is defined and content['#node'].get('sticky').value == 1 %} {% set stickyClass = true %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% set entityType = content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-') %} {% set bundle = content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-') %} {% set viewMode = content['#view_mode']|replace('_', '-') %} {% set classes = [ 'layout', 'layout--' ~ layoutType, 'layout--' ~ layoutModifier, 'clearfix', 'entity-type--' ~ content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-'), 'bundle--' ~ content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-'), 'view-mode--' ~ content['#view_mode']|replace('_', '-'), stickyClass ? 'is-sticky', promotedClass ? 'is-promoted', stickyClass ? content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--type-' ~ content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--sticky', promotedClass ? content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--type-' ~ content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--promoted', content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--' ~ content['#view_mode']|replace('_', '-'), content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-'), content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--' ~ 'type-' ~ content['#bundle']|replace('_', '-'), content['#entity_type']|replace('_', '-') ~ '--' ~ 'view-mode-' ~ content['#view_mode']|replace('_', '-'), ] %} <div{{ attributes.addClass(classes|join(' ')) }}> {% if title_suffix and title_suffix.contextual_links %} {{ title_suffix.contextual_links }} {% endif %} {% if is not empty and|render|striptags|length %} <div class="layout__region layout__top {{'layout__' ~ 'top' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {{ }} </div> {% endif %} {% if content.header is not empty and content.header|render|striptags|length %} <header class="layout__region layout__header {{'layout__' ~ 'header' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {{ content.header }} </header> {% endif %} {% if (content.content is not empty) or (content.first is not empty) or (content.second is not empty) %} {% if sidebars != false %} <div class="layout__cols layout__cols--main layout__cols--{{layoutModifier}}--{{classAsideLeft}} {{'layout__' ~ 'cols' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {% endif %} {% if content.first is not empty and content.first|render|striptags|length %} <aside class="layout__region layout__sidebar layout__sidebar--{{layoutModifier}}--{{classAsideLeft}} {{'layout__' ~ 'sidebar' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode ~ '--' ~ classAsideLeft }}"> {{ content.first }} </aside> {% endif %} {% if content.content is not empty and content.content|render|striptags|length %} {% if classMain|length %} <div class="layout__region layout__content layout__content--{{layoutModifier}}--{{classMain}} {{'layout__' ~ 'content' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode ~ '--' ~ classMain }}"> {% else %} <div class="layout__region layout__content layout__content--{{layoutModifier}} {{'layout__' ~ 'content' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {% endif %} {{ content.content }} </div> {% endif %} {% if content.second is not empty and content.second|render|striptags|length %} <aside class="layout__region layout__sidebar layout__sidebar--{{layoutModifier}}--{{classAsideRight}} {{'layout__' ~ 'sidebar' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode ~ '--' ~ classAsideRight }}"> {{ content.second }} </aside> {% endif %} {% if sidebars != false %} </div> {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if content.footer is not empty and content.footer|render|striptags|length %} <footer class="layout__region layout__footer {{'layout__' ~ 'footer' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {{ content.footer }} </footer> {% endif %} {% if content.bottom is not empty and content.bottom|render|striptags|length %} <div class="layout__region layout__bottom {{'layout__' ~ 'bottom' ~ '--' ~ entityType ~ '--' ~ bundle ~ '--' ~ viewMode }}"> {{ content.bottom }} </div> {% endif %} </div>