

namespace Drupal\revealjs\Form;

use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Mailchimp\MailchimpAPIException;

 * Configure Revealjs global settings.
class RevealjsAdminSettingsForm extends ConfigFormBase {

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getFormID() {
    return 'revealjs_admin_settings';

  protected function getEditableConfigNames() {
    return ['revealjs.settings'];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $config = $this->config('revealjs.settings');

    $form['markdown'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Markdown']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('markdown') ? $config->get('markdown') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Interpret Markdown in section elements'),

    $form['highlight'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Highlight']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('highlight') ? $config->get('highlight') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Syntax highlight in code elements'),

    $form['search'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Search']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('search') ? $config->get('search') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Handles finding a text string anywhere in the slides.'),

    $form['zoom'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Zoom']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('zoom') ? $config->get('zoom') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Zoom in and out with Alt+click'),

    $form['notes'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Notes']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('notes') ? $config->get('notes') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Speaker notes'),

    $form['math'] = [
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => $this->t('Enable %name plugin', ['%name' => 'Mathjax']),
      '#default_value' => $config->get('math') ? $config->get('math') : FALSE,
      '#description' => $this->t('Render a beautiful math, check samples to the website of <a href="">Mathjax</a>'),

    $states = [
      'visible' => [
        ':input[name="math"]' => ['checked' => TRUE],
      'invisible' => [
        ':input[name="math"]' => ['checked' => FALSE],

    $form['math_config'] = [
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => $this->t('Mathjax configuration'),
      '#states' => $states,
      '#default_value' => $config->get('math_config') ? $config->get('math_config') : 'none',
      '#options' => [
        'none' => $this->t('None'),
        'TeX-MML-AM_CHTML' => $this->t('TeX-MML-AM_CHTML'),
        'TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML' => $this->t('TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML'),
        'TeX-MML-AM_SVG' => $this->t('TeX-MML-AM_SVG'),
        'TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML' => $this->t('TeX-AMS-MML_HTMLorMML'),
        'TeX-AMS_CHTML' => $this->t('TeX-AMS_CHTML'),
        'TeX-AMS_SVG' => $this->t('TeX-AMS_SVG'),
        'TeX-AMS_HTML' => $this->t('Tex-AMS_HTML'),
        'TeX-AMS_HTML-full' => $this->t('Tex-AMS_HTML-full'),
        'MML_CHTML' => $this->t('MML_CHTML'),
        'MML_SVG' => $this->t('MML_SVG'),
        'MML_HTMLorMML' => $this->t('MML_HTMLorMML'),
        'AM_CHTML' => $this->t('AM_CHTML'),
        'AM_SVG' => $this->t('AM_SVG'),
        'AM_HTMLorMML' => $this->t('AM_HTMLorMML'),
        'TeX-AMS-MML_SVG' => $this->t('TeX-AMS-MML_SVG'),

    $form['math_path'] = [
      '#type' => 'hidden',
      '#default_value' => $config->get('math_path') ? $config->get('math_path') : '',

    return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function validateForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    parent::validateForm($form, $form_state);

    $element = $form_state->getValue('math');
    $library_math = 'libraries/MathJax/MathJax.js';

    if ($element == TRUE) {
        if (file_exists(DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $library_math)) {
          $form_state->setValue('math_path', $library_math);
        else {
          $form_state->setValue('math_path', '');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
    $config = $this->config('revealjs.settings');
      ->set('markdown', $form_state->getValue('markdown'))
      ->set('highlight', $form_state->getValue('highlight'))
      ->set('search', $form_state->getValue('search'))
      ->set('zoom', $form_state->getValue('zoom'))
      ->set('notes', $form_state->getValue('notes'))
      ->set('math', $form_state->getValue('math'))
      ->set('math_config', $form_state->getValue('math_config'))
      ->set('math_path',  $form_state->getValue('math_path'))

    parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);


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