uuid: 4365f663-d56d-4422-8954-2f244c78bd91 langcode: en status: true dependencies: { } id: dashboard label: Welcome module: quadstat routes: - route_name: entity.node.canonical tips: introduction: id: introduction plugin: text label: Welcome body: 'Quadstat provides statistical web applications that may be used to study, analyze and manage datasets.' weight: 1 container-dash-all-data: id: data-all-public plugin: text label: 'All Data' location: bottom body: 'All public data can be found in the first tab. Click a hyperlink to view the dataset.' weight: 2 attributes: data-id: ui-id-2 container-my-data: id: data-my plugin: text label: 'My Data' location: bottom body: 'Data that you have personally uploaded will appear here for easy reference.' weight: 3 attributes: data-id: ui-id-3 container-analysis-applications: id: data-analysis-applications plugin: text label: 'Analysis Applications' location: bottom body: 'Use Analysis Application to gather output directly from R.' weight: 4 attributes: data-id: ui-id-4 container-learning-applications: id: data-learning-applications plugin: text label: 'Learning Applications' location: bottom body: 'Use Learning Application to receive custom help on various educational topics that would be suitable for high school and college statistics students.' weight: 5 attributes: data-id: ui-id-5 container-blog: id: blog plugin: text label: Blog location: bottom body: 'Read the Quadstat blog to keep up with the latest news about the site.' weight: 6 attributes: data-id: ui-id-6 container-feed: id: feed plugin: text label: 'Recent Queries' location: bottom body: 'Recent queries submitted by site users appear here. This includes all public output from analysis and learning applications.' weight: 7 attributes: data-id: ui-id-7 container-group: id: group plugin: text label: 'All User Groups' location: bottom body: 'Every group on Quadstat can be found here. Create a group to add students, private data and output from operations.' weight: 8 attributes: data-id: ui-id-8 container-group-mine: id: group-mine plugin: text label: 'My Groups' location: bottom body: 'Groups that you specifically belong to appear here.' weight: 9 attributes: data-id: ui-id-9 container-operation-select: id: operation-select plugin: text label: 'Select an App' location: bottom body: 'Applications are used for statistical analysis. Refine the list by selecting one from the dropdown or type its name in the textfield to the left.' weight: 2 attributes: data-class: js-form-item-operation-selected container-dataset-select: id: dataset-select plugin: text location: bottom label: 'Curated Data' body: 'You can choose a curated dataset from the dropdown menu to analyze. Most of these datasets come from the R distribution.' weight: 3 attributes: data-class: js-form-item-dataset-selected container-inline-dataset-select: id: inline-dataset-select plugin: text location: bottom label: 'On-the-fly and Custom Data' body: 'Datasets you upload will appear in this dropdown menu. You can also choose <strong>Inline Data</strong> to instantly paste values without an account. Creating a dataset with an account allows you to store and share data for later use.' weight: 3 attributes: data-class: view-dataset-selected-custom container-curated-data: id: curated-data location: top plugin: text label: 'Recent Queries' body: 'A list of recent queries sent to R for analysis are presented in this table. Queries sent anonymously are visible to everyone while queries sent as an authenticated user are only visible to the respective owner.' weight: 4 attributes: data-id: block-views-block-recent-r-queries-block-1 container-operation-column-header: id: operation-column-header location: bottom plugin: text label: 'View the Data' body: 'The contents of a dataset are visible in the grid. You may need to scroll with your mouse to see cells not immediately visibile.' weight: 5 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-dataset div[id="quadstat-slickgrid"]' container-operation-number: id: operation-operation-number location: top plugin: text label: 'Application Input' body: 'Enter a numeric value as described. This may be an integer or floating point number.' weight: 6 attributes: data-class: form-type-number container-operation-text-input: id: operation-operation-text-input location: top plugin: text label: 'Application Input' body: 'Enter a formula or other text as described by the input label.' weight: 7 attributes: data-class: form-item-formula container-opie-column-header: id: opie-column-header plugin: text label: 'Select Columns for Analysis' body: 'Select a column by clicking on its header. This will tell Quadstat which data to use in analysis' weight: 8 attributes: data-id: block-datasetpreviewslickgridblock container-license: id: operation-license location: left plugin: text label: 'Choose a License' body: 'If you would like to specify a license that goes along with the analysis you may select one here. If you have a license that is not listed please contact Quadstat.' weight: 9 attributes: data-class: form-item-license container-clear: id: operation-clear plugin: text location: left label: 'Clear Analysis' body: 'To declutter the workspace, click <strong>Clear</strong>. This will remove the results highlighted in green from the latest analysis request.' weight: 10 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-operation input[value="clear"]' container-pdf: id: operation-pdf plugin: text label: 'PDF Export' location: left body: 'If you would like to share the results via PDF, checkmark this box to automatically generate a PDF with the request. This will add additional processing time to the request.' weight: 11 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-operation input[name="pdf"]' container-shorten: id: operation-shorten plugin: text label: 'URL Shorten' location: left body: 'When Shorten is checkmarked, a webpage hosted by Quadstat will be created based on the results of the analysis. A URL shortlink to that page will be provided to easily share with others on the web.' weight: 12 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-operation input[name="shorten_option"]' container-operation-submit: id: operation-submit plugin: text label: 'Submit Data For Analysis' body: 'Once the required number of columns have been selected, click <strong>Submit</strong> to send the current configuration to R for analysis.' weight: 13 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-operation webform-button--submit' container-select-learning: id: learning-app-select plugin: text label: 'Dataset Applications' body: 'Select a learning or analysis application from the dropdown to receive output from the dataset listed on this page.' weight: 13 attributes: data-class: view-operation-viewer container-operation-help: id: operation-help plugin: text label: 'Application Help' location: top body: 'Each help box will give you instructions on how to use that particular app.' weight: 14 attributes: data-class: field--name-field-operation-help container-file: id: file location: bottom plugin: text label: 'CSV Download' body: 'Imported datasets are converted to CSV files which may be downloaded here. This file will be automatically updated when the owner makes changes to a cell in the grid editor. On this page, all data is read-only. If you are the owner of this dataset, click <strong>Edit</strong> from the navigation menu to switch to the grid editor.' weight: 15 attributes: data-class: field--name-field-dataset-file container-dataset-license: id: container-dataset-license location: left plugin: text label: 'Dataset License' body: 'The license for the dataset is stated here as selected by the author. If you suspect copyright infringement please contact Quadstat using the nagivation bar at the top of the page.' weight: 15 attributes: data-class: field--name-field-dataset-license container-body: id: body location: top plugin: text label: 'Dataset Documentation' body: 'The dataset description helps identify and understand the dataset in context.' weight: 16 attributes: data-class: 'page-node-type-dataset field--name-body field__item' container-around-the-site: id: around-the-site plugin: text label: 'From Around the site...' location: top body: 'Visit a random page on Quadstat.net.' weight: 17 attributes: data-id: block-views-block-random-content-block-1 container-shortlink-google: id: operation-shortlink-google plugin: text label: 'Shortlink to App' location: top body: 'The shortlink found here can be used to share this app page with others in social media.' weight: 18 attributes: data-id: edit-this-shortened container-feedback-quick: id: container-feedback-quick plugin: text label: 'Quick Feedback' location: top body: 'Click the <strong>Quick Feedback</strong> button to send feedback or feature requests to the site administrator.' weight: 19 attributes: data-id: edit-actions-wizard-next container-end-tour: id: end-tour location: bottom plugin: text label: 'Technical Support' body: 'If you have additional questions or copyright concerns, contact the site administrator using the navigation menu at the top of the page. Guided tours are available on most pages.' weight: 20 attributes: title: Tour