
langcode: en
status: open
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id: arithmetic_mean
title: 'Arithmetic Mean'
description: 'Shows how to compute the average (arithmetic mean) using any Quadstat dataset.'
category: ''
elements: "barplot_help:\n  '#type': processed_text\n  '#text': '<p>Please see the <a href=\"/app/mean\">full application</a> for additional options and documentation.</p>'\n  '#format': full_html\ninline_data:\n  '#type': textarea\n  '#title': 'Inline Data'\n  '#placeholder': 'X,1,2,3'\n  '#format_items': comma\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\noutput:\n  '#type': textarea\n  '#title': Output\n  '#default_value': 'No output was generated.'\n  '#access_create_roles': {  }\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\nr:\n  '#type': textarea\n  '#title': R\n  '#required': true\n  '#default_value': |\n    print(\"[h2]Computing the Average[/h2]\");print(paste0(\"[p]To compute the average, $\\bar{x}$, we must sum all the observations in the column [code]\", colnames(X), \"[/code] and then divide by the number of observations.[/p]\"));XORIG <- X;X <- as.numeric(gsub(\"[^0-9.]\", \"\", X));X <- X[!is.na(X)];xbar <- round(mean(as.vector(X)),2); X10 <- head(X,10);print(paste0(\"[p]First, let us list the observations in column [code]\", colnames(XORIG), \"[/code]. The  first ten observations include: \\n\", paste(noquote(X10), collapse=\", \"), \".[/p]\"));print(paste0(\"[p]We have a total of \", length(X), \" observation(s). So, $n =\", length(X), \".$[/p]\"));print(paste0(\"[p]Now, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n}.$[/p]\")); if (length(X) == 0) {  print(\"[p]Please select a column with at least one numeric value.[/p]\");}; if (length(X) == 1) {  print(paste0(\"[p]$\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i = \\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{x=1}^{\", length(X), \"}x_i = \", X[1], \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 2) {  print(paste0(\"[p]$\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i = \\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{x=1}^{\", length(X), \"}x_i = \", X[1], \" + \", X[2], \" = \", sum(X), \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 3) {  print(paste0(\"[p]$\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i = \\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{x=1}^{\", length(X), \"}x_i = \", X[1], \" + \", X[2], \" + \", X[3], \" = \", sum(X), \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 4) {  print(paste0(\"[p]$\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i = \\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{x=1}^{\", length(X), \"}x_i = \", X[1], \" + \", X[2], \" + \", X[3], \" + \", X[4], \" = \", sum(X), \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) >= 5) {  print(paste0(\"[p]$\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i = \\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{x=1}^{\", length(X), \"}x_i = \", X[1], \" + \", X[2], \" + \\\\\\\\cdots + \", X[length(X)], \" = \", sum(X), \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 0) {  print(\"[p]Please select a column with at least one numeric value.[/p]\");}; if (length(X) == 1) {  print(paste0(\"[p]Therefore, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \\frac{\", X[1], \"}{1}=\", X[1], \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 2) {  print(paste0(\"[p]Therefore, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \\frac{\", X[1], \"+\", X[2], \"}{2}=\", xbar, \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 3) {  print(paste0(\"[p]Therefore, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \\frac{\", X[1], \"+\", X[2], \"+\", X[3], \"}{3}=\", xbar, \".$[/p]\"));}; if (length(X) == 4) {  print(paste0(\"[p]Therefore, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \\frac{\", X[1], \"+\", X[2], \"+\", X[3], \"+\", X[4], \"}{\", length(X), \"}=\", xbar, \".$[/p]\")); }; if (length(X) >= 5) {  print(paste0(\"[p]Therefore, $\\bar{x} = \\frac{\\\\\\\\sum\\\\\\\\limits_{i=1}^n x_i}{n} = \\frac{\", X[1], \"+\", X[2], \"+ \\\\\\\\cdots + \", X[length(X)], \"}{\", length(X), \"}=\", xbar, \".$[/p]\"));};print(paste0(\"[p]So, $\\bar{x} =\", xbar, \"$.[/p]\"));\n    \n  '#format': raw\n  '#format_items': comma\n  '#access_create_roles': {  }\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\nv1:\n  '#type': number\n  '#title': V1\n  '#default_value': '-1'\n  '#autocomplete': 'off'\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\n  '#min': '-1'\n  '#step': '1'\n  '#required': true\nx:\n  '#type': number\n  '#title': X\n  '#description': 'The Drupal File ID of the selected dataset. The user may load another using the search bar on the operation&#39;s page.'\n  '#required': true\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\n  '#min': '1'\n  '#step': '1'\nshorten_option:\n  '#type': checkbox\n  '#title': Shorten\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\npdf:\n  '#type': checkbox\n  '#title': PDF\n  '#default_value': '0'\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\nlicense:\n  '#type': select\n  '#title': 'Analysis License'\n  '#default_value': no_license\n  '#options':\n    afl_3.0: 'Academic Free License v3.0'\n    apache_2.0: 'Apache License 2.0'\n    artistic_2.0: 'Artistic License 2.0'\n    bsd_2_clause: 'BSD 2-clause \"Simplified\" License'\n    bsd_3_clause: 'BSD 3-clause \"New\" or \"Revised\" License'\n    bsd_3_clause_clear: 'BSD 3-clause Clear License'\n    bsl_1.0: 'Boost Software License 1.0'\n    cc0_1.0: 'Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal'\n    cc_by_4.0: 'Creative Commons Attribution 4.0'\n    cc_by_sa_4.0: 'Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0'\n    cc_by-nc-sa_4.0: 'Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike 4.0 International'\n    ecl_2.0: 'Educational Community License v2.0'\n    epl_1.0: 'Eclipse Public License 1.0'\n    eupl_1.1: 'European Union Public License 1.1'\n    gpl_2.0: 'GNU General Public License v2.0'\n    gpl_3.0: 'GNU General Public License v3.0'\n    agpl_3.0: 'GNU Affero General Public License v3.0'\n    isc: 'ISC License'\n    lgpl_2.1: 'GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1'\n    lgpl_3.0: 'GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0'\n    lppl_1.3c: 'LaTeX Project Public License v1.3c'\n    mit: 'MIT License'\n    mpl_2.0: 'Mozilla Public License 2.0'\n    ms_pl: 'Microsoft Public License'\n    ms_rl: 'Microsoft Reciprocal License'\n    ncsa: 'University of Illinois/NCSA Open Source License'\n    no_license: 'No license (All rights reserved)'\n    open_data: 'Open Data Commons Project'\n    open_data_public: 'Open Data Commons Public Domain Dedication and Licence'\n    open_gov_v1: 'Open Government License v.1'\n    open_gov_v2: 'Open Government License v.2'\n    osl_3.0: 'Open Software License 3.0'\n    postgresql: 'PostgreSQL License'\n    public_domain: 'Public Domain'\n    unlicense: 'The Unlicense'\n    world_bank: 'World Bank Terms of Use'\n    zlib: 'zlib License'\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\nhtml:\n  '#type': webform_document_file\n  '#title': 'HTML File'\n  '#access_create_roles':\n    - administrator\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\n  '#file_extensions': 'txt html'\npdf_file:\n  '#type': webform_document_file\n  '#title': 'PDF File'\n  '#wrapper_attributes':\n    class:\n      - 'fa fa-lg fa-file-pdf-o'\n  '#format': link\n  '#format_items': comma\n  '#access_create_roles':\n    - administrator\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\n  '#file_extensions': pdf\nshorten:\n  '#type': url\n  '#title': Shorten\n  '#access_create_roles':\n    - administrator\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\nclear_analysis:\n  '#type': processed_text\n  '#title': Clear\n  '#access_update_roles': {  }\n  '#access_view_roles': {  }\n  '#text': '<input data-drupal-selector=\"edit-operation-clear-analysis\" id=\"edit-operation-clear-analysis\" name=\"op\" value=\"Clear\" class=\"button js-form-submit form-submit\" type=\"button\">'\n  '#format': full_html\n_x_:\n  '#type': textfield\n  '#title': $x$\n  '#title_display': inline\n  '#size': '7'\n  '#autocomplete': 'off'\n  '#format_items': comma"
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uuid: 676bc1ca-4c27-4564-9c71-9babda5222fe

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