<?php namespace Drupal\presto\Composer; use Drupal\presto\IniEncoder; use Composer\Package\PackageInterface; use Composer\Script\Event; use Composer\Util\ProcessExecutor; use Symfony\Component\Yaml\Yaml; /** * Generates Drush make files, heavily inspired by acquia/lightning. * * Based on code by Acquia in acquia/lightning, copyright (c) 2017. * Distributed under the GNU GPL v2 or higher. For full terms see the LICENSE * file. */ class Package { // The name of the property under 'extra' in composer.json that stores asset // overrides. const ASSET_OVERRIDE_PROP = 'asset-library-overrides'; /** * Main entry point for command. * * @param \Composer\Script\Event $event * Composer event. * * @throws \RuntimeException */ public static function execute(Event $event) { $composer = $event->getComposer(); $encoder = new IniEncoder(); // Convert the lock file to a make file using Drush's make-convert command. $binDir = $composer->getConfig()->get('bin-dir'); $make = NULL; $executor = new ProcessExecutor(); $executor->execute($binDir . '/drush make-convert composer.lock', $make); $make = Yaml::parse($make); // Include any drupal-library packages in the make file. $libraries = $composer ->getRepositoryManager() ->getLocalRepository() ->getPackages(); $libraries = array_filter($libraries, function (PackageInterface $package) { return $package->getType() === 'drupal-library'; }); // Drop the vendor prefixes. foreach ($libraries as $library) { $oldKey = $library->getName(); $newKey = basename($oldKey); $make['libraries'][$newKey] = $make['libraries'][$oldKey]; unset($make['libraries'][$oldKey]); } // Check for any asset library overrides and apply if so. Also drop the // vendor name from the library. if (array_key_exists('libraries', $make)) { /** @var array[] $overrides */ $overrides = $composer->getPackage()->getExtra(); if (array_key_exists(static::ASSET_OVERRIDE_PROP, $overrides)) { /** @var array $override */ foreach ($overrides[static::ASSET_OVERRIDE_PROP] as $libraryName => $override) { // Skip unsupported packages. if (!array_key_exists($libraryName, $make['libraries'])) { continue; } // Remove excluded packages. if (array_key_exists('exclude', $override) && $override['exclude'] === TRUE) { unset($make['libraries'][$libraryName]); continue; } // If a key doesn't exist, generate one by stripping out the vendor // prefix. $key = basename($libraryName); if (array_key_exists('key', $override)) { $key = $override['key']; unset($override['key']); } $makeDef = $make['libraries'][$libraryName]; unset($make['libraries'][$libraryName]); $make['libraries'][$key] = $makeDef; // Apply all overrides. foreach ($override as $overrideKey => $overrideValue) { $make['libraries'][$key][$overrideKey] = $overrideValue; } } } } if (isset($make['projects']['drupal'])) { // Always use's core repository, or patches will not apply. $make['projects']['drupal']['download']['url'] = ''; $core = [ 'api' => 2, 'core' => '8.x', 'projects' => [ 'drupal' => [ 'type' => 'core', 'version' => $make['projects']['drupal']['download']['tag'], ], ], ]; if (isset($make['projects']['drupal']['patch'])) { $core['projects']['drupal']['patch'] = $make['projects']['drupal']['patch']; } file_put_contents('drupal-org-core.make', $encoder->encode($core)); unset($make['projects']['drupal']); } foreach ($make['projects'] as &$project) { if ($project['download']['type'] === 'git') { if (!array_key_exists('tag', $project['download'])) { $tag = "{$project['download']['branch']}-dev"; } else { $tag = $project['download']['tag']; preg_match('/\d+\.x-\d+\.0/', $tag, $match); $tag = str_replace($match, str_replace('x-', NULL, $match), $tag); preg_match('/\d+\.\d+\.0/', $tag, $match); $tag = str_replace($match, substr($match[0], 0, -2), $tag); } $project['version'] = $tag; unset($project['download']); } } unset($project); file_put_contents('drupal-org.make', $encoder->encode($make)); } }