

namespace Drupal\presto\Plugin\Presto\DemoContent;

use Drupal;
use Drupal\Core\Config\FileStorage;

 * Sets up the checkout flow.
 * @PrestoDemoContent(
 *     id = "setup_product_form_display",
 *     type = \Drupal\presto\Installer\DemoContentTypes::ECOMMERCE,
 *     label = @Translation("Setup product form display"),
 *     weight = 12
 * )
 * @package Drupal\presto\Plugin\Presto\DemoContent
class SetupProductFormDisplay extends AbstractDemoContent {

   * {@inheritdoc}
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Config\UnsupportedDataTypeConfigException
  public function createContent() {
    $modulePath = drupal_get_path('module', 'presto_commerce');
    $configPath = "{$modulePath}/config/optional";

    $source = new FileStorage($configPath);

    // Re-read checkout form display from the export config file.
    // This should be safe enough as this only runs within a site install
    // context.
    $configStorage = Drupal::service('');


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