<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\plus\Unit; use Drupal\Tests\UnitTestCase; use Drupal\plus\Utility\ArrayObject; /** * @coversDefaultClass Drupal\plus\Utility\ArrayObject * * @group Utility */ class ArrayObjectTest extends UnitTestCase { /** * Tests the constructor. * * @covers ::__construct */ public function testConstruct() { $array = new ArrayObject(); $this->assertInstanceOf(ArrayObject::class, $array); } /** * Tests the static create method. * * @covers ::__get * @covers ::__set * @covers ::create * @covers ::get * @covers ::offsetGet * @covers ::offsetSet * @covers ::set */ public function testCreate() { $original = ['prop' => 123]; $obj = ArrayObject::create($original); foreach ([1, 2, 3, 4] as $value) { switch ($value) { // Test setting by property. case 1: $obj->prop = $value; break; // Test setting by array index. case 2: $obj['prop'] = $value; break; // Test setting by method. case 3: $obj->set('prop', $value); break; // Test setting by reference. case 4: $ref =& $obj->prop; $ref = $value; break; } // Ensure ::get returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj->get('prop')); // Ensure ::__get returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj->prop); // Ensure ::offsetGet returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj['prop']); } // Ensure the original array has not changed. $this->assertSame(123, $original['prop']); } /** * Tests the static create method. * * @covers ::__get * @covers ::__set * @covers ::create * @covers ::get * @covers ::offsetGet * @covers ::offsetSet * @covers ::set */ public function testReference() { $original = ['prop' => 123]; $obj = ArrayObject::reference($original); foreach ([1, 2, 3, 4] as $value) { switch ($value) { // Test setting by property. case 1: $obj->prop = $value; break; // Test setting by array index. case 2: $obj['prop'] = $value; break; // Test setting by method. case 3: $obj->set('prop', $value); break; // Test setting by reference. case 4: $ref =& $obj->prop; $ref = $value; break; } // Ensure ::get returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj->get('prop')); // Ensure ::__get returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj->prop); // Ensure ::offsetGet returns the correct value. $this->assertSame($value, $obj['prop']); } // Ensure the original array has the same value as the last value from loop. $this->assertSame($value, $original['prop']); } /** * Tests the flatten method. * * @covers ::flatten */ public function testFlatten() { $array = ArrayObject::create(['one', ['two'], [['three']], 4]); $this->assertSame(['one', ['two'], [['three']], 4], $array->value()); $this->assertSame(['one', 'two', 'three', 4], $array->flatten()->value()); } }