

namespace Drupal\multiversion;

use Drupal\Component\Plugin\Exception\InvalidPluginDefinitionException;
use Drupal\Core\Cache\Cache;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Query\Merge;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Extension\ModuleHandlerInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Path\AliasStorage as CoreAliasStorage;
use Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Url;
use Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Storage\ContentEntityStorageInterface;
use Drupal\multiversion\Workspace\WorkspaceManagerInterface;

 * Extends the core AliasStore class. We need this to make possible aliases to
 * work with Multiversion and Replication.
class AliasStorage extends CoreAliasStorage {

   * The workspace manager.
   * @var \Drupal\multiversion\Workspace\WorkspaceManagerInterface
  private $workspaceManager;

   * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
  protected $entityTypeManager;

   * The state service.
   * @var \Drupal\Core\State\StateInterface
  protected $state;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function __construct(Connection $connection, ModuleHandlerInterface $module_handler, WorkspaceManagerInterface $workspace_manager, EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager, StateInterface $state) {
    parent::__construct($connection, $module_handler);
    $this->workspaceManager = $workspace_manager;
    $this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;
    $this->state = $state;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function save($source, $alias, $langcode = LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED, $pid = NULL) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::save($source, $alias, $langcode, $pid);

    if ($source[0] !== '/') {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Source path %s has to start with a slash.', $source));

    if ($alias[0] !== '/') {
      throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Alias path %s has to start with a slash.', $alias));

    // Skip saving a new alias if migration running.
    if ($this->state->get('skip_alias_save', FALSE)) {
      return FALSE;

    // Set workspace equal with the active workspace just for path aliases for
    // multiversionable entities. For all other aliases set workspace 0, they
    // will be available on all workspaces.
    $workspace = 0;
    // Don't inject this service to avoid circular reference error.
    $path_validator = \Drupal::service('path.validator');
    $url = $path_validator->getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck($source);
    if ($url instanceof Url) {
      $route_name = $url->getRouteName();
      $route_name_parts = explode('.', $route_name);
      if ($route_name_parts[0] === 'entity' && $this->isMultiversionableEntityType($route_name_parts[1])) {
        $workspace = $this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId();

    $fields = [
      'source' => $source,
      'alias' => $alias,
      'langcode' => $langcode,
      'workspace' => $workspace,

    // Insert or update the alias.
    if (empty($pid)) {
      $try_again = FALSE;
      try {
        $query = $this->connection->merge(static::TABLE)
          ->condition('workspace', $fields['workspace'])
          ->condition('source', $fields['source'])
          ->condition('langcode', $fields['langcode'])
        $result = $query->execute();
      catch (\Exception $e) {
        // If there was an exception, try to create the table.
        if (!$try_again = $this->ensureTableExists()) {
          // If the exception happened for other reason than the missing table,
          // propagate the exception.
          throw $e;
      // Now that the table has been created, try again if necessary.
      if ($try_again) {
        $query = $this->connection->merge(static::TABLE)
          ->condition('workspace', $fields['workspace'])
          ->condition('source', $fields['source'])
          ->condition('langcode', $fields['langcode'])
        $result = $query->execute();

      $pid = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE)
        ->fields(static::TABLE, ['pid'])
        ->condition('workspace', $fields['workspace'])
        ->condition('source', $fields['source'])
        ->condition('langcode', $fields['langcode'])
        ->condition('alias', $fields['alias'])
      $fields['pid'] = $pid;
      if ($result == Merge::STATUS_INSERT || $result == Merge::STATUS_UPDATE) {
        $operation = 'insert';
    else {
      // Fetch the current values so that an update hook can identify what
      // exactly changed.
      try {
        $original = $this->connection->query('SELECT source, alias, langcode FROM {url_alias} WHERE pid = :pid', [':pid' => $pid])
      catch (\Exception $e) {
        $original = FALSE;
      $fields['pid'] = $pid;
      $query = $this->connection->update(static::TABLE)
        ->condition('pid', $pid);
      $pid = $query->execute();
      $fields['original'] = $original;
      $operation = 'update';
    if ($pid) {
      // @todo Switch to using an event for this instead of a hook.
      $this->moduleHandler->invokeAll('path_' . $operation, [$fields]);
      return $fields;
    return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function load($conditions) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::load($conditions);

    $select = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE);
    $select->condition('workspace', [$this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId(), 0], 'IN');
    foreach ($conditions as $field => $value) {
      if ($field == 'source' || $field == 'alias') {
        // Use LIKE for case-insensitive matching.
        $select->condition($field, $this->connection->escapeLike($value), 'LIKE');
      else {
        $select->condition($field, $value);
    try {
      return $select
        ->orderBy('pid', 'DESC')
        ->range(0, 1)
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function lookupPathAlias($path, $langcode) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::lookupPathAlias($path, $langcode);

    $source = $this->connection->escapeLike($path);
    $langcode_list = [$langcode, LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED];

    // See the queries above. Use LIKE for case-insensitive matching.
    $select = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE)
      ->fields(static::TABLE, ['alias'])
      ->condition('source', $source, 'LIKE')
      ->condition('workspace', [$this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId(), 0], 'IN');
    if ($langcode == LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
    elseif ($langcode > LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
      $select->orderBy('langcode', 'DESC');
    else {
      $select->orderBy('langcode', 'ASC');

    $select->orderBy('pid', 'DESC');
    $select->condition('langcode', $langcode_list, 'IN');
    try {
      return $select->execute()->fetchField();
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function lookupPathSource($path, $langcode) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::lookupPathSource($path, $langcode);

    $alias = $this->connection->escapeLike($path);
    $langcode_list = [$langcode, LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED];

    // See the queries above. Use LIKE for case-insensitive matching.
    $select = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE)
      ->fields(static::TABLE, ['source'])
      ->condition('alias', $alias, 'LIKE')
      ->condition('workspace', [$this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId(), 0], 'IN');
    if ($langcode == LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
    elseif ($langcode > LanguageInterface::LANGCODE_NOT_SPECIFIED) {
      $select->orderBy('langcode', 'DESC');
    else {
      $select->orderBy('langcode', 'ASC');

    $select->orderBy('pid', 'DESC');
    $select->condition('langcode', $langcode_list, 'IN');
    try {
      return $select->execute()->fetchField();
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function aliasExists($alias, $langcode, $source = NULL) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::aliasExists($alias, $langcode, $source);

    // Use LIKE and NOT LIKE for case-insensitive matching.
    $query = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE)
      ->condition('alias', $this->connection->escapeLike($alias), 'LIKE')
      ->condition('langcode', $langcode)
      ->condition('workspace', [$this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId(), 0], 'IN');
    if (!empty($source)) {
      $query->condition('source', $this->connection->escapeLike($source), 'NOT LIKE');
    $query->range(0, 1);
    try {
      return (bool) $query->execute()->fetchField();
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return FALSE;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getAliasesForAdminListing($header, $keys = NULL) {
    if (!$this->connection->schema()->fieldExists('url_alias', 'workspace')) {
      return parent::getAliasesForAdminListing($header, $keys);
    $query = $this->connection->select(static::TABLE)
    $query->condition('workspace', [$this->workspaceManager->getActiveWorkspaceId(), 0], 'IN');
    if ($keys) {
      // Replace wildcards with PDO wildcards.
      $query->condition('alias', '%' . preg_replace('!\*+!', '%', $keys) . '%', 'LIKE');
    try {
      return $query
    catch (\Exception $e) {
      return [];

   * @param string $entity_type_id
   * @return bool
  protected function isMultiversionableEntityType($entity_type_id) {
    try {
      $storage = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage($entity_type_id);
    catch (InvalidPluginDefinitionException $exception) {
      return FALSE;
    $entity_type = $storage->getEntityType();
    $enabled = $this->state->get('multiversion.migration_done.' . $entity_type_id, FALSE);
    if (is_subclass_of($entity_type->getStorageClass(), ContentEntityStorageInterface::class) && $enabled) {
      return TRUE;
    return FALSE;


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