<?php namespace Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Storage; use Drupal\Core\Cache\CacheBackendInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException; use Drupal\file\FileInterface; use Drupal\path\Plugin\Field\FieldType\PathFieldItemList; use Drupal\pathauto\PathautoState; use Drupal\user\UserStorageInterface; trait ContentEntityStorageTrait { /** * @var boolean */ protected $isDeleted = FALSE; /** * @var int */ protected $workspaceId = NULL; /** * @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface */ protected $originalStorage; /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function getQueryServiceName() { return 'multiversion.entity.query.sql'; } /** * Get original entity type storage handler (not the multiversion one). * * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageInterface * Original entity type storage handler. */ public function getOriginalStorage() { if ($this->originalStorage == NULL) { $this->originalStorage = $this->entityManager->getHandler($this->entityTypeId, 'original_storage'); } return $this->originalStorage; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function buildQuery($ids, $revision_ids = FALSE) { $query = parent::buildQuery($ids, $revision_ids); $enabled = \Drupal::state()->get('multiversion.migration_done.' . $this->getEntityTypeId(), FALSE); // Prevent to modify the query before entity type updates. if (!is_subclass_of($this->entityType->getStorageClass(), ContentEntityStorageInterface::class) || !$enabled) { return $query; } $field_data_alias = 'base'; $revision_data_alias = 'revision'; if ($this->entityType->isTranslatable()) { // Join the field data table in order to set the workspace condition. $field_data_table = $this->getDataTable(); $field_data_alias = 'field_data'; $query->join($field_data_table, $field_data_alias, "$field_data_alias.{$this->idKey} = base.{$this->idKey}"); // Join the revision data table in order to set the delete condition. $revision_data_table = $this->getRevisionDataTable(); $revision_data_alias = 'revision_data'; if ($revision_ids) { $query->join($revision_data_table, $revision_data_alias, "$revision_data_alias.{$this->revisionKey} = revision.{$this->revisionKey} AND $revision_data_alias.{$this->revisionKey} IN (:revisionIds[])", [':revisionIds[]' => (array) $revision_ids]); } else { $query->join($revision_data_table, $revision_data_alias, "$revision_data_alias.{$this->revisionKey} = revision.{$this->revisionKey}"); } } // Loading a revision is explicit. So when we try to load one we should do // so without a condition on the deleted flag. if (!$revision_ids) { $query->condition("$revision_data_alias._deleted", (int) $this->isDeleted); } // Entities in other workspaces than the active one can only be queried with // the Entity Query API and not by the storage handler itself. // Just UserStorage can be queried in all workspaces by the storage handler. if (!$this instanceof UserStorageInterface) { // We have to join the data table to set a condition on the workspace. $query->condition("$field_data_alias.workspace", $this->getWorkspaceId()); } return $query; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function useWorkspace($id) { $this->workspaceId = $id; return $this; } /** * Helper method to get the workspace ID to query. */ protected function getWorkspaceId() { return $this->workspaceId ?: \Drupal::service('workspace.manager')->getActiveWorkspaceId(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadUnchanged($id) { $this->resetCache([$id]); return $this->load($id) ?: $this->loadDeleted($id); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadMultiple(array $ids = NULL) { $this->isDeleted = FALSE; return parent::loadMultiple($ids); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadByProperties(array $values = []) { // Build a query to fetch the entity IDs. $entity_query = $this->getQuery(); $entity_query->useWorkspace($this->getWorkspaceId()); $entity_query->accessCheck(FALSE); $this->buildPropertyQuery($entity_query, $values); $result = $entity_query->execute(); return $result ? $this->loadMultiple($result) : []; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadDeleted($id) { $entities = $this->loadMultipleDeleted([$id]); return isset($entities[$id]) ? $entities[$id] : NULL; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function loadMultipleDeleted(array $ids = NULL) { $this->isDeleted = TRUE; return parent::loadMultiple($ids); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function saveWithoutForcingNewRevision(EntityInterface $entity) { $this->getOriginalStorage()->save($entity); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function save(EntityInterface $entity) { // When importing with default content we want to it to be treated like a // replicate, and not as a new edit. if (isset($entity->default_content)) { list(, $hash) = explode('-', $entity->_rev->value); $entity->_rev->revisions = [$hash]; $entity->_rev->new_edit = FALSE; } // Every update is a new revision with this storage model. $entity->setNewRevision(); // Index the revision. $branch = $this->buildRevisionBranch($entity); $local = (boolean) $this->entityType->get('local'); if (!$local) { $this->indexEntityRevision($entity); $this->indexEntityRevisionTree($entity, $branch); } // Prepare the file directory. if ($entity instanceof FileInterface) { multiversion_prepare_file_destination($entity->getFileUri()); } // We prohibit creation of the url alias for entities with a random label, // because this can lead to unnecessary redirects. if ($entity->_rev->is_stub && isset($entity->path->pathauto)) { $entity->path->pathauto = PathautoState::SKIP; } foreach ($entity->getFields() as $name => $field) { if ( $field instanceof EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface && !($field instanceof EntityReferenceRevisionsFieldItemList) ) { $value = []; // For the entity reference field with stub entity referenced we check // if the entity with corresponding UUID and real values // have been created in the database already and use it instead. foreach ($field->getValue() as $delta => $item) { // At first we take value we receive as it is. $value[$delta] = $item; // Only stub entities will satisfy this condition. if ( $item['target_id'] === NULL && isset($item['entity']) && $item['entity']->_rev->is_stub ) { // Lookup for entities with corresponding UUID. $target_entities = $this->loadByProperties(['uuid' => $item["entity"]->uuid()]); // Replace stub with existing entity if we found such. if (!empty($target_entities)) { // Here we take first assuming there should be no entities // with duplicated UUIDs in one workspace. $target_entity = reset($target_entities); $item['target_id'] = $target_entity->id(); unset($item['entity']); $value[$delta] = $item; } } } // @todo This conditions is not obligatory but will prevent // unnecessary action when field value already empty. if (!empty($value)) { $field->setValue($value, FALSE); } } } try { $save_result = parent::save($entity); // Update indexes. $this->indexEntity($entity); if (!$local) { $this->indexEntitySequence($entity); $this->indexEntityRevision($entity); $this->trackConflicts($entity); } return $save_result; } catch (\Exception $e) { // If a new attempt at saving the entity is made after an exception its // important that a new rev token is not generated. $entity->_rev->new_edit = FALSE; throw new EntityStorageException($e->getMessage(), $e->getCode(), $e); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doPreSave(EntityInterface $entity) { if (!$entity->isNew() && !isset($entity->original)) { $entity->original = $this->loadUnchanged($entity->originalId ?: $entity->id()); } // This is a workaround for the cases when referenced poll choices are stub // entities (during replication). It will avoid deleting poll choice // entities on target workspace in Drupal\poll\Entity\Poll::preSave() when // not necessary. // @todo Find a better way to handle this. if (!$entity->isNew() && $this->entityTypeId === 'poll' && isset($entity->original) && $entity->_deleted->value == FALSE) { $original_choices = []; foreach ($entity->original->choice as $choice_item) { $original_choices[] = $choice_item->target_id; } $current_choices = []; $current_choices_entities = []; foreach ($entity->choice as $key => $choice_item) { $current_choices[$key] = $choice_item->target_id; $current_choices_entities[$key] = $choice_item->entity; } foreach ($current_choices as $key => $id) { if ($id === NULL && isset($current_choices_entities[$key]->_rev->is_stub) && $current_choices_entities[$key]->_rev->is_stub == TRUE && isset($entity->original->choice)) { unset($entity->original->choice); } } } parent::doPreSave($entity); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function doPostSave(EntityInterface $entity, $update) { parent::doPostSave($entity, $update); // Set the originalId to allow entity renaming. $entity->originalId = $entity->id(); // Delete path alias value if there is one. if ($entity->_deleted->value == TRUE && isset($entity->path) && $entity->path instanceof PathFieldItemList) { $entity->path->delete(); } } /** * Indexes basic information about the entity. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ protected function indexEntity(EntityInterface $entity) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; $index_factory = \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory'); $index_factory->get('', $workspace) ->add($entity); $index_factory->get('multiversion.entity_index.uuid', $workspace) ->add($entity); } /** * Indexes entity sequence. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ protected function indexEntitySequence(EntityInterface $entity) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory') ->get('multiversion.entity_index.sequence', $workspace) ->add($entity); } /** * Indexes information about the revision. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity */ protected function indexEntityRevision(EntityInterface $entity) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory') ->get('multiversion.entity_index.rev', $workspace) ->add($entity); } /** * Indexes the revision tree. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * @param array $branch */ protected function indexEntityRevisionTree(EntityInterface $entity, $branch) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory') ->get('multiversion.entity_index.rev.tree', $workspace) ->updateTree($entity, $branch); } /** * Builds the revision branch. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * @return array */ protected function buildRevisionBranch(EntityInterface $entity) { // We are going to index the revision ahead of save in order to accurately // determine if this is going to be the default revision or not. We also run // this logic here outside of any transactions that the parent storage // handler might perform. It's important that the revision index does not // get rolled back during exceptions. All records are kept in order to more // accurately build revision trees of all universally known revisions. $branch = []; $rev = $entity->_rev->value; $revisions = $entity->_rev->revisions; list($i) = explode('-', $rev); $count_revisions = count($revisions); $parent_rev = $rev; if ($count_revisions > $i && $entity->isNew()) { $i = $count_revisions + 1; } // When reverting revisions. elseif (!empty($entity->is_reverting)) { $i = $count_revisions; $parent_rev = !empty($revisions[0]) ? $i . '-' . $revisions[0] : $rev; } // This is a regular local save operation and a new revision token should be // generated. The new_edit property will be set to FALSE during replication // to ensure the revision token is saved as-is. if ($entity->_rev->new_edit || $entity->_rev->is_stub) { // If this is the first revision it means that there's no parent. // By definition the existing revision value is the parent revision. $parent_rev = $i == 0 ? 0 : $parent_rev; // Only generate a new revision if this is not a stub entity. This will // ensure that stub entities remain with the default value (0) to make it // clear on a storage level that this is a stub and not a "real" revision. if (!$entity->_rev->is_stub) { $rev = \Drupal::service('multiversion.manager')->newRevisionId( $entity, $i ); } list(, $hash) = explode('-', $rev); $entity->_rev->value = $rev; $entity->_rev->revisions = [$hash]; $branch[$rev] = [$parent_rev]; // Add the parent revision to list of known revisions. This will be useful // if an exception is thrown during entity save and a new attempt is made. if ($parent_rev != 0) { list(, $parent_hash) = explode('-', $parent_rev); $entity->_rev->revisions = [$hash, $parent_hash]; } } // A list of all known revisions can be passed in to let the current host // know about the revision history, for conflict handling etc. A list of // revisions are always passed in during replication. else { for ($c = 0; $c < count($revisions); ++$c) { $p = $c + 1; $rev = $i-- . '-' . $revisions[$c]; $parent_rev = isset($revisions[$p]) ? $i . '-' . $revisions[$p] : 0; $branch[$rev] = [$parent_rev]; } } return $branch; } /** * {@inheritdoc} * * @todo Revisit this logic with forward revisions in mind. */ protected function doSave($id, EntityInterface $entity) { if ($entity->_rev->is_stub || $this->entityType->get('local') || (!empty($entity->original) && $entity->original->_rev->is_stub)) { $entity->isDefaultRevision(TRUE); } else { // Enforce new revision if any module messed with it in a hook. $entity->setNewRevision(); // Decide whether or not this is the default revision. if (!$entity->isNew()) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; $index_factory = \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory'); /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Index\RevisionTreeIndexInterface $tree */ $tree = $index_factory->get('multiversion.entity_index.rev.tree', $workspace); $default_rev = $tree->getDefaultRevision($entity->uuid()); if ($entity->_rev->value == $default_rev) { $entity->isDefaultRevision(TRUE); } // @todo: {@link Needs test.} else { $entity->isDefaultRevision(FALSE); } } } return parent::doSave($id, $entity); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function delete(array $entities) { // Entities are always "deleted" as new revisions when using a Multiversion // storage handler. $ids = []; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $ids[] = $entity->id(); $entity->_deleted->value = TRUE; $this->save($entity); } // Reset the static cache for the "deleted" entities. $this->resetCache(array_keys($ids)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function deleteRevision($revision_id) { // Do nothing by design. } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function purge(array $entities) { parent::delete($entities); } /** * Truncate all related tables to entity type. * * This function should be called to avoid calling pre-delete/delete hooks. */ public function truncate() { foreach ($this->getTableMapping()->getTableNames() as $table) { $this->database->truncate($table)->execute(); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function resetCache(array $ids = NULL) { parent::resetCache($ids); // Drupal 8.7.0 uses a memory cache bin for the static cache, so we don't // need to do anything else. if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '8.7', '>')) { return; } $ws = $this->getWorkspaceId(); if ($this->entityType->isStaticallyCacheable() && isset($ids)) { foreach ($ids as $id) { unset($this->entities[$ws][$id]); } } else { $this->entities[$ws] = []; } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function getFromStaticCache(array $ids) { if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '8.7', '>')) { $entities = parent::getFromStaticCache($ids); } else { $ws = $this->getWorkspaceId(); $entities = []; // Load any available entities from the internal cache. if ($this->entityType->isStaticallyCacheable() && !empty($this->entities[$ws])) { $entities += array_intersect_key($this->entities[$ws], array_flip($ids)); } } return $entities; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setStaticCache(array $entities) { if (version_compare(\Drupal::VERSION, '8.7', '>')) { parent::setStaticCache($entities); } else { if ($this->entityType->isStaticallyCacheable()) { $ws = $this->getWorkspaceId(); if (!isset($this->entities[$ws])) { $this->entities[$ws] = []; } $this->entities[$ws] += $entities; } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function buildCacheId($id) { $ws = $this->getWorkspaceId(); return "values:{$this->entityTypeId}:$id:$ws"; } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ protected function setPersistentCache($entities) { if (!$this->entityType->isPersistentlyCacheable()) { return; } $ws = $this->getWorkspaceId(); $cache_tags = [ $this->entityTypeId . '_values', 'entity_field_info', 'workspace_' . $ws, ]; foreach ($entities as $entity) { $this->cacheBackend->set($this->buildCacheId($entity->id()), $entity, CacheBackendInterface::CACHE_PERMANENT, $cache_tags); } } /** * Uses the Conflict Tracker service to track conflicts for an entity. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * The entity to track for which to track conflicts. */ protected function trackConflicts(EntityInterface $entity) { $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null; /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Workspace\ConflictTrackerInterface $conflictTracker */ $conflictTracker = \Drupal::service('workspace.conflict_tracker') ->useWorkspace($workspace); $index_factory = \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory'); /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Index\RevisionTreeIndexInterface $tree */ $tree = $index_factory->get('multiversion.entity_index.rev.tree', $workspace); $conflicts = $tree->getConflicts($entity->uuid()); if ($conflicts) { $conflictTracker->add($entity->uuid(), $conflicts, TRUE); } else { $conflictTracker->resolveAll($entity->uuid()); } } }