

namespace Drupal\Tests\multiversion\Functional\Views;

use Drupal\multiversion\Entity\Workspace;

 * Tests the workspace and current_workspace field handlers.
 * @group multiversion
 * @see \Drupal\multiversion\Plugin\views\filter\CurrentWorkspace
class WorkspaceTest extends MultiversionTestBase {

  protected $strictConfigSchema = FALSE;

   * Views used by this test.
   * @var array
  public static $testViews = ['test_current_workspace'];

   * Tests the workspace filter.
  public function testWorkspace() {
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(['administer workspaces', 'bypass node access']);
    $uid = $admin_user->id();

    /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Workspace\WorkspaceManagerInterface $workspace_manager */
    $workspace_manager = \Drupal::service('workspace.manager');

    // Get workspace nodes will be added to.
    /** @var \Drupal\multiversion\Entity\WorkspaceInterface $initial_workspace */
    $initial_workspace = $workspace_manager->getActiveWorkspace();

    // Create two nodes on 'default' workspace.
    $node1 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['uid' => $uid]);
    $node2 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['uid' => $uid]);

    // Create a new workspace and switch to it.
    $new_workspace = Workspace::create(['machine_name' => 'new_workspace', 'label' => 'New Workspace', 'type' => 'basic']);
    $this->assertEqual($new_workspace->id(), $workspace_manager->getActiveWorkspaceId());

    // Create two nodes on 'new_workspace' workspace.
    $node3 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['uid' => $uid]);
    $node4 = $this->drupalCreateNode(['uid' => $uid]);

    // Test current_workspace filter.

    // Switch back to the original workspace and test the view.
    $this->assertEqual($initial_workspace->id(), $workspace_manager->getActiveWorkspaceId());


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