/* Time entry for jQuery v2.0.0. Written by Keith Wood (kbwood{at} June 2007. Available under the MIT ( license. Please attribute the author if you use it. */ (function($) { // Hide scope, no $ conflict var pluginName = 'timeEntry'; /** Create the time entry plugin. <p>Sets an input field to add a spinner for time entry.</p> <p>The time can be entered via directly typing the value, via the arrow keys, or via spinner buttons. It is configurable to show 12 or 24-hour time, to show or hide seconds, to enforce a minimum and/or maximum time, to change the spinner image, and to constrain the time to steps, e.g. only on the quarter hours.</p> <p>Expects HTML like:</p> <pre><input type="text"></pre> <p>Provide inline configuration like:</p> <pre><input type="text" data-timeEntry="name: 'value'"></pre> @module TimeEntry @augments JQPlugin @example $(selector).timeEntry() $(selector).timeEntry({showSeconds: true, minTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 12, 0, 0)}) */ $.JQPlugin.createPlugin({ /** The name of the plugin. */ name: pluginName, /** Time entry before show callback. Triggered when the input field is focussed. @callback beforeShowCallback @param input {Element} The current input field. @return {object} Any changes to the instance settings. @example beforeShow: function(input) { // Cross-populate minimum/maximum times for a range return {minTime: ( === 'timeTo' ? $('#timeFrom').timeEntry('getTime') : null), maxTime: ( === 'timeFrom' ? $('#timeTo').timeEntry('getTime') : null)}; } */ /** Time entry before set time callback. Triggered when the input field value is to be changed. @callback beforeSetTimeCallback @param current {string} The current time value entered. @param newTime {string} The new time value to use. @param minTime {Date} The minimum time value allowed. @param maxTime {Date} The maximum time value allowed. @return {Date} The actual time value to set. @example beforeSetTime: function(oldTime, newTime, minTime, maxTime) { var increment = (newTime - (oldTime || newTime)) > 0; if (newTime.getMinutes() > 30) { // First half of hour only newTime.setMinutes(increment ? 0 : 30); newTime.setHours(newTime.getHours() + (increment ? 1 : 0)); } return newTime; } */ /** Default settings for the plugin. @property [appendText=''] {string} Display text following the input box, e.g. showing the format. @property [showSeconds=false] {boolean} True to show seconds as well, false for hours/minutes only. @property [timeSteps=[1,1,1]] {number[]} Steps for each of hours/minutes/seconds when incrementing/decrementing. @property [initialField=null] {number} The field to highlight initially (0 = hours, 1 = minutes, ...), or <code>null</code> for none. @property [noSeparatorEntry=false] {boolean} True to move to next sub-field after two digits entry. @property [tabToExit=false] {boolean} True for tab key to go to next element, false for tab key to step through internal fields. @property [useMouseWheel=true] {boolean} True to use mouse wheel for increment/decrement if possible, false to never use it. @property [defaultTime=null] {Date|number|string} The time to use if none has been set, or <code>null</code> for now. Specify as a <code>Date</code> object, as a number of seconds offset from now, or as a string of offsets from now, using 'H' for hours, 'M' for minutes, 'S' for seconds. @property [minTime=null] {Date|number|string} The earliest selectable time, or <code>null</code> for no limit. See <code>defaultTime</code> for possible formats. @property [maxTime=null] {Date|number|string} The latest selectable time, or <code>null</code> for no limit. See <code>defaultTime</code> for possible formats. @property [spinnerImage='spinnerDefault.png'] {string} The URL of the images to use for the time spinner - seven images packed horizontally for normal, each button pressed (centre, previous, next, increment, decrement), and disabled. @property [spinnerSize=[20,20,8]] {number[]} The width and height of the spinner image, and size of centre button for current time. @property [spinnerBigImage=''] {string} The URL of the images to use for the expanded time spinner - seven images packed horizontally for normal, each button pressed (centre, previous, next, increment, decrement), and disabled. @property [spinnerBigSize=[40,40,16]] {number[]} The width and height of the expanded spinner image, and size of centre button for current time. @property [spinnerIncDecOnly=false] {boolean} True for increment/decrement buttons only, false for all. @property [spinnerRepeat=[500,250]] {number[]} Initial and subsequent waits in milliseconds for repeats on the spinner buttons. @property [beforeShow=null] {beforeShowCallback} Function that takes an input field and returns a set of custom settings for the time entry. @property [beforeSetTime=null] {beforeSetTimeCallback} Function that runs before updating the time, takes the old and new times, and minimum and maximum times as parameters, and returns an adjusted time if necessary. @example {defaultTime: new Date(0, 0, 0, 8, 30, 0), minTime: -300, maxTime: '+2H +30M'} */ defaultOptions: { appendText: '', showSeconds: false, timeSteps: [1, 1, 1], initialField: null, noSeparatorEntry: false, tabToExit: false, useMouseWheel: true, defaultTime: null, minTime: null, maxTime: null, spinnerImage: 'spinnerDefault.png', spinnerSize: [20, 20, 8], spinnerBigImage: '', spinnerBigSize: [40, 40, 16], spinnerIncDecOnly: false, spinnerRepeat: [500, 250], beforeShow: null, beforeSetTime: null }, /** Localisations for the plugin. Entries are objects indexed by the language code ('' being the default US/English). Each object has the following attributes. @property [show24Hours=false] {boolean} True to use 24 hour time, false for 12 hour (AM/PM). @property [separator=':'] {string} The separator between time fields. @property [ampmPrefix=''] {string} The separator before the AM/PM text. @property [ampmNames=['AM','PM']] {string[]} Names of morning/evening markers. @property [spinnerTexts=['Now','Previous field','Next field','Increment','Decrement']] {string[]} The popup texts for the spinner image areas. */ regionalOptions: { // Available regional settings, indexed by language/country code '': { // Default regional settings - English/US show24Hours: false, separator: ':', ampmPrefix: '', ampmNames: ['AM', 'PM'], spinnerTexts: ['Now', 'Previous field', 'Next field', 'Increment', 'Decrement'] } }, _getters: ['getOffset', 'getTime', 'isDisabled'], _appendClass: pluginName + '-append', // Class name for the appended content _controlClass: pluginName + '-control', // Class name for the date entry control _expandClass: pluginName + '-expand', // Class name for the expanded spinner _disabledInputs: [], // List of time inputs that have been disabled _instSettings: function(elem, options) { return {_field: 0, _selectedHour: 0, _selectedMinute: 0, _selectedSecond: 0}; }, _postAttach: function(elem, inst) { elem.on('focus.' +, this._doFocus). on('blur.' +, this._doBlur). on('click.' +, this._doClick). on('keydown.' +, this._doKeyDown). on('keypress.' +, this._doKeyPress). on('paste.' +, function(event) { // Check pastes setTimeout(function() { plugin._parseTime(inst); }, 1); }); }, _optionsChanged: function(elem, inst, options) { var currentTime = this._extractTime(inst); $.extend(inst.options, options); inst._field = 0; if (currentTime) { this._setTime(inst, new Date(0, 0, 0, currentTime[0], currentTime[1], currentTime[2])); } // Remove stuff dependent on old settings'span.' + this._appendClass).remove(); elem.parent().find('span.' + this._controlClass).remove(); if ($.fn.mousewheel) { elem.unmousewheel(); } // And re-add if requested var spinner = (!inst.options.spinnerImage ? null : $('<span class="' + this._controlClass + '" style="display: inline-block; ' + 'background: url(\'' + inst.options.spinnerImage + '\') 0 0 no-repeat; width: ' + inst.options.spinnerSize[0] + 'px; height: ' + inst.options.spinnerSize[1] + 'px;"></span>')); elem.after(inst.options.appendText ? '<span class="' + this._appendClass + '">' + inst.options.appendText + '</span>' : '').after(spinner || ''); // Allow mouse wheel usage if (inst.options.useMouseWheel && $.fn.mousewheel) { elem.mousewheel(this._doMouseWheel); } if (spinner) { spinner.mousedown(this._handleSpinner).mouseup(this._endSpinner). mouseover(this._expandSpinner).mouseout(this._endSpinner). mousemove(this._describeSpinner); } }, /** Enable a time entry input and any associated spinner. @param elem {Element} The single input field. @example $(selector).timeEntry('enable') */ enable: function(elem) { this._enableDisable(elem, false); }, /** Disable a time entry input and any associated spinner. @param elem {Element} The single input field. @example $(selector).timeEntry('disable') */ disable: function(elem) { this._enableDisable(elem, true); }, /** Enable or disable a time entry input and any associated spinner. @private @param elem {Element} The single input field. @param disable {boolean} True to disable, false to enable. */ _enableDisable: function(elem, disable) { var inst = this._getInst(elem); if (!inst) { return; } elem.disabled = disable; if (elem.nextSibling && elem.nextSibling.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'span') { this._changeSpinner(inst, elem.nextSibling, (disable ? 5 : -1)); } this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs, function(value) { return (value === elem ? null : value); }); // Delete entry if (disable) { this._disabledInputs.push(elem); } }, /** Check whether an input field has been disabled. @param elem {Element} The input field to check. @return {boolean} True if this field has been disabled, false if it is enabled. @example if ($(selector).dateEntry('isDisabled')) {...} */ isDisabled: function(elem) { return $.inArray(elem, this._disabledInputs) > -1; }, _preDestroy: function(elem, inst) { elem = $(elem).off('.' + pluginName); if ($.fn.mousewheel) { elem.unmousewheel(); } this._disabledInputs = $.map(this._disabledInputs, function(value) { return (value === elem[0] ? null : value); }); // Delete entry elem.siblings('.' + this._appendClass + ',.' + this._controlClass).remove(); }, /** Initialise the current time for a time entry input field. @param elem {Element} The input field to update. @param time {Date|number|string} The new time or offset or <code>null</code> to clear. An actual time or offset in seconds from now or units and periods of offsets from now. @example $(selector).timeEntry('setTime', new Date(0, 0, 0, 11, 22, 33)) $(selector).timeEntry('setTime', +300) $(selector).timeEntry('setTime', '+1H +30M') $(selector).timeEntry('setTime', null) */ setTime: function(elem, time) { var inst = this._getInst(elem); if (inst) { if (time === null || time === '') { $(elem).val(''); } else { this._setTime(inst, time ? (typeof time === 'object' ? new Date(time.getTime()) : time) : null); } } }, /** Retrieve the current time for a time entry input field. @param elem {Element} The input field to update. @return {Date} The current time or <code>null</code> if none. @example var time = $(selector).timeEntry('getTime') */ getTime: function(elem) { var inst = this._getInst(elem); var currentTime = (inst ? this._extractTime(inst) : null); return (!currentTime ? null : new Date(0, 0, 0, currentTime[0], currentTime[1], currentTime[2])); }, /** Retrieve the millisecond offset for the current time. @param elem {Element} The input field to examine. @return {number} The time as milliseconds offset or zero if none. @example var offset = $(selector).timeEntry('getOffset') */ getOffset: function(elem) { var inst = this._getInst(elem); var currentTime = (inst ? this._extractTime(inst) : null); return (!currentTime ? 0 : (currentTime[0] * 3600 + currentTime[1] * 60 + currentTime[2]) * 1000); }, /** Initialise date entry. @private @param elem {Element|Event} The input field or the focus event. */ _doFocus: function(elem) { var input = (elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'input' ? elem : this); if (plugin._lastInput === input || plugin.isDisabled(input)) { return; } var inst = plugin._getInst(input); inst._field = 0; plugin._lastInput = input; plugin._blurredInput = null; $.extend(inst.options, ($.isFunction(inst.options.beforeShow) ? inst.options.beforeShow.apply(input, [input]) : {})); plugin._parseTime(inst, elem.nodeName ? null : elem); setTimeout(function() { plugin._showField(inst); }, 10); }, /** Note that the field has been exited. @private @param event {Event} The blur event. */ _doBlur: function(event) { plugin._blurredInput = plugin._lastInput; plugin._lastInput = null; }, /** Select appropriate field portion on click, if already in the field. @private @param event {Event} The click event. */ _doClick: function(event) { var input =; var inst = plugin._getInst(input); var prevField = inst._field; inst._field = plugin._getSelection(inst, input, event); if (prevField !== inst._field) { inst._lastChr = ''; } plugin._showField(inst); }, /** Find the selected subfield within the control. @private @param inst {object} The current instance settings. @param input {Element} The input control. @param event {Event} The triggering event. @return {number} The selected subfield. */ _getSelection: function(inst, input, event) { var select = 0; var fieldSize = inst.options.separator.length + 2; if (typeof input.selectionStart !== 'undefined') { // Use input select range for (var field = 0; field <= Math.max(1, inst._secondField, inst._ampmField); field++) { var end = (field !== inst._ampmField ? (field * fieldSize) + 2 : (inst._ampmField * fieldSize) + inst.options.ampmPrefix.length + inst.options.ampmNames[0].length); select = field; if (input.selectionStart < end) { break; } } } else if (input.createTextRange && event != null && $(input).val()) { // Check against bounding boxes var src = $( || event.srcElement); var range = input.createTextRange(); var convert = function(value) { return {thin: 2, medium: 4, thick: 6}[value] || value; }; var offsetX = (event.clientX || 0) + document.documentElement.scrollLeft - (src.offset().left + parseInt(convert(src.css('border-left-width')), 10)) - range.offsetLeft; // Position - left edge - alignment for (var field = 0; field <= Math.max(1, inst._secondField, inst._ampmField); field++) { var end = (field !== inst._ampmField ? (field * fieldSize) + 2 : (inst._ampmField * fieldSize) + inst.options.ampmPrefix.length + inst.options.ampmNames[0].length); range.collapse(); range.moveEnd('character', end); select = field; if (offsetX < range.boundingWidth) { // And compare break; } } } return select; }, /** Handle keystrokes in the field. @private @param event {Event} The keydown event. @return {boolean} True to continue, false to stop processing. */ _doKeyDown: function(event) { if (event.keyCode >= 48) { // >= '0' return true; } var inst = plugin._getInst(; switch (event.keyCode) { case 9: return (inst.options.tabToExit ? true : (event.shiftKey ? // Move to previous time field, or out if at the beginning plugin._changeField(inst, -1, true) : // Move to next time field, or out if at the end plugin._changeField(inst, +1, true))); case 35: if (event.ctrlKey) { // Clear time on ctrl+end plugin._setValue(inst, ''); } else { // Last field on end inst._field = Math.max(1, inst._secondField, inst._ampmField); plugin._adjustField(inst, 0); } break; case 36: if (event.ctrlKey) { // Current time on ctrl+home plugin._setTime(inst); } else { // First field on home inst._field = 0; plugin._adjustField(inst, 0); } break; case 37: plugin._changeField(inst, -1, false); break; // Previous field on left case 38: plugin._adjustField(inst, +1); break; // Increment time field on up case 39: plugin._changeField(inst, +1, false); break; // Next field on right case 40: plugin._adjustField(inst, -1); break; // Decrement time field on down case 46: plugin._setValue(inst, ''); break; // Clear time on delete default: return true; } return false; }, /** Disallow unwanted characters. @private @param event {Event} The keypress event. @return {boolean} True to continue, false to stop processing. */ _doKeyPress: function(event) { var chr = String.fromCharCode(event.charCode === undefined ? event.keyCode : event.charCode); if (chr < ' ') { return true; } var inst = plugin._getInst(; plugin._handleKeyPress(inst, chr); return false; }, /** Update date based on keystroke entered. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param chr {string} The new character. */ _handleKeyPress: function(inst, chr) { if (chr === inst.options.separator) { this._changeField(inst, +1, false); } else if (chr >= '0' && chr <= '9') { // Allow direct entry of date var key = parseInt(chr, 10); var value = parseInt(inst._lastChr + chr, 10); var hour = (inst._field !== 0 ? inst._selectedHour : (inst.options.show24Hours ? (value < 24 ? value : key) : (value >= 1 && value <= 12 ? value : (key > 0 ? key : inst._selectedHour)) % 12 + (inst._selectedHour >= 12 ? 12 : 0))); var minute = (inst._field !== 1 ? inst._selectedMinute : (value < 60 ? value : key)); var second = (inst._field !== inst._secondField ? inst._selectedSecond : (value < 60 ? value : key)); var fields = this._constrainTime(inst, [hour, minute, second]); this._setTime(inst, new Date(0, 0, 0, fields[0], fields[1], fields[2])); if (inst.options.noSeparatorEntry && inst._lastChr) { this._changeField(inst, +1, false); } else { inst._lastChr = chr; } } else if (!inst.options.show24Hours) { // Set am/pm based on first char of names chr = chr.toLowerCase(); if ((chr === inst.options.ampmNames[0].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() && inst._selectedHour >= 12) || (chr === inst.options.ampmNames[1].substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() && inst._selectedHour < 12)) { var saveField = inst._field; inst._field = inst._ampmField; this._adjustField(inst, +1); inst._field = saveField; this._showField(inst); } } }, /** Increment/decrement on mouse wheel activity. @private @param event {Event} The mouse wheel event. @param delta {number} The amount of change. */ _doMouseWheel: function(event, delta) { if (plugin.isDisabled( { return; } var inst = plugin._getInst(; inst.elem.focus(); if (!inst.elem.val()) { plugin._parseDate(inst); } plugin._adjustField(inst, delta); event.preventDefault(); }, /** Expand the spinner, if possible, to make it easier to use. @private @param event {Event} The mouse over event. */ _expandSpinner: function(event) { var spinner = plugin._getSpinnerTarget(event); var inst = plugin._getInst(plugin._getInput(spinner)); if (plugin.isDisabled(inst.elem[0])) { return; } if (inst.options.spinnerBigImage) { inst._expanded = true; var offset = $(spinner).offset(); var relative = null; $(spinner).parents().each(function() { var parent = $(this); if (parent.css('position') === 'relative' || parent.css('position') === 'absolute') { relative = parent.offset(); } return !relative; }); $('<div class="' + plugin._expandClass + '" style="position: absolute; left: ' + (offset.left - (inst.options.spinnerBigSize[0] - inst.options.spinnerSize[0]) / 2 - (relative ? relative.left : 0)) + 'px; top: ' + ( - (inst.options.spinnerBigSize[1] - inst.options.spinnerSize[1]) / 2 - (relative ? : 0)) + 'px; width: ' + inst.options.spinnerBigSize[0] + 'px; height: ' + inst.options.spinnerBigSize[1] + 'px; background: transparent url(' + inst.options.spinnerBigImage + ') no-repeat 0px 0px; z-index: 10;"></div>'). mousedown(plugin._handleSpinner).mouseup(plugin._endSpinner). mouseout(plugin._endExpand).mousemove(plugin._describeSpinner). insertAfter(spinner); } }, /** Locate the actual input field from the spinner. @private @param spinner {Element} The current spinner. @return {Element} The corresponding input. */ _getInput: function(spinner) { return $(spinner).siblings('.' + this._getMarker())[0]; }, /** Change the title based on position within the spinner. @private @param event {Event} The mouse move event. */ _describeSpinner: function(event) { var spinner = plugin._getSpinnerTarget(event); var inst = plugin._getInst(plugin._getInput(spinner)); spinner.title = inst.options.spinnerTexts[plugin._getSpinnerRegion(inst, event)]; }, /** Handle a click on the spinner. @private @param event {Event} The mouse click event. */ _handleSpinner: function(event) { var spinner = plugin._getSpinnerTarget(event); var input = plugin._getInput(spinner); if (plugin.isDisabled(input)) { return; } if (input === plugin._blurredInput) { plugin._lastInput = input; plugin._blurredInput = null; } var inst = plugin._getInst(input); plugin._doFocus(input); var region = plugin._getSpinnerRegion(inst, event); plugin._changeSpinner(inst, spinner, region); plugin._actionSpinner(inst, region); plugin._timer = null; plugin._handlingSpinner = true; if (region >= 3 && inst.options.spinnerRepeat[0]) { // Repeat increment/decrement plugin._timer = setTimeout( function() { plugin._repeatSpinner(inst, region); }, inst.options.spinnerRepeat[0]); $(spinner).one('mouseout', plugin._releaseSpinner). one('mouseup', plugin._releaseSpinner); } }, /** Action a click on the spinner. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param region {number} The spinner "button". */ _actionSpinner: function(inst, region) { if (!inst.elem.val()) { plugin._parseTime(inst); } switch (region) { case 0: this._setTime(inst); break; case 1: this._changeField(inst, -1, false); break; case 2: this._changeField(inst, +1, false); break; case 3: this._adjustField(inst, +1); break; case 4: this._adjustField(inst, -1); break; } }, /** Repeat a click on the spinner. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param region {number} The spinner "button". */ _repeatSpinner: function(inst, region) { if (!plugin._timer) { return; } plugin._lastInput = plugin._blurredInput; this._actionSpinner(inst, region); this._timer = setTimeout( function() { plugin._repeatSpinner(inst, region); }, inst.options.spinnerRepeat[1]); }, /** Stop a spinner repeat. @private @param event {Event} The mouse event. */ _releaseSpinner: function(event) { clearTimeout(plugin._timer); plugin._timer = null; }, /** Tidy up after an expanded spinner. @private @param event {Event} The mouse event. */ _endExpand: function(event) { plugin._timer = null; var spinner = plugin._getSpinnerTarget(event); var input = plugin._getInput(spinner); var inst = plugin._getInst(input); $(spinner).remove(); inst._expanded = false; }, /** Tidy up after a spinner click. @private @param event {Event} The mouse event. */ _endSpinner: function(event) { plugin._timer = null; var spinner = plugin._getSpinnerTarget(event); var input = plugin._getInput(spinner); var inst = plugin._getInst(input); if (!plugin.isDisabled(input)) { plugin._changeSpinner(inst, spinner, -1); } if (plugin._handlingSpinner) { plugin._lastInput = plugin._blurredInput; } if (plugin._lastInput && plugin._handlingSpinner) { plugin._showField(inst); } plugin._handlingSpinner = false; }, /** Retrieve the spinner from the event. @private @param event {Event} The mouse click event. @return {Element} The target field. */ _getSpinnerTarget: function(event) { return || event.srcElement; }, /** Determine which "button" within the spinner was clicked. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param event {Event} The mouse event. @return {number} The spinner "button" number. */ _getSpinnerRegion: function(inst, event) { var spinner = this._getSpinnerTarget(event); var pos = $(spinner).offset(); var scrolled = [document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft, document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop]; var left = (inst.options.spinnerIncDecOnly ? 99 : event.clientX + scrolled[0] - pos.left); var top = event.clientY + scrolled[1] -; var spinnerSize = inst.options[inst._expanded ? 'spinnerBigSize' : 'spinnerSize']; var right = (inst.options.spinnerIncDecOnly ? 99 : spinnerSize[0] - 1 - left); var bottom = spinnerSize[1] - 1 - top; if (spinnerSize[2] > 0 && Math.abs(left - right) <= spinnerSize[2] && Math.abs(top - bottom) <= spinnerSize[2]) { return 0; // Centre button } var min = Math.min(left, top, right, bottom); return (min === left ? 1 : (min === right ? 2 : (min === top ? 3 : 4))); // Nearest edge }, /** Change the spinner image depending on the button clicked. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param spinner {Element} The spinner control. @param region {number} The spinner "button". */ _changeSpinner: function(inst, spinner, region) { $(spinner).css('background-position', '-' + ((region + 1) * inst.options[inst._expanded ? 'spinnerBigSize' : 'spinnerSize'][0]) + 'px 0px'); }, /** Extract the time value from the input field, or default to now. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param event {Event} The triggering event or <code>null</code>. */ _parseTime: function(inst, event) { var currentTime = this._extractTime(inst); if (currentTime) { inst._selectedHour = currentTime[0]; inst._selectedMinute = currentTime[1]; inst._selectedSecond = currentTime[2]; } else { var now = this._constrainTime(inst); inst._selectedHour = now[0]; inst._selectedMinute = now[1]; inst._selectedSecond = (inst.options.showSeconds ? now[2] : 0); } inst._secondField = (inst.options.showSeconds ? 2 : -1); inst._ampmField = (inst.options.show24Hours ? -1 : (inst.options.showSeconds ? 3 : 2)); inst._lastChr = ''; var postProcess = function() { if (inst.elem.val() !== '') { plugin._showTime(inst); } }; if (typeof inst.options.initialField === 'number') { inst._field = Math.max(0, Math.min( Math.max(1, inst._secondField, inst._ampmField), inst.options.initialField)); postProcess(); } else { setTimeout(function() { inst._field = plugin._getSelection(inst, inst.elem[0], event); postProcess(); }, 0); } }, /** Extract the time value from a string as an array of values, or default to <code>null</code>. @private @param value {string} The date text. @param inst {object} The instance settings. @return {number[]} The retrieved time components (hours, minutes, seconds) or <code>null</code> if no value. */ _extractTime: function(inst, value) { value = value || inst.elem.val(); var currentTime = value.split(inst.options.separator); if (inst.options.separator === '' && value !== '') { currentTime[0] = value.substring(0, 2); currentTime[1] = value.substring(2, 4); currentTime[2] = value.substring(4, 6); } if (currentTime.length >= 2) { var isAM = !inst.options.show24Hours && (value.indexOf(inst.options.ampmNames[0]) > -1); var isPM = !inst.options.show24Hours && (value.indexOf(inst.options.ampmNames[1]) > -1); var hour = parseInt(currentTime[0], 10); hour = (isNaN(hour) ? 0 : hour); hour = ((isAM || isPM) && hour === 12 ? 0 : hour) + (isPM ? 12 : 0); var minute = parseInt(currentTime[1], 10); minute = (isNaN(minute) ? 0 : minute); var second = (currentTime.length >= 3 ? parseInt(currentTime[2], 10) : 0); second = (isNaN(second) || !inst.options.showSeconds ? 0 : second); return this._constrainTime(inst, [hour, minute, second]); } return null; }, /** Constrain the given/current time to the time steps. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param fields {number[]} The current time components (hours, minutes, seconds). @return {number[]} The constrained time components (hours, minutes, seconds). */ _constrainTime: function(inst, fields) { var specified = (fields !== null && fields !== undefined); if (!specified) { var now = this._determineTime(inst.options.defaultTime, inst) || new Date(); fields = [now.getHours(), now.getMinutes(), now.getSeconds()]; } var reset = false; for (var i = 0; i < inst.options.timeSteps.length; i++) { if (reset) { fields[i] = 0; } else if (inst.options.timeSteps[i] > 1) { fields[i] = Math.round(fields[i] / inst.options.timeSteps[i]) * inst.options.timeSteps[i]; reset = true; } } return fields; }, /** Set the selected time into the input field. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. */ _showTime: function(inst) { var currentTime = (this._formatNumber(inst.options.show24Hours ? inst._selectedHour : ((inst._selectedHour + 11) % 12) + 1) + inst.options.separator + this._formatNumber(inst._selectedMinute) + (inst.options.showSeconds ? inst.options.separator + this._formatNumber(inst._selectedSecond) : '') + (inst.options.show24Hours ? '' : inst.options.ampmPrefix + inst.options.ampmNames[(inst._selectedHour < 12 ? 0 : 1)])); this._setValue(inst, currentTime); this._showField(inst); }, /** Highlight the current date field. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. */ _showField: function(inst) { var input = inst.elem[0]; if (':hidden') || plugin._lastInput !== input) { return; } var fieldSize = inst.options.separator.length + 2; var start = (inst._field !== inst._ampmField ? (inst._field * fieldSize) : (inst._ampmField * fieldSize) - inst.options.separator.length + inst.options.ampmPrefix.length); var end = start + (inst._field !== inst._ampmField ? 2 : inst.options.ampmNames[0].length); if (input.setSelectionRange) { // Mozilla input.setSelectionRange(start, end); } else if (input.createTextRange) { // IE var range = input.createTextRange(); range.moveStart('character', start); range.moveEnd('character', end - inst.elem.val().length);; } if (!input.disabled) { input.focus(); } }, /** Ensure displayed single number has a leading zero. @private @param value {number} The current value. @return {string} Number with at least two digits. */ _formatNumber: function(value) { return (value < 10 ? '0' : '') + value; }, /** Update the input field and notify listeners. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param value {string} The new value. */ _setValue: function(inst, value) { if (value !== inst.elem.val()) { inst.elem.val(value).trigger('change'); } }, /** Move to previous/next field, or out of field altogether if appropriate. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param offset {number} The direction of change (-1, +1). @param moveOut {boolean} True if can move out of the field. @return {boolean} True if exiting the field, false if not. */ _changeField: function(inst, offset, moveOut) { var atFirstLast = (inst.elem.val() === '' || inst._field === (offset === -1 ? 0 : Math.max(1, inst._secondField, inst._ampmField))); if (!atFirstLast) { inst._field += offset; } this._showField(inst); inst._lastChr = ''; return (atFirstLast && moveOut); }, /** Update the current field in the direction indicated. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param offset {number} The amount to change by. */ _adjustField: function(inst, offset) { if (inst.elem.val() === '') { offset = 0; } this._setTime(inst, new Date(0, 0, 0, inst._selectedHour + (inst._field === 0 ? offset * inst.options.timeSteps[0] : 0) + (inst._field === inst._ampmField ? offset * 12 : 0), inst._selectedMinute + (inst._field === 1 ? offset * inst.options.timeSteps[1] : 0), inst._selectedSecond + (inst._field === inst._secondField ? offset * inst.options.timeSteps[2] : 0))); }, /** Check against minimum/maximum and display time. @private @param inst {object} The instance settings. @param time {Date|number|string} The actual time or offset in seconds from now or units and periods of offsets from now. */ _setTime: function(inst, time) { time = this._determineTime(time, inst); var fields = this._constrainTime(inst, time ? [time.getHours(), time.getMinutes(), time.getSeconds()] : null); time = new Date(0, 0, 0, fields[0], fields[1], fields[2]); // Normalise to base date var time = this._normaliseTime(time); var minTime = this._normaliseTime(this._determineTime(inst.options.minTime, inst)); var maxTime = this._normaliseTime(this._determineTime(inst.options.maxTime, inst)); // Ensure it is within the bounds set if (minTime && maxTime && minTime > maxTime) { if (time < minTime && time > maxTime) { time = (Math.abs(time - minTime) < Math.abs(time - maxTime) ? minTime : maxTime); } } else { time = (minTime && time < minTime ? minTime : (maxTime && time > maxTime ? maxTime : time)); } // Perform further restrictions if required if ($.isFunction(inst.options.beforeSetTime)) { time = inst.options.beforeSetTime.apply(inst.elem[0], [this.getTime(inst.elem[0]), time, minTime, maxTime]); } inst._selectedHour = time.getHours(); inst._selectedMinute = time.getMinutes(); inst._selectedSecond = time.getSeconds(); this._showTime(inst); }, /** A time may be specified as an exact value or a relative one. @private @param setting {Date|number|string} The actual time or offset in seconds from now or units and periods of offsets from now. @param inst {object} The instance settings. @return {Date} The calculated time. */ _determineTime: function(setting, inst) { var offsetNumeric = function(offset) { // E.g. +300, -2 var time = new Date(); time.setTime(time.getTime() + offset * 1000); return time; }; var offsetString = function(offset) { // E.g. '+2m', '-4h', '+3h +30m' or '12:34:56PM' var fields = plugin._extractTime(inst, offset); // Actual time? var time = new Date(); var hour = (fields ? fields[0] : time.getHours()); var minute = (fields ? fields[1] : time.getMinutes()); var second = (fields ? fields[2] : time.getSeconds()); if (!fields) { var pattern = /([+-]?[0-9]+)\s*(s|S|m|M|h|H)?/g; var matches = pattern.exec(offset); while (matches) { switch (matches[2] || 's') { case 's' : case 'S' : second += parseInt(matches[1], 10); break; case 'm' : case 'M' : minute += parseInt(matches[1], 10); break; case 'h' : case 'H' : hour += parseInt(matches[1], 10); break; } matches = pattern.exec(offset); } } time = new Date(0, 0, 10, hour, minute, second, 0); if (/^!/.test(offset)) { // No wrapping if (time.getDate() > 10) { time = new Date(0, 0, 10, 23, 59, 59); } else if (time.getDate() < 10) { time = new Date(0, 0, 10, 0, 0, 0); } } return time; }; return (setting ? (typeof setting === 'string' ? offsetString(setting) : (typeof setting === 'number' ? offsetNumeric(setting) : setting)) : null); }, /** Normalise time object to a common date. @private @param time {Date} The original time. @return {Date} The normalised time. */ _normaliseTime: function(time) { if (!time) { return null; } time.setFullYear(1900); time.setMonth(0); time.setDate(0); return time; } }); var plugin = $.timeEntry; })(jQuery);