<?php /** * @file * merci_staff functions */ /** * @todo Please document this function. * @see */ function merci_staff_menu() { $items = array(); if (module_exists('civicrm')) { $items['user/autocompletecivi'] = array( 'title' => 'User autocomplete', 'page callback' => 'merci_staff_autocomplete', 'access callback' => 'user_access', 'access arguments' => array('access user profiles'), 'type' => MENU_CALLBACK, ); } return $items; } /** * @todo Please document this function. * @see */ function merci_staff_load_user($post = NULL) { static $admin_user; global $user; if (empty($admin_user)) { $admin_user = $user; } if ($post and empty($post['override']) and ($newuser = user_load_by_name($post['name']))) { $user = $newuser; } else { $user = $admin_user; } } //function merci_staff_after_build($form, &$form_state) { function merci_staff_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id) { return; if($form_id != 'merci_reservation_node_form') { return; } if (!user_access('manage reservations')) { return; } if (isset($form_state['values'])) { $node = (array)$form_state['values'] + (array)$form['#node']; } else { $node = $form['#node']; } $node = (object) $node; // Override the validation function so we can validate as the submitted user. $form['#merci_staff_validated'][] = 'merci_reservation_node_validate'; $form['#validate'][] = 'merci_staff_reservation_node_validate'; foreach ($form['#merci_staff_validated'] as $function) { $key = array_search($function, $form['#validate']); if (is_numeric($key)) { unset($form['#validate'][$key]); } } // Recreate the groups and choices based on the submitted name. merci_staff_load_user((array) $node); // Add the current choices to the form. $reset = true; foreach (element_children($form['choice_wrapper']['merci_reservation_items']) as $delta) { if (is_numeric($delta)) { continue; } $delta = substr($delta, 7); $default = isset($node->merci_reservation_items["choice_" . $delta]['merci_item_nid']) ? $node->merci_reservation_items["choice_" . $delta]['merci_item_nid'] : ''; $form['choice_wrapper']['merci_reservation_items']["choice_" . $delta]['merci_item_nid'] = _merci_choice_form($node, $form_state, $delta, $default, $reset); $reset = false; } merci_staff_load_user(); array_push($form['field_merci_date']['field_merci_date_button']['#limit_validation_errors'], array('name'), array('override')); array_push($form['choice_wrapper']['merci_more']['#limit_validation_errors'], array('name'), array('override')); return $form; } /** * Implementation of hook_form_alter **/ /** * @todo Please document this function. * @see */ function merci_staff_form_merci_reservation_node_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) { if (user_access('manage reservations')) { if (isset($form_state['node'])) { $node = (array) $form_state['node'] + (array) $form['#node']; } else { $node = $form['#node']; } $node = (object) $node; // Move the author field and set autocomplete and ahah handlers. // We do this here and not in after_build because the ahah hash is handled before after_build is called. $form['name'] = $form['author']['name']; $form['name']['#title'] = 'Reserve for'; $form['name']['#weight'] = -99; if (module_exists('civicrm')) { $form['name']['#autocomplete_path'] = 'user/autocompletecivi'; } $form['name']['#ajax'] = array( //'path' => 'mercistaff/updatename', //'wrapper' => 'edit-og-groups-wrapper', 'callback' => 'merci_staff_update_name', 'wrapper' => 'merci-staff-edit-form-wrapper', 'method' => 'replace', 'effect' => 'fade', ); unset($form['author']['name']); //create override checkbox $form['override'] = array( //'#type' => 'optionwidgets_onoff', '#type' => 'checkbox', '#title' => 'Override Validation', '#default_value' => isset($node->override) ? $node->override : FALSE, '#weight' => -97, '#columns' => 0, ); $form['#prefix'] = '<div id="merci-staff-edit-form-wrapper">'; $form['#suffix'] = '</div>'; } } /** * @todo Please document this function. * @see */ function merci_staff_reservation_node_validate($form, &$form_state) { merci_staff_load_user($form_state['values']); foreach ($form['#merci_staff_validated'] as $function) { $function($form, $form_state); } merci_staff_load_user(); } /** ** Menu callback; Retrieve a JSON object containing autocomplete suggestions for existing users. **/ function merci_staff_autocomplete($string = '') { $matches = array(); if ($string) { if ( ! civicrm_initialize( ) ) { return; } $fields = field_info_fields(); $field = $fields[$field_name]; $references = _merci_staff_potential_references($field, $string); foreach ($references as $id => $row) { // Add a class wrapper for a few required CSS overrides. $matches["{$row['title']}"] = '<div class="reference-autocomplete">' . $row['rendered'] . '</div>'; } } drupal_json_output($matches); } /** * Menu callback for AHAH additions. */ function merci_staff_update_name($form, $form_state) { return $form; } function _merci_staff_potential_references($field, $string = '', $exact_string = FALSE) { static $results = array(); $references = _merci_staff_potential_references_standard($field, $string, $exact_string); // Store the results. $results[$field['field_name']][$string][$exact_string] = $references; return $results[$field['field_name']][$string][$exact_string]; } /** * Helper function for _civicrm_cck_potential_references(): * referenceable nodes defined by content types. */ function _merci_staff_potential_references_standard( $field, $string = '', $exact_string = FALSE, $limit = '10' ) { $args = $whereClause = $contactTypes = $contactSubTypes = array(); if ( ! civicrm_initialize( ) ) { return; } global $civicrm_root; require_once $civicrm_root . '/CRM/Contact/BAO/ContactType.php'; require_once $civicrm_root . '/CRM/Core/BAO/UFMatch.php'; $basicTypes = CRM_Contact_BAO_ContactType::basicTypePairs( ); foreach ( $basicTypes as $name => $label ) { if ( is_array( $field[$name] ) ) { $contactNames = array_filter( $field[$name] ); if ( !empty( $contactNames ) ) { if ( in_array( $name, $contactNames ) ) { $contactTypes[] = $name; } else { $contactSubTypes = array_merge( $contactSubTypes, array_keys( $contactNames ) ); } } } } if ( !empty( $contactTypes ) ) { $contactTypes = implode( "','", $contactTypes ); $whereClause[] = "contact_type IN ( '{$contactTypes}' )"; } if ( !empty( $contactSubTypes ) ) { $contactSubTypes = implode( "','", $contactSubTypes ); $whereClause[] = "contact_sub_type IN ( '{$contactSubTypes}' )"; } $whereClause = empty( $whereClause ) ? '' : '(' . implode( ' OR ', $whereClause ) . ') AND'; $related_clause = ""; if (isset($string)) { if ($exact_string) { $string_clause = " AND display_name = %1"; $args[] = $string; } else { $string_clause = " AND display_name LIKE %1"; $args[] = "%%" . $string . "%"; } } $q = " SELECT, display_name FROM civicrm_contact JOIN civicrm_uf_match ON = civicrm_uf_match.contact_id WHERE $whereClause display_name IS NOT NULL AND display_name NOT LIKE '' AND display_name NOT LIKE '<Last>%%' AND display_name NOT LIKE '%@%%' AND display_name NOT LIKE '--%%' AND display_name NOT LIKE '- -%%' AND display_name NOT LIKE ',%%' AND display_name NOT LIKE '..%%' " . $string_clause . " LIMIT $limit"; $params = array(1 => array($args[0], "String")); $dao = CRM_Core_DAO::executeQuery( $q, $params ); $references = array(); while ($dao->fetch()) { $uid = CRM_Core_BAO_UFMatch::getUFId($dao->id); $username = db_query("SELECT name FROM {users} WHERE uid = :uid", array(':uid' => $uid))->fetchField(); $references[$dao->id] = array( 'title' => $username, 'rendered' => $dao->display_name, ); } return $references; } function merci_staff_field_widget_form_alter(&$element, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $context) { return; if ($context['instance']['bundle'] == 'merci_reservation' and $context['instance']['field_name'] == 'group_audience') { $form = $context['form']; $field = $context['field']; $instance = $context['instance']; $langcode = $context['langcode']; $items = $context['items']; $delta = $context['delta']; if (!user_access('manage reservations')) { return; } if (isset($form_state['values'])) { $node = (array)$form_state['values'] + (array)$form['#node']; } else { $node = $form['#node']; } $node = (object) $node; drupal_static_reset('og_field_audience_options'); unset($element['#input']); unset($element['#type']); unset($element['#options']); unset($element['#default_value']); unset($element['#attributes']); unset($element['#disabled']); // Re-use options widget element validation, to correctly transform // submitted values from field => delta to delta => field. // @see options_field_widget(). unset($element['#value_key']); unset($element['#element_validate']); unset($element['#properties']); // Add OG specific context. unset($element['#opt_group']); unset($element['#audience']); unset($element['#hidden_selected_gids']); $base = $element; // Recreate the groups and choices based on the submitted name. merci_staff_load_user((array) $node); global $user; $return = og_field_widget_form($form, $form_state, $field, $instance, $langcode, $items, $delta, $base); merci_staff_load_user(); $element = $return; } }