<?php /** @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss; use Drupal\file\Entity\File; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\Job; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\JobItem; use Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt\TranslatorInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Util\GeneralHelper; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Util\ConentApiHelper; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\ProviderApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\JobApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\ArrayOfRequestIds; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\RequestApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\FileApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\SourceFileApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\TranslationMemoryApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\StatusCodeEnum; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\CreateRequestUpdateTM; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Configuration; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Plugin\tmgmt_contentapi\Format\Xliff; /** * @contentapi * Module file of the translation management module. */ /** * Import form submit callback. */ function tmgmt_contentapi_import_form_submit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Ensure we have the file uploaded. $job = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); if ($file = file_save_upload('file', array('file_validate_extensions' => array('xlf')), FALSE, 0)) { $extension = pathinfo($file->getFileUri(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $plugin = new Xliff(); if ($plugin) { // Validate the file on job. $validated_job = $plugin->validateImport($file->getFileUri(), $job); if (!$validated_job) { $job->addMessage('Failed to validate file, import aborted.', array(), 'error'); } elseif ($validated_job->id() != $job->id()) { $job->addMessage('The imported file job id @file_id does not match the job id @job_id.', array( '@file_id' => $validated_job->id(), '@job_id' => $job->id(), ), 'error'); } else { try { // Validation successful, start import. // Check if it makes sense to check only the active state here? GeneralHelper::resetJobandItemsToActive($job,$file); $job->addTranslatedData($plugin->import($file->getFileUri())); $job->addMessage('Successfully imported file.'); ConentApiHelper::checkJobFinishAndApproveRemote($job); } catch (Exception $e) { $job->addMessage('File import failed with the following message: @message', array('@message' => $e->getMessage()), 'error'); } } } } tmgmt_write_request_messages($job); } function tmgmt_contentapi_semi_import_form_submit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $job = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); $translator = $job->getTranslator(); if($translator){ try{ tmgmt_contentapi_downlaod_data_from_contentapi_by_job($translator,$job); } catch (Exception $exception){ $job->addMessage('Files could not be downlaoded or imported, see error message: '.$exception->getMessage()); } } tmgmt_write_request_messages($job); } function tmgmt_contentapi_update_tm_form_submit(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state){ $job = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); $translator = $job->getTranslator(); if($translator && $job->getState() == Job::STATE_FINISHED){ $createdcpjob = NULL; $token = NULL; $zipPath = NULL; $ziparchive = NULL; $jobapi = NULL; $allfilespath = NULL; try { // Message which will be displayed using drupa_set_message to disaplay download. $messageTopass = 'TM update request successfully submitted.<br/>Exported files can be downoaded here:<br/>'; $contentapisettings = $translator->getSetting("capi-settings"); $oneexportfile = $translator->getSetting("one_export_file"); $token = $contentapisettings['token']; // Export files: gernerate paths and other variables. $exporter = new Xliff(); $filesystem = \Drupal::service('file_system'); $joblabel = GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job); $dirnameallfiles = $joblabel . '_tmupdate_' . $job->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . "_" . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage(); $zipName = 'zip_job_' . $dirnameallfiles . '.zip'; $allfilespath = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxSentFiles/' . $dirnameallfiles; $zipPath = $allfilespath . "/" . $zipName; $filearraytodelte = array(); $filearrayexportedfiles = array(); $transferfiles = array(); // Create folder where all exported files will be stored. if (file_prepare_directory($allfilespath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { // Export each item of the job in same file. if($oneexportfile){ $labelname = $joblabel; $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_all_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $jobpath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->export($job), $jobpath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles['all'] = $file; } else { // Export each item of the job in separate file. foreach ($job->getItems() as $item) { $labelname = GeneralHelper::getStringNoSpeChars($item->label()); $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_" . $item->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $itempath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->exportItem($item), $itempath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles[$item->id()] = $file; } } // Zip the exported files. $ziparchive = new ZipArchive(); $openresult = $ziparchive->open($filesystem->realpath($zipPath), ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE); $zipcloseresult = FALSE; if ($openresult) { foreach ($filearrayexportedfiles as $tempfile) { $ziparchive->addFile($filesystem->realpath($tempfile->getFileUri()), $tempfile->getFilename()); } $zipcloseresult = $ziparchive->close(); if ($zipcloseresult) { $zipfileobj = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); \Drupal::service('file.usage')->add($zipfileobj, 'tmgmt_contentapi', 'tmgmt_job', $job->id()); } } else { } $transferfiles = $filearrayexportedfiles; // Create Job in Content API. $contentapibundle = array(); $jobapi = new JobApi(); // Upload files from transferfiles array to CPA. $fileapi = new SourceFileApi(); // Array to store temporally translation requst and associated files. $contentapitrrequstfiles = array(); foreach ($transferfiles as $id => $tmpfile) { $data = array(); $data["job_id"] = GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job); $data["filename"] = $tmpfile->getFilename(); $data["filetype"] = $tmpfile->getMimeType(); $stmrg = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getViaUri($tmpfile->getFileUri()); $extpath = $stmrg->realpath(); $filrequst = new SplFileObject($extpath); //unarchive job, if archived $actualcpjobinfo = $jobapi->jobsJobIdGet($token,GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job)); $wasarchived = $actualcpjobinfo->getArchived(); if($wasarchived){ $jobapi->jobsJobIdUnarchivePut($token, GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job)); } $contentapitmpfile = $fileapi->jobsJobIdUploadPost($token, $data["job_id"], $data["filename"], $data["filetype"], $filrequst); $tmupdateapi = new TranslationMemoryApi(); $tmupdaterequest = new CreateRequestUpdateTM( array( 'file_id' => $contentapitmpfile->getFileId(), 'source_native_language_code' => $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage(), 'target_native_language_code' => $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() )); $tmupdateresponse = $tmupdateapi->jobsJobIdTmUpdatefilePut($token,GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job), $tmupdaterequest); $contentapibundle[] = $createdcpjob; } if ($wasarchived) { // arvhive cpjob if it was archived before $jobapi->jobsJobIdArchivePut($token, GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job)); } foreach ($filearraytodelte as $tempfile) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } $messageTopass .= '<a href="' . file_create_url($zipPath) . '">' . Xss::filter(GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job)) . '</a>'; drupal_set_message(\Drupal\Core\Render\Markup::create($messageTopass)); } else { throw new \Exception("Could not create directory for export: " . $allfilespath); } } catch (\Exception $exception) { // If exception occurs, clean up everything: delete exported files, cancel job in CA if any. foreach ($filearraytodelte as $tempfile) { if (file_exists($tempfile->getFileUri())) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } } if (!file_exists($zipPath) && $ziparchive != NULL) { $ziparchive->close(); } // TODO: Check why zip cannot be deleted. But after two tests seems to work? $zipfileobj = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); file_unmanaged_delete($zipfileobj->getFileUri()); file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($allfilespath); drupal_set_message($exception->getMessage(), "error"); } } tmgmt_write_request_messages($job); } function tmgmt_contentapi_import(JobInterface $job,$filedatastring,$name){ // Ensure we have the file uploaded. $message=''; $path = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxReceivedFiles/' . $name; $dirname = dirname($path); //file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); if (file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { $file = file_save_data($filedatastring, $path, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $mimetype = $file->getMimeType();//\Drupal::service('file.mime_type.guesser')->guess($path); $filearray = null; if ($mimetype == 'application/zip') { $ziparchive = new ZipArchive(); $openachresult = $ziparchive->open(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($path)); if ($openachresult) { $pathtoextract = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxReceivedFiles/' . pathinfo($path)['filename']; if ($ziparchive->extractTo(\Drupal::service('file_system')->realpath($pathtoextract))) { $ziparchive->close(); $file->delete(); $filearray = CpcreateFileObjectFromStdClass(file_scan_directory($pathtoextract, '/.*\.xlf$/')); } } } else { $filearray = array($file); } foreach ($filearray as $fileitem){ $extension = pathinfo($fileitem->getFileUri(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $plugin = new Xliff(); if ($plugin) { // Validate the file on job. $validated_job = $plugin->validateImport($fileitem->getFileUri(), $job); if (!$validated_job) { \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->error('Failed to validate file %FILE for job %JOB, import aborted.', [ '%JOB' => $job->label(), '%FILE' => $fileitem->getFileName(), ]); $job->addMessage('Failed to validate file, import aborted.', array(), 'error'); } elseif ($validated_job->id() != $job->id()) { \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->notice('The imported file job id %file_id does not match the job id %job_id.', [ '%file_id' => $validated_job->id(), '%job_id' => $job->id(), ]); $job->addMessage('The imported file job id @file_id does not match the job id @job_id.', array( '@file_id' => $validated_job->id(), '@job_id' => $job->id(), ), 'error'); } else { try { // Validation successful, start import. // TODO: Check if it makes sense to check only the active state here? GeneralHelper::resetJobandItemsToActive($job,$file); $job->addTranslatedData($plugin->import($fileitem->getFileUri())); \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->notice('Successfully imported file %file_id for job %job_id.', [ '%file_id' => $fileitem->getFileName(), '%job_id' => $job->label(), ]); $job->addMessage('File @filename imported successfully',array('@filename'=>$fileitem->getFileName())); } catch (Exception $e) { \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->error('File import for job %JOB failed with the following message: %message', [ '%JOB' => $job->label(), '%message' => $e->getMessage(), ]); $job->addMessage('File import failed with the following message: @message', array('@message' => $e->getMessage()), 'error'); } } } } } } function tmgmt_contentapi_downlaod_data_from_contentapi(TranslatorInterface $translator){ try{ $allJobs = GeneralHelper::getAllJobsByTranslator($translator); foreach ($allJobs as $job) { $task = $job->getSetting('capi-settings')['task']; if ($job->getState() == Job::STATE_ACTIVE && $task == 'trans') { tmgmt_contentapi_downlaod_data_from_contentapi_by_job($translator,$job); } } } catch (Exception $exception){ \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->error('Could not check delivery list for provider %provider: %message', [ '%provider'=> $translator->id(), '%message'=> $exception->getMessage(), ]); drupal_set_message('An error occured while fetching and importing files: '.$exception->getMessage(),'error'); } } function tmgmt_contentapi_downlaod_data_from_contentapi_by_job(TranslatorInterface $translator,JobInterface $job){ try{ // $jobcpcettings is an array of arrays, which contain the requests then. $prId = GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job); $token = ConentApiHelper::generateToken($translator); $requestapi = new RequestApi(); $requestsarray = $requestapi->jobsJobIdRequestsGet($token,$prId); $arrayfinishedrequests = array(); foreach ($requestsarray as $temprequest){ if($temprequest->getStatusCode()->getStatusCode() == StatusCodeEnum::REVIEW_TRANSLATION){ $arrayfinishedrequests[] = $temprequest; } } // If no requests in state REVIEW_TRANSLATION, return with message. if(count($arrayfinishedrequests)<=0){ drupal_set_message(t('no deliveries available for job:').$job->label()); return; } // Set folder where files should be stored. $dir = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxReceivedFiles/'; //file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY); if (file_prepare_directory($dir, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { $stmrg = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getViaUri($job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxReceivedFiles/'); $tempfolder = $stmrg->realpath(); $config = new Configuration(); $config->setTempFolderPath($tempfolder); Configuration::setDefaultConfiguration($config); $requesttoapprove = array(); foreach ($arrayfinishedrequests as $request){ $fileapi = new FileApi(); // array with file, code and httpheader. $spfilearray = $fileapi->jobsJobIdRequestsRequestIdRetrievefileGetWithHttpInfo($token,$prId,$request->getRequestId()); $spfile = $spfilearray[0]; $fcontent = $spfile->fread($spfile->getSize()); $fpath = $spfile->getRealPath(); $spfilearray[0] = NULL; $spfile = NULL; file_unmanaged_delete($fpath); $filename = str_replace('"','',explode("=",explode(";",$spfilearray[2]['Content-Disposition'][0])[1])[1]); tmgmt_contentapi_import($job,$fcontent,$filename); // Check if item is accepted, add request array to ack later. $requestSourceNativeId = explode("_",$request->getSourceNativeId())[1]; if(isset($requestSourceNativeId)&& $requestSourceNativeId != "all") { $jobitem = array_values($job->getItems(['tjiid' => $requestSourceNativeId]))[0]; if($jobitem && $jobitem->getState() == JobItem::STATE_ACCEPTED){ $requesttoapprove[] = $request->getRequestId(); } } // All items has been sent in one request else { if ($requestSourceNativeId == 'all'){ $alljobitems = $job->getItems(); $acceptedItems = $job->getItems(array('state'=>JobItem::STATE_ACCEPTED)); if(count($alljobitems) == count($acceptedItems)){ $requesttoapprove[] = $request->getRequestId(); } } } } // Ack all requests and if job finished, archive job in contentAPI. if (count($requesttoapprove) >0){ $arrayofrequestid = new ArrayOfRequestIds(array('request_ids'=>$requesttoapprove)); $requestapi = new RequestApi(); $requestapi->jobsJobIdRequestsApprovePut($token,$prId,$arrayofrequestid); } // not sure, if at this stage the local job has already been saved and status updated. // might be that the status still in progress, even import run successfully. // load refreshed job from DB. $job = Job::load($job->id()); if($job->getState() == Job::STATE_FINISHED){ $jobapi = new JobApi(); $jobapi->jobsJobIdArchivePut($token,$prId); } } else{ drupal_set_message(t('Directory could not be created: ') . $dir); return; } } catch (Exception $exception){ $respbody = $exception->getMessage(); if($exception instanceof \Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\ApiException){ $respbody = $exception->getResponseBody(); } drupal_set_message('An error occured while fetching and importing files: '.$respbody,'error'); } } /** * Implements hook_file_download(). */ function tmgtm_contentapi_file_download($uri) { // Get the file record based on the URI. If not in the database just return. $fids = \Drupal::entityQuery('file') ->condition('uri', $uri) ->execute(); if ($fids) { $files = \Drupal\file\Entity\File::loadMultiple($fids); foreach ($files as $item) { // Since some database servers sometimes use a case-insensitive comparison // by default, double check that the filename is an exact match. if ($item->getFileUri() === $uri) { $file = $item; break; } } } if (!isset($file)) { return; } // Check if this file belongs to a job. $usage_list = \Drupal::service('file.usage')->listUsage($file); if (!isset($usage_list['tmgmt_contentapi']['tmgmt_job'])) { return; } foreach (Job::loadMultiple(array_keys($usage_list['tmgmt_fwconnector']['tmgmt_job'])) as $job) { if ($job->access('view')) { // Access is granted. $headers = file_get_content_headers($file); return $headers; } } // Returning nothing means access denied unless another module specifically // grants access. } function tmgmt_contentapi_cron() { // Get all translators. $translators = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('tmgmt_translator')->loadByProperties(['plugin' => 'contentapi']); if (!$translators) { return; } foreach ($translators as $translator) { // Receive all processed translations. //module_load_include('inc', 'tmgmt_fwconnector', 'tmgmt_fwconnector.cron'); $config = $translator->getSetting('cron-settings'); // Make sure cron is enabled for this translator. if (!$config['status']) { \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->notice('Cron disabled for translator %translator', [ '%translator' => $translator->label(), ]); continue; } tmgmt_contentapi_downlaod_data_from_contentapi($translator); } } /** * Implements hook_tmgmt_job_delete(). */ function tmgmt_contentapi_tmgmt_job_delete(JobInterface $job) { // If job has not been processed yet, we don't need to delete remote job. if($job->getState() == Job::STATE_UNPROCESSED){ return; } $translator = $job->getTranslator(); // Ignore jobs that don't have a file translator. if (!$translator || $translator->getPlugin()->getPluginId() != 'contentapi') { return; } try { $token = ConentApiHelper::generateToken($translator); $jobid = GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job); $jobapi = new JobApi(); $jobapi->jobsJobIdDelete($token,$jobid); drupal_set_message(t("Content API Job deleted:") . $jobid); } catch (Exception $ex) { drupal_set_message(t('The job with ID @proj could not be deleted in content api. It probably doesn\'t extist. Please contact the responsible project manager in case of questions.', array('@proj' => $jobid))); } // Check if there are any files that need to be deleted. // @todo There doesn't seem to be an API function for this... $args = [ ':module' => 'tmgmt_contentapi', ':type' => 'tmgmt_job', ':id' => $job->id(), ]; $result = db_query('SELECT fid FROM {file_usage} WHERE module = :module and type = :type and id = :id', $args); $fids = $result->fetchCol(); if (!empty($fids)) { // Remove file usage record. $file_usage = \Drupal::service('file.usage'); foreach (File::loadMultiple($fids) as $file) { $file_usage->delete($file, 'tmgmt_contentapi', 'tmgmt_job', $job->id()); // If this was the last usage, FileUsageBase marks the file as temporary // for delayed deletion. Because we know it is not needed, delete the file // immediately. $usage = $file_usage->listUsage($file); if (empty($usage)) { $file->delete(); } } } } //first we set a header in tmgmt_fwconnector_views_pre_view and then modify the html content of the header in this hook function tmgmt_contentapi_views_pre_render(\Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view) { try { if ($view->id() == 'tmgmt_job_overview') { $view->header['area_deliveries_contentapi']->options['content'] .= CpprocessHtmlForJoboverview($view); } } catch (Exception $ex){ drupal_set_message(t('Could not generate delivery list: ') . $ex->getMessage(),'warning'); } } function tmgmt_contentapi_views_pre_view(Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view) { if ($view->id() == 'tmgmt_job_overview') { $deliveryhtml = ''; $options = array( 'id' => 'area_deliveries_contentapi', 'table' => 'views', 'field' => 'area_text_custom', 'relationship' => 'none', 'group_type' => 'none', 'admin_label' => '', 'empty' => TRUE, 'tokenize' => FALSE, 'content' => $deliveryhtml, 'plugin_id' => 'text_custom', ); $view->setHandler($view->current_display, 'header', 'area_deliveries_contentapi', $options); } } function CpprocessHtmlForJoboverview(&$view){ $activejobs = array(); $result = $view->result; foreach ($result as $row) { $job = $row->_entity; if($job->hasTranslator()){ $jobtranslator = $job->getTranslator(); $trid = $jobtranslator->getPlugin()->getPluginId(); $trname = $job->getTranslatorId(); if($job->getState() == Job::STATE_ACTIVE && $trid == 'contentapi'){ if(!isset($activejobs[$trname])) { $activejobs[$trname] = array($job); } else{ $activejobs[$trname] = array_merge( $activejobs[$trname],array($job)); } } } } $deliveryforjobs = array(); If(count($activejobs)> 0) { foreach ($activejobs as $trid => $jobs) { // Array with translators. $translators = \Drupal::entityManager()->getStorage('tmgmt_translator')->loadByProperties(['name' => $trid]); $token = ConentApiHelper::generateToken($translators[$trid]); foreach ($jobs as $job){ $requestapi = new RequestApi(); $cpjobid = GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job); $cprequestsforjob = $requestapi->jobsJobIdRequestsGet($token,$cpjobid); $anyrequesttoreview = FALSE; foreach ($cprequestsforjob as $tempreq){ if($tempreq->getStatusCode()->getStatusCode() == StatusCodeEnum::REVIEW_TRANSLATION){ $anyrequesttoreview = TRUE; break; } } if($anyrequesttoreview){ $deliveryforjobs = array_merge($deliveryforjobs,array($job)); } } } } $deliveryhtml = ''; if(count($deliveryforjobs)>0) { $deliveryhtml = '<details data-drupal-selector="edit-deliveries-wrapper" style="background: #3cff75" id="edit-deliveries-wrapper" class="js-form-wrapper form-wrapper"> <summary role="button" aria-controls="edit-deliveries-wrapper" aria-expanded="true" aria-pressed="true"> CONTENT API DELIVERIES </summary> <div class="details-wrapper">'; foreach ($deliveryforjobs as $job) { $jobid = $job->get('tjid')->getValue()[0]; global $base_url; // Using Id here, as job label returns @title@title and @more more. $joblable = GeneralHelper::getJobLabel($job); $pass_link = \Drupal::l(t($joblable), \Drupal\Core\Url::fromUri($base_url . '/admin/tmgmt/jobs/' . $jobid['value'])); $currentlink = $pass_link->getGeneratedLink(); $deliveryhtml .= '<li>'.$currentlink .'</li>'; // In drupal_set_message } $deliveryhtml .= '</div></details>'; } return $deliveryhtml; } function CpcreateFileObjectFromStdClass($filearray){ $filsystem = \Drupal::service('file_system'); $toreturn = array(); foreach ($filearray as $fl) { $file = File::create([ 'uid' => \Drupal::currentUser()->id(), 'filename' => $filsystem->basename($fl->filename), 'uri' => $fl->uri, 'filemime' => \Drupal::service('file.mime_type.guesser')->guess($fl->uri), 'filesize' => filesize($fl->uri), 'status' => 1 ]); $file->save(); array_push($toreturn,$file); } return $toreturn; } function tmgmt_contentapi_form_alter(&$form, \Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state, $form_id){ if($form_id == 'tmgmt_job_item_edit_form') { $item = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); $translator = $item->getJob()->getTranslator()->getPlugin()->getPluginId(); if(isset($translator) && $translator == 'contentapi') { /** $form['actions']['reject'] = [ '#type' => 'submit', '#value' => t('Reject Translation'), '#access' => !$form_state->get('all_preliminary'), '#submit' => ['::submitForm', '::save'], ]; * */ if($item->getJob()->getState() != Job::STATE_UNPROCESSED) { if (isset($form['actions']['abort_job_item'])) { unset($form['actions']['abort_job_item']); } if (isset($form['actions']['delete'])) { unset($form['actions']['delete']); } } } } if ($form_id == 'tmgmt_job_edit_form'){ try { $job = $form_state->getFormObject()->getEntity(); $translator = $job->getTranslator(); $translatorid = $translator->getPluginId(); if (isset($translator) && $translatorid == 'contentapi') { if ($job->getState() == Job::STATE_ACTIVE) { // remove abort button if (isset($form['actions']['abort_job'])) { unset($form['actions']['abort_job']); } $jobapi = new JobApi(); $remotejob = $jobapi->jobsJobIdGet(ConentApiHelper::generateToken($translator), GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job)); $remotestatus = $remotejob->getStatusCode()->getStatusCode(); if ($remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::COMPLETED && $remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::CANCELLED && $remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::TRANSLATION_REJECTED) { //remove delete button if (isset($form['actions']['delete'])) { unset($form['actions']['delete']); } } } } } catch (Exception $exception){ $job->addMessage(t('an error occured while updating job\'s operations and state: ' . $exception->getMessage())); } } } /** * Comment. * * @param array $form * Comment. * @param FormStateInterface $form_state * Comment. * * @return mixed * Comment. */ function ajax_tmgmt_contentapi_provider_changed(array $form, &$form_state) { return $form['translator_wrapper']['settings']['capi-settings']['quote']; } function tmgmt_contentapi_form_tmgmt_job_edit_form_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state) { setValidator($form, $form_state); } function tmgmt_contentapi_job_form_validate(&$form, &$form_state){ canTranslateByProvider($form, $form_state); } function canTranslateByProvider(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state){ $job = $form_state->getFormObject()->buildEntity($form, $form_state); if($job->hasTranslator()) { $translator = $job->getTranslator(); if ($translator->getPluginId() == 'contentapi') { $plugin = $translator->getPlugin(); if (!canCustomTranslate($translator, $job, $plugin)) { //drupal_set_message(t('@translator can not translate from @source to @target.', array('@translator' => $translator->label(), '@source' => $job->getSourceLanguage()->getName(), '@target' => $job->getTargetLanguage()->getName())), 'error'); $form_state->setError($form['translator_wrapper']['translator'], t('@translator can not translate from @source to @target.', [ '@translator' => $translator->label(), '@source' => $job->getSourceLanguage()->getName(), '@target' => $job->getTargetLanguage()->getName() ])); } } } } function setValidator(&$form, FormStateInterface &$form_state){ if(!isset($form['#validate']['tmgmt_contentapi_job_form_validate'])) { $form['#validate'][] = 'tmgmt_contentapi_job_form_validate'; } } function canCustomTranslate(TranslatorInterface $translator, JobInterface $job, \Drupal\tmgmt\TranslatorPluginInterface $plugin) { $token = ConentApiHelper::generateToken($translator); $langmappingsremote = $translator->getRemoteLanguagesMappings(); $capisettings = $translator->getSetting('capi-settings'); $defaultproviderkey = $capisettings['provider']; $providerId = isset($job->getSetting('capi-settings')['provider']) ? $job->getSetting('capi-settings')['provider'] : $defaultproviderkey; $provider = getProvider($token, $providerId); $capabilities = isset($provider) ? $provider->getCapabilities() : NULL; if(isset($capabilities)) { $provider_supported_langs = $capabilities->getSupportedLanguages(); $supports_lang = FALSE; if (!isset($provider_supported_langs)) { return TRUE; } else { foreach ($provider_supported_langs as $lang_pair) { $job_remote_source_lang = $langmappingsremote[$job->getSourceLangcode()]; $job_remote_target_lang = $langmappingsremote[$job->getTargetLangcode()]; if (in_array($job_remote_source_lang, $lang_pair->getSources()) && in_array($job_remote_target_lang, $lang_pair->getTargets())) { $supports_lang = TRUE; } } if ($supports_lang) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } } else { return TRUE; } } function tmgmt_contentapi_check_empty_file($form,&$form_state){ $all_files = \Drupal::request()->files->get('files', []); // Make sure there's an upload to process. if (empty($all_files['file'])) { $form_state->setErrorByName('file',t('No files selected, action cannot be completed.')); } } function tmgmt_contentapi_entity_operation_alter(array &$operations,\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity) { try { // instance of tmgmt_job if ($entity instanceof Job) { // get local state of the job $localjobstate = $entity->getState(); if ($localjobstate == Job::STATE_ACTIVE) { $jobtranslator = $entity->getTranslator(); $jobtranslatorId = $jobtranslator->getPluginId(); // modify operations only for contentapi translator if ($jobtranslatorId == 'contentapi') { // TODO: check remote job's state, if canceled, do not remove delete operation if (isset($operations['abort'])) { unset($operations['abort']); } $jobapi = new JobApi(); $remotejob = $jobapi->jobsJobIdGet(ConentApiHelper::generateToken($jobtranslator), GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($entity)); $remotestatus = $remotejob->getStatusCode()->getStatusCode(); if($remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::COMPLETED && $remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::CANCELLED && $remotestatus != StatusCodeEnum::TRANSLATION_REJECTED) { if (isset($operations['delete'])) { unset($operations['delete']); } } } } } if($entity instanceof JobItem){ $job = $entity->getJob(); $localjobstate = $job->getState(); if ($localjobstate != Job::STATE_UNPROCESSED) { $jobtranslator = $job->getTranslator(); $jobtranslatorId = $jobtranslator->getPluginId(); // modify operations only for contentapi translator if ($jobtranslatorId == 'contentapi') { if (isset($operations['abort'])) { unset($operations['abort']); } if (isset($operations['delete'])) { unset($operations['delete']); } } } } } catch (Exception $exception){ $entity->addMessage(t('an error occured while updating job\'s operations and state: ' . $exception->getMessage())); } } function getProviders($token){ $providers = NULL; if(isset($token) && $token != '') { try { $providerapi = new ProviderApi(); $providers = $providerapi->providersGet($token); } catch (Exception $e) { drupal_set_message($e->getMessage()); } } $providersarray = array(); foreach ($providers as $provider) { $prid = $provider->getProviderId(); $prname = $provider->getProviderName(); $providersarray[$prid] = $prname; } asort($providersarray, SORT_REGULAR); return $providersarray; } function getProvider($token, $providerId){ $provider = NULL; if(isset($token) && $token != '') { try { $providerapi = new ProviderApi(); $provider = $providerapi->providersProviderIdGet($token, $providerId); } catch (Exception $e) { drupal_set_message($e->getMessage()); } } return $provider; }