<?php namespace Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Plugin\tmgmt_contentapi\Format; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\Job; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\JobItem; use Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt\JobItemInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Format\FormatInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\RecursiveDOMIterator; use Exception; /** * Export to XLIFF format. * * The XLIFF processor follows this specification: * @link * * The purpose of this class is to mask or process HTML elements in the source * and target elements so that translation tools are able to understand which * content needs to be translated and ignored. * * On the other hand we need to properly unmask the XLIFF markup back to HTML on * the translation import. So the process is bidirectional and prior to running * the unmasking process we try to validate the integrity in the * validateJobTranslationUponImport() method. Currently the integrity check * involves only a counter of XLIFF elements that have been created during * source processing and has to mach number of XLIFF elements being imported * with the translation. * * To process the content DOMDocument object is used due to its ability to * read broken HTML. This also implies that if broken HTML is in the source * content the translation content will be fixed into the extend of DOMDocument * abilities. * * Following is implemented: * - All pair tags get escaped using <bpt><ept> markup. * - <br> tags are marked with <x ctype="lb">. * - <img> tags are marked with <ph ctype="image"> tags. The title and alt * attributes should have been extracted into <sub> elements, however are not * as Trados studio triggers a fatal error in case there are two <sub> * elements at the same level. * * Not implemented: * - Attributes of <img> element are written only as attributes of <ph> element * instead of using x-html: prefix. This results in conflict with own <ph> * element's attributes such as "id". The reason why x-html prefix has not * been used is that Trados studio triggered fatal error on xml validation. * - Translatable attributes like title and alt. * @link * - Forms - this is big part * @link * - <pre> elements * @link * * @FormatPlugin( * id = "contentapi_xlf", * label = @Translation("XLIFF") * ) */ class Xliff extends \XMLWriter implements FormatInterface { /** * Contains a reference to the currently being exported job. * * @var Job */ protected $job; protected $importedXML; protected $importedTransUnits; /** * Adds a job item to the xml export. * * @param $item * The job item entity. */ protected function addItem(JobItemInterface $item) { $this->startElement('group'); $this->writeAttribute('id', $item->id()); // Add a note for the source label. $this->writeElement('note', $item->getSourceLabel()); // @todo: Write in nested groups instead of flattening it. $trdata = $this -> getTranslation($item); $data = \Drupal::service('')->filterTranslatable($item->getData()); $data = $this->merTranslation($data,$trdata); foreach ($data as $key => $element) { $this->addTransUnit($item->id() . '][' . $key, $element, $this->job); } $this->endElement(); } private function merTranslation($sourcedata, $targetdata){ $mergeddata = NULL; foreach ($sourcedata as $key => $element) { if(array_key_exists($key,$targetdata)){ $element['#translation']['#text'] = $targetdata[$key]['#text']; $sourcedata[$key] = $element; } } $mergeddata = $sourcedata; return $mergeddata; } /** * Adds a job item to the xml export. * * @param $item * The job item entity. */ private function getTranslation(JobItemInterface $item){ try { $storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($item->getItemType()); $entity = $storage->load($item->getItemId()); $source_plugin = $item->getSourcePlugin(); $translated_data = NULL; if ($entity != NULL && $entity->hasTranslation($item->getJob()->getTargetLangcode())) { $translated_entity = $entity->getTranslation($item->getJob() ->getTargetLangcode()); $translated_data = $source_plugin->extractTranslatableData($translated_entity); $trfiltered = \Drupal::service('') ->filterTranslatable($translated_data); return $trfiltered; } } catch (\Throwable $ex){ \Drupal::logger('TMGMT_CONTENTAPI')->error(t('Error while exporting translation for job %job and item %item: %message'), [ '%job' => $item->getJobId(), '%item' => $item->getItemId(), '%message' => $ex->getMessage(), ]); return []; } return []; } /** * Adds a single translation unit for a data element. * * @param $key * The unique identifier for this data element. * @param $element * Array with the properties #text and optionally #label. * @param \Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface $job * Translation job. */ protected function addTransUnit($key, $element, JobInterface $job) { $key_array = \Drupal::service('')->ensureArrayKey($key); $this->startElement('trans-unit'); $this->writeAttribute('id', $key); $this->writeAttribute('resname', $key); $this->startElement('source'); $this->writeAttribute('xml:lang', $this->job->getRemoteSourceLanguage()); if ($job->getSetting('xliff_cdata')) { $this->writeCdata(trim($element['#text'])); } elseif ($job->getSetting('xliff_processing')) { $this->writeRaw($this->processForExport($element['#text'], $key_array)); } else { $this->text($element['#text']); } $this->endElement(); $this->startElement('target'); $this->writeAttribute('xml:lang', $this->job->getRemoteTargetLanguage()); if (!empty($element['#translation']['#text'])) { if ($job->getSetting('xliff_processing')) { $this->writeRaw($this->processForExport($element['#translation']['#text'], $key_array)); } else { $this->text($element['#translation']['#text']); } } $this->endElement(); if (isset($element['#label'])) { $this->writeElement('note', $element['#label']); } $this->endElement(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function export(JobInterface $job, $conditions = array()) { $this->job = $job; $this->openMemory(); $this->setIndent(TRUE); $this->setIndentString(' '); $this->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // Root element with schema definition. $this->startElement('xliff'); $this->writeAttribute('version', '1.2'); $this->writeAttribute('xmlns', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2'); $this->writeAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ''); $this->writeAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd'); // File element. $this->startElement('file'); $this->writeAttribute('original', 'xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd'); $this->writeAttribute('source-language', $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage()); $this->writeAttribute('target-language', $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage()); $this->writeAttribute('datatype', 'plaintext'); // Date needs to be in ISO-8601 UTC $this->writeAttribute('date', date('Y-m-d\Th:m:i\Z')); $this->startElement('header'); $this->startElement('phase-group'); $this->startElement('phase'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-id', 'tmgmt'); $this->writeAttribute('phase-name', 'extraction'); $this->writeAttribute('process-name', 'extraction'); $this->writeAttribute('job-id', $job->id()); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->startElement('tool'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-id', 'tmgmt'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-name', 'Drupal Translation Management Tools'); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->startElement('body'); foreach ($job->getItems($conditions) as $item) { $this->addItem($item); } // End the body, file and xliff tags. $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->endDocument(); return $this->outputMemory(); } public function exportItem(JobItemInterface $jobItem, $conditions = array()) { $this->job = $jobItem->getJob(); $job = $jobItem->getJob(); $this->openMemory(); $this->setIndent(TRUE); $this->setIndentString(' '); $this->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); // Root element with schema definition. $this->startElement('xliff'); $this->writeAttribute('version', '1.2'); $this->writeAttribute('xmlns', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2'); $this->writeAttribute('xmlns:xsi', ''); $this->writeAttribute('xsi:schemaLocation', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2 xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd'); // File element. $this->startElement('file'); $this->writeAttribute('original', 'xliff-core-1.2-strict.xsd'); $this->writeAttribute('source-language', $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage()); $this->writeAttribute('target-language', $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage()); $this->writeAttribute('datatype', 'plaintext'); // Date needs to be in ISO-8601 UTC $this->writeAttribute('date', date('Y-m-d\Th:m:i\Z')); $this->startElement('header'); $this->startElement('phase-group'); $this->startElement('phase'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-id', 'tmgmt'); $this->writeAttribute('phase-name', 'extraction'); $this->writeAttribute('process-name', 'extraction'); $this->writeAttribute('job-id', $job->id()); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->startElement('tool'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-id', 'tmgmt'); $this->writeAttribute('tool-name', 'Drupal Translation Management Tools'); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->startElement('body'); $this->addItem($jobItem); // End the body, file and xliff tags. $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->endElement(); $this->endDocument(); return $this->outputMemory(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function import($imported_file, $is_file = TRUE) { if ($this->getImportedXML($imported_file, $is_file) === FALSE) { return FALSE; } $phase = $this->importedXML->xpath("//xliff:phase[@phase-name='extraction']"); $phase = reset($phase); $job = Job::load((string) $phase['job-id']); return \Drupal::service('')->unflatten($this->getImportedTargets($job)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function validateImport($imported_file, $is_file = TRUE) { // Validates imported XLIFF file. // Checks: // - Job ID // - Target ans source languages // - Content integrity. $xml = $this->getImportedXML($imported_file, $is_file); if ($xml === FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t('The imported file is not a valid XML.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Check if our phase information is there. $phase = $xml->xpath("//xliff:phase[@phase-name='extraction']"); if ($phase) { $phase = reset($phase); } else { drupal_set_message(t('The imported file is missing required XLIFF phase information.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Check if the job has a valid job reference. if (!isset($phase['job-id'])) { drupal_set_message(t('The imported file does not contain a job reference.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Attempt to load the job if none passed. $job = (Job::load((int) $phase['job-id'])); if (empty($job)) { drupal_set_message(t('The imported file job id @file_tjid is not available.', array( '@file_tjid' => $phase['job-id'], )), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Compare source language. if (!isset($xml->file['source-language']) || $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() != $xml->file['source-language']) { $job->addMessage('The imported file source language @file_language does not match the job source language @job_language.', array( '@file_language' => empty($xml->file['source-language']) ? t('none') : $xml->file['source-language'], '@job_language' => $job->source_language, ), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Compare target language. if (!isset($xml->file['target-language']) || $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() != $xml->file['target-language']) { $job->addMessage('The imported file target language @file_language does not match the job target language @job_language.', array( '@file_language' => empty($xml->file['target-language']) ? t('none') : $xml->file['target-language'], '@job_language' => $job->target_language, ), 'error'); return FALSE; } $targets = $this->getImportedTargets($job); if (empty($targets)) { $job->addMessage('The imported file seems to be missing translation.', 'error'); return FALSE; } // In case we do not do xliff processing we cannot do the elements // count validation. if (!$job->getSetting('xliff_processing')) { return $job; } $reader = new \XMLReader(); $xliff_validation = $job->getSetting('xliff_validation'); foreach ($targets as $id => $target) { $array_key = \Drupal::service('')->ensureArrayKey($id); $job_item = JobItem::load(array_shift($array_key)); $count = 0; $reader->XML('<translation>' . $target['#text'] . '</translation>'); while ($reader->read()) { if (in_array($reader->name, array('translation', '#text'))) { continue; } $count++; } if (!isset($xliff_validation[$id]) || $xliff_validation[$id] != $count) { } } // Validation successful. return $job; } /** * Returns the simple XMLElement object. * * @param string $imported_file * Path to a file or an XML string to import. * @param bool $is_file * (optional) Whether $imported_file is the path to a file or not. * * @return bool|\SimpleXMLElement * The parsed SimpleXMLElement object. FALSE in case of failed parsing. */ protected function getImportedXML($imported_file, $is_file = TRUE) { if (empty($this->importedXML)) { // It is not possible to load the file directly with simplexml as it gets // url encoded due to the temporary://. This is a PHP bug, see // if ($is_file) { $imported_file = file_get_contents($imported_file); } $this->importedXML = simplexml_load_string($imported_file); if ($this->importedXML === FALSE) { drupal_set_message(t('The imported file is not a valid XML.'), 'error'); return FALSE; } // Register the XLIFF namespace, required for xpath. $this->importedXML->registerXPathNamespace('xliff', 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2'); } return $this->importedXML; } protected function getImportedTargets(JobInterface $job) { if (empty($this->importedXML)) { return FALSE; } if (empty($this->importedTransUnits)) { $reader = new \XMLReader(); foreach ($this->importedXML->xpath('//xliff:trans-unit') as $unit) { if (!$job->getSetting('xliff_processing')) { $this->importedTransUnits[(string) $unit['id']]['#text'] = (string) $unit->target; continue; } $reader->XML($unit->target->asXML()); $reader->read(); $this->importedTransUnits[(string) $unit['id']]['#text'] = $this->processForImport($reader->readInnerXML(), $job); } } return $this->importedTransUnits; } /** * Processes trans-unit/target to rebuild back the HTML. * * @param string $translation * Job data array. * @param \Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface $job * Translation job. * * @return string */ protected function processForImport($translation, JobInterface $job) { // In case we do not want to do xliff processing return the translation as // is. if (!$job->getSetting('xliff_processing')) { return $translation; } $reader = new \XMLReader(); $reader->XML('<translation>' . $translation . '</translation>'); $text = ''; while ($reader->read()) { // If the current element is text append it to the result text. if ($reader->name == '#text' || $reader->name == '#cdata-section') { $text .= $reader->value; } elseif ($reader->name == 'x') { if ($reader->getAttribute('ctype') == 'lb') { $text .= '<br />'; } } elseif ($reader->name == 'ph') { if ($reader->getAttribute('ctype') == 'image') { $text .= '<img'; while ($reader->moveToNextAttribute()) { // @todo - we have to use x-html: prefixes for attributes. if ($reader->name != 'ctype' && $reader->name != 'id') { $text .= " {$reader->name}=\"{$reader->value}\""; } } $text .= ' />'; } } } return $text; } /** * Helper function to process the source text. * * @param string $source * Job data array. * @param array $key_array * The source item data key. * * @return string */ protected function processForExport($source, array $key_array) { $tjiid = $key_array[0]; $key_string = \Drupal::service('')->ensureStringKey($key_array); // The reason why we use DOMDocument object here and not just XMLReader // is the DOMDocument's ability to deal with broken HTML. $dom = new \DOMDocument(); // We need to append the head with encoding so that special characters // are read correctly. $dom->loadHTML("<html><head><meta http-equiv='Content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /></head><body>" . $source . '</body></html>'); $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator( new RecursiveDOMIterator($dom), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); $writer = new \XMLWriter(); $writer->openMemory(); $writer->startDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8'); $writer->startElement('wrapper'); $tray = array(); $non_pair_tags = array('br', 'img'); $xliff_validation = $this->job->getSetting('xliff_validation'); /** @var \DOMElement $node */ foreach ($iterator as $node) { if (in_array($node->nodeName, array('html', 'body', 'head', 'meta'))) { continue; } if ($node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE) { // Increment the elements count and compose element id. if (!isset($xliff_validation[$key_string])) { $xliff_validation[$key_string] = 0; } $xliff_validation[$key_string]++; $id = 'tjiid' . $tjiid . '-' . $xliff_validation[$key_string]; $is_pair_tag = !in_array($node->nodeName, $non_pair_tags); if ($is_pair_tag) { $this->writeBPT($writer, $node, $id); } elseif ($node->nodeName == 'img') { $this->writeIMG($writer, $node, $id); } elseif ($node->nodeName == 'br') { $this->writeBR($writer, $node, $id); } // Add to tray new element info. $tray[$id] = array( 'name' => $node->nodeName, 'id' => $id, 'value' => $node->nodeValue, 'built_text' => '', 'is_pair_tag' => $is_pair_tag, ); } // The current node is a text. elseif ($node->nodeName == '#text') { // Add the node value to the text output. $writer->writeCdata($this->toEntities($node->nodeValue)); foreach ($tray as &$info) { $info['built_text'] .= $node->nodeValue; } } // Reverse so that pair tags are closed in the expected order. $reversed_tray = array_reverse($tray); foreach ($reversed_tray as $_info) { // If the build_text equals to the node value and it is not a pair tag // add the end pair tag markup. if ($_info['value'] == $_info['built_text'] && $_info['is_pair_tag']) { // Count also for the closing elements. $xliff_validation[$key_string]++; $this->writeEPT($writer, $_info['name'], $_info['id']); // When the end pair tag has been written unset the element info // from the tray. unset($tray[$_info['id']]); } } } // Set the xliff_validation data and save the job. $this->job->settings->xliff_validation = $xliff_validation; $this->job->save(); $writer->endElement(); // Load the output with XMLReader so that we can easily get the inner xml. $reader = new \XMLReader(); $reader->XML($writer->outputMemory()); $reader->read(); return $reader->readInnerXML(); } /** * Writes br tag. * * @param XMLWriter $writer * Writer that writes the output. * @param DOMElement $node * Current node. * @param $id * Current node id. */ protected function writeBR(\XMLWriter $writer, \DOMElement $node, $id) { $writer->startElement('x'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id); $writer->writeAttribute('ctype', 'lb'); $writer->endElement(); } /** * Writes beginning pair tag. * * @param XMLWriter $writer * Writer that writes the output. * @param DOMElement $node * Current node. * @param $id * Current node id. */ protected function writeBPT(\XMLWriter $writer, \DOMElement $node, $id) { $beginning_tag = '<' . $node->nodeName; if ($node->hasAttributes()) { $attributes = array(); /** @var DOMAttr $attribute */ foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { $attributes[] = $attribute->name . '="' . $attribute->value . '"'; } $beginning_tag .= ' '. implode(' ', $attributes); } $beginning_tag .= '>'; $writer->startElement('bpt'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id); $writer->text($beginning_tag); $writer->endElement(); } /** * Writes ending pair tag. * * @param XMLWriter $writer * Writer that writes the output. * @param string $name * Ending tag name. * @param $id * Current node id. */ protected function writeEPT(\XMLWriter $writer, $name, $id) { $writer->startElement('ept'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id); $writer->text('</' . $name . '>'); $writer->endElement(); } /** * Writes img tag. * * Note that alt and title attributes are not written as sub elements as * Trados studio is not able to deal with two sub elements at one level. * * @param XMLWriter $writer * Writer that writes the output. * @param DOMElement $node * Current node. * @param $id * Current node id. */ protected function writeIMG(\XMLWriter $writer, \DOMElement $node, $id) { $writer->startElement('ph'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id); $writer->writeAttribute('ctype', 'image'); foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) { // @todo - uncomment when issue with Trados/sub elements fixed. /* if (in_array($attribute->name, array('title', 'alt'))) { continue; } */ $writer->writeAttribute($attribute->name, $attribute->value); } /* if ($alt_attribute = $node->getAttribute('alt')) { $writer->startElement('sub'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id . '-img-alt'); $writer->writeAttribute('ctype', 'x-img-alt'); $writer->text($alt_attribute); $writer->endElement(); $this->elementsCount++; } if ($title_attribute = $node->getAttribute('title')) { $writer->startElement('sub'); $writer->writeAttribute('id', $id . '-img-title'); $writer->writeAttribute('ctype', 'x-img-title'); $writer->text($title_attribute); $writer->endElement(); $this->elementsCount++; } */ $writer->endElement(); } /** * Convert critical characters to HTML entities. * * DOMDocument will convert HTML entities to its actual characters. This can * lead into situation when not allowed characters will appear in the content. * * @param string $string * String to escape. * * @return string * Escaped string. */ protected function toEntities($string) { return str_replace(array('&', '>', '<'), array('&', '>', '<'), $string); } }