<?php namespace Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Plugin\tmgmt\Translator; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Xss; use Drupal\Core\Entity\Entity; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\Job; use Drupal\tmgmt\Entity\JobItem; use Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt\Translator\TranslatableResult; use Drupal\tmgmt\TranslatorInterface; use Drupal\tmgmt\TranslatorPluginBase; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Plugin\tmgmt_contentapi\Format\Xliff; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Util\GeneralHelper; use ZipArchive; use \SplFileObject; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\ProviderId; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\CreateRequestUpdateTM; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\CreateRequestFile; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Model\CreateToken; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\TokenApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\TranslationMemoryApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\JobApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\RequestApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Swagger\Client\Api\SourceFileApi; use Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\Util\ConentApiHelper; use Drupal\tmgmt\ContinuousTranslatorInterface; /** * Content API Translator. * * @TranslatorPlugin( * id = "contentapi", * label = @Translation("Lionbridge Content API Connector"), * logo = "icons/lionbridge.png", * description = @Translation("Provider to send content to Lionbridge"), * ui = "Drupal\tmgmt_contentapi\ContentApiTranslatorUI" * ) */ class ContentApiTranslator extends TranslatorPluginBase{ /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function checkTranslatable(TranslatorInterface $translator, JobInterface $job) { // Anything can be exported. return TranslatableResult::yes(); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function abortTranslation(JobInterface $job) { // Assume that we can abort a translation job at any time. /* try { $token = ConentApiHelper::generateToken($job->getTranslator()); $jobid = GeneralHelper::getCpJobIdfromLocJob($job); $jobapi = new JobApi(); $jobapi->jobsJobIdDelete($token,$jobid); $job->aborted(); $job->addMessage(t("Content API Job deleted:") . $jobid); drupal_set_message(t("Content API Job deleted:") . $jobid); return TRUE; } catch (\Exception $exception) { $job->addMessage(t('Error occured while deleting content api job, please contact the responsible project manager: ') . $exception->getMessage(), null, 'error'); $job->aborted(); return TRUE; } */ } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function requestTranslation(JobInterface $job) { // Defined here as they will be used in catch block. $createdcpjob = NULL; $token = NULL; $zipPath = NULL; $ziparchive = NULL; $jobapi = NULL; $allfilespath = NULL; try { // Message which will be displayed using drupa_set_message to disaplay download. $messageTopass = 'Exported files can be downloaded here: <br/>'; $translator = $job->getTranslator(); $contentapisettings = $translator->getSetting("capi-settings"); $oneexportfile = $translator->getSetting("one_export_file"); $token = $contentapisettings['token']; if ($job->getSetting('capi-settings')["task"] == "trans") { // Export files: gernerate paths and other variables. $exporter = new Xliff(); $filesystem = \Drupal::service('file_system'); $joblabel = GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job); $dirnameallfiles = $joblabel . '_' . $job->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . "_" . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage(); $zipName = 'zip_job_' . $dirnameallfiles . '.zip'; $allfilespath = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxSentFiles/' . $dirnameallfiles; $zipPath = $allfilespath . "/" . $zipName; $filearraytodelte = array(); $filearrayexportedfiles = array(); $transferfiles = array(); // Create folder where all exported files will be stored. if (file_prepare_directory($allfilespath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { // Export each item of the job in same file. if($oneexportfile){ $labelname = $joblabel; $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_all_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $jobpath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->export($job), $jobpath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles['all'] = $file; } else { // Export each item of the job in separate file. foreach ($job->getItems() as $item) { $labelname = GeneralHelper::getStringNoSpeChars($item->label()); $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_" . $item->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $itempath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->exportItem($item), $itempath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles[$item->id()] = $file; } } // Zip the exported files. $ziparchive = new ZipArchive(); $openresult = $ziparchive->open($filesystem->realpath($zipPath), ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE); $zipcloseresult = FALSE; if ($openresult) { foreach ($filearrayexportedfiles as $tempfile) { $ziparchive->addFile($filesystem->realpath($tempfile->getFileUri()), $tempfile->getFilename()); } $zipcloseresult = $ziparchive->close(); if ($zipcloseresult) { $zipfileobj = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); \Drupal::service('file.usage')->add($zipfileobj, 'tmgmt_contentapi', 'tmgmt_job', $job->id()); } } else { } // If exported files are transfered as zip, delete org. exports as already in the zip. if ($job->getTranslator()->getSetting('transfer-settings')) { // Add zip to transfer array. $transferfiles['all'] = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); foreach ($filearrayexportedfiles as $tempfile) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } } else { // All exported files added to transfer array. $transferfiles = $filearrayexportedfiles; } // Create Job in Content API. $contentapibundle = array(); $jobrequest = ConentApiHelper::genrateJobRequst($job); $jobapi = new JobApi(); $createdcpjob = NULL; try { $createdcpjob = $jobapi->jobsPost($token, $jobrequest); } catch (\Exception $e) { $job->addMessage($e->getMessage(), array(), 'error'); return; } // Upload files from transferfiles array to CPA. $fileapi = new SourceFileApi(); $transrequestapi = new RequestApi(); // Array to store temporally translation requst and associated files. $contentapitrrequstfiles = array(); foreach ($transferfiles as $id => $tmpfile) { $data = array(); $data["job_id"] = $createdcpjob->getJobId(); $data["filename"] = $tmpfile->getFilename(); $data["filetype"] = $tmpfile->getMimeType(); $stmrg = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getViaUri($tmpfile->getFileUri()); $extpath = $stmrg->realpath(); $filrequst = new SplFileObject($extpath); $contentapitmpfile = $fileapi->jobsJobIdUploadPost($token, $data["job_id"], $data["filename"], $data["filetype"], $filrequst); $request = new CreateRequestFile(array( "request_name" => $job->id() . "_" . $id . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . "-" . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage(), "source_native_id" => $job->id() . "_" . $id, "source_native_language_code" => $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage(), "target_native_language_codes" => array($job->getRemoteTargetLanguage()), "file_id" => $contentapitmpfile->getFileId(), )); $contentapitmprequst = $transrequestapi->jobsJobIdRequestsAddfilePost($token, $data["job_id"], $request); $contentapibundle[] = $contentapitmprequst; $filrequst = NULL; } // Submit content api job. $pr = $job->getSetting("capi-settings")["provider"]; $jid = $createdcpjob->getJobId(); $prmodel = new ProviderId(array('provider_id' => $pr)); $jobsubmitresult = $jobapi->jobsJobIdSubmitPut($token, $jid, $prmodel); if ($jobsubmitresult) { // TODO // Add content api bundle to job's settings. GeneralHelper::addCpaSettingsToJob($job, serialize($contentapibundle)); $messageTopass .= '<a href="' . file_create_url($zipPath) . '">' . Xss::filter(GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job)) . '</a>'; drupal_set_message(\Drupal\Core\Render\Markup::create($messageTopass)); if($job->getSetting('capi-settings')['quote']['is_quote']){ $job->submitted("This job was submitted for a quote. To submit your job for processing, you must log into your translation provider's system to approve this quote."); } else{ $job->submitted("Job sent to provider!"); } // Delete files after sending to Provider. foreach ($filearraytodelte as $tempfile) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } } } else { throw new \Exception("Could not create directory for export: " . $allfilespath); } } else { // Export files: gernerate paths and other variables. $exporter = new Xliff(); $filesystem = \Drupal::service('file_system'); $joblabel = GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job); $dirnameallfiles = $joblabel . '_tmupdate' . $job->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . "_" . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage(); $zipName = 'zip_job_' . $dirnameallfiles . '.zip'; $allfilespath = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_contentapi/LioxSentFiles/' . $dirnameallfiles; $zipPath = $allfilespath . "/" . $zipName; $filearraytodelte = array(); $filearrayexportedfiles = array(); $transferfiles = array(); // Create folder where all exported files will be stored. if (file_prepare_directory($allfilespath, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { // Export each item of the job in same file. if($oneexportfile){ $labelname = $joblabel; $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_all_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $jobpath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->export($job), $jobpath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles['all'] = $file; } else { // Export each item of the job in separate file. foreach ($job->getItems() as $item) { $labelname = GeneralHelper::getStringNoSpeChars($item->label()); $name = $labelname . "_" . $job->id() . "_" . $item->id() . "_" . $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage() . '_' . $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() . '.xlf'; $itempath = $allfilespath . "/" . $name; $file = file_save_data($exporter->exportItem($item), $itempath, FILE_EXISTS_REPLACE); $filearraytodelte[] = $file; $filearrayexportedfiles[$item->id()] = $file; } } // Zip the exported files. $ziparchive = new ZipArchive(); $openresult = $ziparchive->open($filesystem->realpath($zipPath), ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE | ZIPARCHIVE::OVERWRITE); $zipcloseresult = FALSE; if ($openresult) { foreach ($filearrayexportedfiles as $tempfile) { $ziparchive->addFile($filesystem->realpath($tempfile->getFileUri()), $tempfile->getFilename()); } $zipcloseresult = $ziparchive->close(); if ($zipcloseresult) { $zipfileobj = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); \Drupal::service('file.usage')->add($zipfileobj, 'tmgmt_contentapi', 'tmgmt_job', $job->id()); } } else { } $transferfiles = $filearrayexportedfiles; // Create Job in Content API. $contentapibundle = array(); $jobrequest = ConentApiHelper::genrateJobRequst($job); $jobapi = new JobApi(); $createdcpjob = NULL; try { $createdcpjob = $jobapi->jobsPost($token, $jobrequest); } catch (\Exception $e) { $job->addMessage($e->getMessage(), array(), 'error'); return; } // Upload files from transferfiles array to CPA. $fileapi = new SourceFileApi(); $transrequestapi = new RequestApi(); // Array to store temporally translation requst and associated files. $contentapitrrequstfiles = array(); foreach ($transferfiles as $id => $tmpfile) { $data = array(); $data["job_id"] = $createdcpjob->getJobId(); $data["filename"] = $tmpfile->getFilename(); $data["filetype"] = $tmpfile->getMimeType(); $stmrg = \Drupal::service('stream_wrapper_manager')->getViaUri($tmpfile->getFileUri()); $extpath = $stmrg->realpath(); $filrequst = new SplFileObject($extpath); $contentapitmpfile = $fileapi->jobsJobIdUploadPost($token, $data["job_id"], $data["filename"], $data["filetype"], $filrequst); $tmupdateapi = new TranslationMemoryApi(); $tmupdaterequest = new CreateRequestUpdateTM( array( 'file_id' => $contentapitmpfile->getFileId(), 'source_native_language_code' => $job->getRemoteSourceLanguage(), 'target_native_language_code' => $job->getRemoteTargetLanguage() )); $tmupdateresponse = $tmupdateapi->jobsJobIdTmUpdatefilePut($token,$createdcpjob->getJobId(), $tmupdaterequest); $contentapibundle[] = $createdcpjob; } // Submit content api job. $pr = $job->getSetting("capi-settings")["provider"]; $jid = $createdcpjob->getJobId(); $prmodel = new ProviderId(array('provider_id' => $pr)); $jobsubmitresult = $jobapi->jobsJobIdSubmitPut($token, $jid, $prmodel); if ($jobsubmitresult) { // TODO GeneralHelper::addCpaSettingsToJob($job, serialize($contentapibundle)); $messageTopass .= '<a href="' . file_create_url($zipPath) . '">' . Xss::filter(GeneralHelper::getJobLabelNoSpeChars($job)) . '</a>'; drupal_set_message(\Drupal\Core\Render\Markup::create($messageTopass)); //set job to finished $job->setState(Job::STATE_FINISHED); foreach ($job->getItems() as $item){ $item->setState(JobItem::STATE_ACCEPTED); } $job->submitted("TM update job sent to provider!"); // Delete files after sending to Provider. foreach ($filearraytodelte as $tempfile) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } } } else { throw new \Exception("Could not create directory for export: " . $allfilespath); } } } catch (\Exception $exception) { // If exception occurs, clean up everything: delete exported files, cancel job in CA if any. foreach ($filearraytodelte as $tempfile) { if (file_exists($tempfile->getFileUri())) { file_unmanaged_delete($tempfile->getFileUri()); } } if (!file_exists($zipPath) && $ziparchive != NULL) { $ziparchive->close(); } $job->setState(Job::STATE_UNPROCESSED); try { if (isset($createdcpjob)) { // TODO: check why result is NULL, only at certain state job can be deleted? But seems to work!! $deletresult = $jobapi->jobsJobIdDelete($token, $createdcpjob->getJobId()); } } catch (\Exception $ex) { drupal_set_message("Tried to delete Job in Content API, but failed: " . $ex->getMessage(), "error"); } // TODO: Check why zip cannot be deleted. But after two tests seems to work? $zipfileobj = GeneralHelper::createFileObject($zipPath); file_unmanaged_delete($zipfileobj->getFileUri()); file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($allfilespath); drupal_set_message($exception->getMessage(), "error"); } } //keep this as back-up method in case we want to add all jobItems in one File public function requestTranslationOrg(JobInterface $job) { $name = "JobID" . $job->id() . '_' . $job->getSourceLangcode() . '_' . $job->getTargetLangcode(); //$job->settings = null; $export = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.tmgmt_fwconnector.format')->createInstance($job->getSetting('export_format')); //$testset = $job->settings["fw_projecname"]; //$tesvar = $job->values["settings"]; $path = $job->getSetting('scheme') . '://tmgmt_fwconnector/' . $name . '.' . $job->getSetting('export_format'); $dirname = dirname($path); if (file_prepare_directory($dirname, FILE_CREATE_DIRECTORY)) { $file = file_save_data($export->export($job), $path); \Drupal::service('file.usage')->add($file, 'tmgmt_fwconnector', 'tmgmt_job', $job->id()); $job->submitted('Exported file can be downloaded <a href="@link">here</a>.', array('@link' => file_create_url($path))); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function hasCheckoutSettings(JobInterface $job) { return $job->getTranslator()->getSetting('allow_override'); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function defaultSettings() { return array( 'export_format' => 'contentapi_xlf', 'allow_override' => TRUE, 'scheme' => 'public', // Making this setting TRUE by default is more appropriate, however we // need to make it FALSE due to backwards compatibility. 'xliff_processing' => FALSE, 'xliff_cdata' => FALSE, 'capi_username' => '', //'capi_password' => '', 'one_export_file' => TRUE, 'po_reference' => '', 'transfer-settings' => FALSE ); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function requestJobItemsTranslation(array $job_items) { // TODO: Implement requestJobItemsTranslation() method. } }