<?php namespace Drupal\if_then_else\core\Nodes\Values\EntityValue; use Drupal\if_then_else\core\Nodes\Values\Value; use Drupal\if_then_else\Event\NodeSubscriptionEvent; use Drupal\if_then_else\Event\NodeValidationEvent; use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html; /** * Textvalue node class. */ class EntityValue extends Value { /** * Return name of node. */ public static function getName() { return 'entity_value'; } /** * Event subscriber of registering node. */ public function registerNode(NodeSubscriptionEvent $event) { $event->nodes[static::getName()] = [ 'label' => t('Entity'), 'type' => 'value', 'class' => 'Drupal\\if_then_else\\core\\Nodes\\Values\\EntityValue\\EntityValue', 'library' => 'if_then_else/EntityValue', 'control_class_name' => 'EntityValueControl', 'component_class_name' => 'EntityValueComponent', 'inputs' => [ 'data' => [ 'label' => t('Entity Id'), 'description' => t('Take Entity Id input'), 'sockets' => ['number'], ] ] , 'outputs' => [ 'entity' => [ 'label' => t('Entity'), 'description' => t('Entity Object'), 'socket' => 'object.entity', ], ], ]; } public function validateNode(NodeValidationEvent $event) { $data = $event->node->data; if(!property_exists($data,'selected_entity')){ $event->errors[] = t('Select a Entity type in "@node_name".', ['@node_name' => $event->node->name]); } if (!property_exists($data, 'input_selection')) { $event->errors[] = t('Provide an entity id in "@node_name".', ['@node_name' => $event->node->name]); } $inputs = $event->node->inputs; if ($data->input_selection == 'value' && (!property_exists($data, 'entityId') || empty(trim($data->entityId)))) { $event->errors[] = t('Provide an entity id in "@node_name".', ['@node_name' => $event->node->name]); } elseif ($data->input_selection == 'input' && !sizeof($inputs->data->connections)) { $event->errors[] = t('Provide an entity id in "@node_name".', ['@node_name' => $event->node->name]); } } /** * Process function for Textvalue node. */ public function process() { if ($this->data->input_selection == 'value') { $entity_id = Html::escape($this->data->entityId); } else { $entity_id = $this->inputs['data']; } $entity = $this->data->selected_entity->value; // Using the storage controller. $entity_object = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage($entity)->load($entity_id); $this->outputs['entity'] = $entity_object; } }