name: govCMS type: profile description: 'A govCMS Drupal Distribution for government and the public sector in Australia.' # core: 8.x distribution: name: govCMS langcode: en install: theme: govcmsinstall dependencies: # Drupal Core modules - block_content - block_place - breakpoint - ckeditor - config - content_moderation - datetime_range - field_layout - field_ui - help - history - image - inline_form_errors - layout_discovery - menu_ui - node - options - quickedit - rdf - responsive_image - shortcut - syslog - taxonomy - telephone - views_ui # Contrib modules - adminimal_admin_toolbar - admin_toolbar_tools - chosen - entity_browser - entity_embed - features_ui - field_group - honeypot - linkit - login_security - module_filter - password_policy - password_policy_length - password_policy_characters - password_policy_character_types - password_policy_history - password_policy_username - pathauto # govCMS core modules - govcms_search - govcms_media dependencies_optional: - govcms_optional_govcms_blog_article - govcms_optional_govcms_event - govcms_optional_govcms_foi - govcms_optional_govcms_news_and_media - govcms_optional_govcms_standard_page themes: - adminimal_theme - govcmsui # Information added by packaging script on 2018-08-02 version: '8.x-1.0-alpha7' core: '8.x' project: 'govcms8' datestamp: 1533171792