<?php /** * @file * Implementation of drush command hook. */ function forena_drush_command() { $items = array(); $items['forena-deliver-reports'] = array( 'description' => 'Forena Revert Delivered module provided forena reports', 'examples' => array('drush frxrevert'), 'aliases' => array('frxcp', 'frxrevert'), ); $items['forena-report'] = array( 'description' => 'Render a report', 'arguments' => array( 'report_uri' => 'The name of the report to render. Include parameters as url parameters to the report as you would see them on the url', 'filename' => 'The file to write the report data to', ), 'options' => array('language'), 'aliases' => array('frx'), 'examples' => array( 'drush forena-report sample/states.html states.html' => 'Export an html report as a simple table', "drush forena-report 'sample/user_distribution_simple.xml?state=wa wa.xml'" => 'Export the states as an xml for washington sate', ), ); return $items; } /** * Execute copy of the reports from drush. */ function drush_forena_deliver_reports() { require_once ''; require_once ''; forena_sync_reports(TRUE); } /** * Run a report to a fiel. */ function drush_forena_report($report_uri, $filename='') { $parms = array(); $query = ''; $m1 = memory_get_usage(); $t1 = time(); if (strpos($report_uri, '?')) { list($report_name, $query) = explode('?', $report_uri); } else { $report_name = $report_uri; } if ($query) { parse_str($query, $parms); } $content = \Drupal\forena\ReportManager::instance()->report($report_name, $parms); $d = \Drupal\forena\DocManager::instance(); $doc_type = $d->getDocumentType(); $email_override = \Drupal::config('forena.settings')->get('email_override'); $user = \Drupal::currentUser(); $email = $email_override ? $user->getEmail() : ''; switch ($doc_type) { case 'drupal': $content = $content['report']['#template']; break; case 'email': /** @var \Drupal\forena\FrxPlugin\Document\EmailMerge $merge */ $merge = $d->getDocument(); $merge->sendMail($email, 0); break; } if ($filename) { drupal_set_message(t('Writing report %s to %f.', array('%s' => $report_name, '%f' => $filename))); file_put_contents($filename, $content); } else { drupal_set_message(t('Generating report %s.', array('%s' => $report_name))); print $content; } $t2 = time(); $m2 = memory_get_usage(); $p = memory_get_peak_usage(); $dur = $t2 - $t1; $mem = $m2 - $m1; drupal_set_message(t('Finished Report ( %s seconds, %b bytes, peak %p)', array('%s' => $dur, '%b' => $mem, '%p' => $p))); }