<?php /** * @file FrxInclude * Include a reference to another report as an asset. * @author davidmetzler * */ namespace Drupal\forena\FrxPlugin\Renderer; use Drupal\Core\Url; use Drupal\forena\AppService; use Drupal\forena\ReportManager; use SimpleXMLElement; /** * Include a reprot * * @FrxRenderer(id = "FrxInclude") */ class FrxInclude extends RendererBase { public function render() { // Get data from source $attributes = $this->mergedAttributes(); $output = ''; // Determine data type $include = @$attributes['src']; $title = @$attributes['title']; // Quit if we have no data. if (!$include) return ''; // Reformat URL @list($url, $query_str)=@explode('?', $include); $url = $this->report->replace($url, TRUE); $report_url = $url; $parts = @explode('/', $url); $file = @$parts[count($parts) - 1]; $parts = explode('.', $file); // Determine file extention $ext = count($parts) > 1 ? $parts[count($parts) - 1] : ''; $query = array(); if ($query_str) { parse_str($query_str, $query ); foreach ($query as $key=>$value) { $query[$key] = $this->teng->replace($value, TRUE); } } // Build URL $options = array('query' => $query); $url = AppService::instance()->url($url, $options); //$url = url($url, $options); $mode = isset($attributes['mode']) ? $attributes['mode'] : ''; switch ($mode) { case 'ajax': if(strpos($url,'/nojs/')=== FALSE) { if (!isset($attributes['id'])) $attributes['id'] = 'frx-include'; $id = @$attributes['id']; $url .= "/nojs/$id/replace"; if (isset($attributes['class'])) { $attributes['class'] .= ' use-ajax forena-autoload'; } else { $attributes['class'] = 'use-ajax forena-autoload'; } } $output = $this->render_reference($url, $ext, $attributes, $title); break; case 'reference': $output = $this->render_reference($url, $ext, $attributes, $title); break; case 'inline': default: ReportManager::instance()->reportInclude(str_replace('reports/', '', $report_url)); } return $output; } function render_reference($url, $ext, $attributes, $title) { $ext = strtolower($ext); if (!$title) $title = "$ext document"; $attributes = $this->teng->replace($attributes); switch ($ext) { case 'png': case 'gif': case 'jpg': case 'jpeg': $x = new SimpleXMLElement('<img/>'); $x['src'] = $url; if (isset($attributes['height'])) $x['height'] = $attributes['height']; if (isset($attributes['width'])) $x['width'] = $attributes['width']; break; case 'svg': $x = new SimpleXMLElement('<embed/>'); $x['src'] = $url; $x['type'] = 'image/svg+xml'; $x['pluginspage'] = ""; if (isset($attributes['height'])) $x['height'] = $attributes['height']; if (isset($attributes['width'])) $x['width'] = $attributes['width']; break; default: $x = new SimpleXMLElement('<a>' . htmlentities($title, ENT_QUOTES) . '</a>' ); $x['href'] = $url; } if (isset($attributes['id'])) $x['id'] = $attributes['id']; if (isset($attributes['class'])) $x['class'] = $attributes['class']; return $x->asXML(); } }