
 * @file
 * Theme hooks for the Drupal Bootstrap base theme.
(function ($, Drupal, Bootstrap) {

   * Fallback for theming an icon if the Icon API module is not installed.
  if (!Drupal.icon) Drupal.icon = { bundles: {} };
  if (!Drupal.theme.icon || Drupal.theme.prototype.icon) {
    $.extend(Drupal.theme, /** @lends Drupal.theme */ {
       * Renders an icon.
       * @param {string} bundle
       *   The bundle which the icon belongs to.
       * @param {string} icon
       *   The name of the icon to render.
       * @param {object|Attributes} [attributes]
       *   An object of attributes to also apply to the icon.
       * @returns {string}
      icon: function (bundle, icon, attributes) {
        if (!Drupal.icon.bundles[bundle]) return '';
        attributes = Attributes(attributes).addClass('icon').set('aria-hidden', 'true');
        icon = Drupal.icon.bundles[bundle](icon, attributes);
        return '<span' + attributes + '></span>';

   * Callback for modifying an icon in the "bootstrap" icon bundle.
   * @param {string} icon
   *   The icon being rendered.
   * @param {Attributes} attributes
   *   Attributes object for the icon.
  Drupal.icon.bundles.bootstrap = function (icon, attributes) {
    attributes.addClass(['glyphicon', 'glyphicon-' + icon]);

   * Add necessary theming hooks.
  $.extend(Drupal.theme, /** @lends Drupal.theme */ {

     * Renders a Bootstrap AJAX glyphicon throbber.
     * @returns {string}
    ajaxThrobber: function () {
      return Drupal.theme.bootstrapIcon('refresh', {'class': ['ajax-throbber', 'glyphicon-spin'] });

     * Renders a button element.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button. If it contains one of:
     *   - value: The label of the button.
     *   - context: The context type of Bootstrap button, can be one of:
     *     - default
     *     - primary
     *     - success
     *     - info
     *     - warning
     *     - danger
     *     - link
     * @returns {string}
    button: function (attributes) {
      attributes = Attributes(attributes).addClass('btn');
      var context = attributes.get('context', 'default');
      var label = attributes.get('value', '');
      if (!attributes.hasClass(['btn-default', 'btn-primary', 'btn-success', 'btn-info', 'btn-warning', 'btn-danger', 'btn-link'])) {
        attributes.addClass('btn-' + Bootstrap.checkPlain(context));
      return '<button' + attributes + '>' + label + '</button>';

     * Alias for "button" theme hook.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button.
     * @see Drupal.theme.button()
     * @returns {string}
    btn: function (attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('button', attributes);

     * Renders a button block element.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button.
     * @see Drupal.theme.button()
     * @returns {string}
    'btn-block': function (attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('button', Attributes(attributes).addClass('btn-block'));

     * Renders a large button element.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button.
     * @see Drupal.theme.button()
     * @returns {string}
    'btn-lg': function (attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('button', Attributes(attributes).addClass('btn-lg'));

     * Renders a small button element.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button.
     * @see Drupal.theme.button()
     * @returns {string}
    'btn-sm': function (attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('button', Attributes(attributes).addClass('btn-sm'));

     * Renders an extra small button element.
     * @param {object|Attributes} attributes
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the button.
     * @see Drupal.theme.button()
     * @returns {string}
    'btn-xs': function (attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('button', Attributes(attributes).addClass('btn-xs'));

     * Renders a glyphicon.
     * @param {string} name
     *   The name of the glyphicon.
     * @param {object|Attributes} [attributes]
     *   An object of attributes to apply to the icon.
     * @returns {string}
    bootstrapIcon: function (name, attributes) {
      return Drupal.theme('icon', 'bootstrap', name, attributes);


})(window.jQuery, window.Drupal, window.Drupal.bootstrap);

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