
 * @file
 * Extends methods from core/misc/ajax.js.

(function ($, window, Drupal, drupalSettings) {

   * Attempts to find the closest glyphicon progress indicator.
   * @param {jQuery|Element} element
   *   A DOM element.
   * @returns {jQuery}
   *   A jQuery object.
  Drupal.Ajax.prototype.findGlyphicon = function (element) {
    return $(element).closest('.form-item').find('.ajax-progress.glyphicon')

   * Starts the spinning of the glyphicon progress indicator.
   * @param {jQuery|Element} element
   *   A DOM element.
   * @param {string} [message]
   *   An optional message to display (tooltip) for the progress.
   * @returns {jQuery}
   *   A jQuery object.
  Drupal.Ajax.prototype.glyphiconStart = function (element, message) {
    var $glyphicon = this.findGlyphicon(element);
    if ($glyphicon[0]) {

      // Add any message as a tooltip to the glyphicon.
      if (drupalSettings.bootstrap.tooltip_enabled) {

        if (message) {
          $glyphicon.attr('data-toggle', 'tooltip').attr('title', message).tooltip();

      // Append a message for screen readers.
      if (message) {
        $glyphicon.parent().append('<div class="sr-only message">' + message + '</div>');
    return $glyphicon;

   * Stop the spinning of a glyphicon progress indicator.
   * @param {jQuery|Element} element
   *   A DOM element.
  Drupal.Ajax.prototype.glyphiconStop = function (element) {
    var $glyphicon = this.findGlyphicon(element);
    if ($glyphicon[0]) {
      if (drupalSettings.bootstrap.tooltip_enabled) {

   * Sets the throbber progress indicator.
  Drupal.Ajax.prototype.setProgressIndicatorThrobber = function () {
    var $element = $(this.element);

    // Find an existing glyphicon progress indicator.
    var $glyphicon = this.glyphiconStart($element, this.progress.message);
    if ($glyphicon[0]) {
      this.progress.element = $glyphicon.parent();
      this.progress.glyphicon = true;

    // Otherwise, add a glyphicon throbber after the element.
    if (!this.progress.element) {
      this.progress.element = $(Drupal.theme('ajaxThrobber'));
    if (this.progress.message) {
      this.progress.element.after('<div class="message">' + this.progress.message + '</div>');

    // If element is an input DOM element type (not :input), append after.
    if ($'input')) {
    // Otherwise append the throbber inside the element.
    else {

   * Handler for the form redirection completion.
   * @param {Array.<Drupal.AjaxCommands~commandDefinition>} response
   * @param {number} status
  Drupal.Ajax.prototype.success = function (response, status) {
    if (this.progress.element) {

      // Stop a glyphicon throbber.
      if (this.progress.glyphicon) {
      // Remove the progress element.
      else {

      // Remove any message set.

    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // Everything below is from core/misc/ajax.js.
    // --------------------------------------------------------

    if (this.progress.object) {
    $(this.element).prop('disabled', false);

    // Save element's ancestors tree so if the element is removed from the dom
    // we can try to refocus one of its parents. Using addBack reverse the
    // result array, meaning that index 0 is the highest parent in the hierarchy
    // in this situation it is usually a <form> element.
    var elementParents = $(this.element).parents('[data-drupal-selector]').addBack().toArray();

    // Track if any command is altering the focus so we can avoid changing the
    // focus set by the Ajax command.
    var focusChanged = false;
    for (var i in response) {
      if (response.hasOwnProperty(i) && response[i].command && this.commands[response[i].command]) {
        this.commands[response[i].command](this, response[i], status);
        if (response[i].command === 'invoke' && response[i].method === 'focus') {
          focusChanged = true;

    // If the focus hasn't be changed by the ajax commands, try to refocus the
    // triggering element or one of its parents if that element does not exist
    // anymore.
    if (!focusChanged && this.element && !$(this.element).data('disable-refocus')) {
      var target = false;

      for (var n = elementParents.length - 1; !target && n > 0; n--) {
        target = document.querySelector('[data-drupal-selector="' + elementParents[n].getAttribute('data-drupal-selector') + '"]');

      if (target) {

    // Reattach behaviors, if they were detached in beforeSerialize(). The
    // attachBehaviors() called on the new content from processing the response
    // commands is not sufficient, because behaviors from the entire form need
    // to be reattached.
    if (this.$form) {
      var settings = this.settings || drupalSettings;
      Drupal.attachBehaviors(this.$form.get(0), settings);

    // Remove any response-specific settings so they don't get used on the next
    // call by mistake.
    this.settings = null;

})(jQuery, this, Drupal, drupalSettings);

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