
 * @file
 * Theme override of a container used to wrap child elements.
 * Used for grouped form items. Can also be used as a #theme_wrapper for any
 * renderable element, to surround it with a <div> and HTML attributes.
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: HTML attributes for the containing element.
 * - children: The rendered child elements of the container.
 * - has_parent: A flag to indicate that the container has one or more parent
 * @see template_preprocess_container()
@todo: so why this exist in this template we dont know when its the taxonomy terms
should follow the same pattern
   set classes = [
     has_parent ? 'js-form-wrapper',
     has_parent ? 'form-wrapper',
 <div{{ attributes.addClass(classes) }}>
 {{ children }}

{# no wrappers here!  #}
 {{ children }}

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