<?php namespace Drupal\content_entity_base\Entity\Controller; use Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface; use Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageInterface; use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface; /** * Defines a trait for common revision UI functionality. */ trait RevisionControllerTrait { /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityManagerInterface */ public abstract function entityManager(); /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Render\RendererInterface */ public abstract function renderer(); /** * @return \Drupal\Core\Language\LanguageManagerInterface */ public abstract function languageManager(); /** * Displays an entity revision. * * @param ContentEntityInterface $entity_revision * The entity revision ID. * * @return array * An array suitable for drupal_render(). */ public function showRevision(ContentEntityInterface $entity_revision) { return $this->doShowRevision($entity_revision); } protected function doShowRevision(ContentEntityInterface $entity_revision) { $view_controller = $this->entityManager()->getViewBuilder($entity_revision->getEntityTypeId()); $page = $view_controller->view($entity_revision); unset($page[$entity_revision->getEntityTypeId() . 's'][$entity_revision->id()]['#cache']); return $page; } /** * Determines if the user has permission to revert revisions. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * The entity to check revert access for. * * @return bool * TRUE if the user has revert access. */ abstract protected function hasRevertRevisionPermission(EntityInterface $entity); /** * Determines if the user has permission to delete revisions. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity * The entity to check delete revision access for. * * @return bool * TRUE if the user has delete revision access. */ abstract protected function hasDeleteRevisionPermission(EntityInterface $entity); /** * Builds a link to revert an entity revision. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity_revision * The entity to build a revert revision link for. * * @return array A link render array. * A link render array. * @internal param int $revision_id The revision ID of the revert link.* The revision ID of the revert link. */ abstract protected function buildRevertRevisionLink(EntityInterface $entity_revision); /** * Builds a link to delete an entity revision. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity_revision * The entity to build a delete revision link for. * * @return array A link render array. * A link render array. * @internal param int $revision_id The revision ID of the delete link.* The revision ID of the delete link. */ abstract protected function buildDeleteRevisionLink(EntityInterface $entity_revision); /** * Returns a string providing details of the revision. * * E.g. Node describes its revisions using {date} by {username}. For the * non-current revision, it also provides a link to view that revision. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $revision * @param bool $is_current * TRUE if the revision is the current revision. * * @return string * Returns a string to provide the details of the revision. */ abstract protected function getRevisionDescription(ContentEntityInterface $revision, $is_current = FALSE); /** * Generates an overview table of older revisions of an entity. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity * An entity object. * * @return array * An array as expected by drupal_render(). */ public function revisionOverview(ContentEntityInterface $entity) { $langcode = $this->languageManager() ->getCurrentLanguage(LanguageInterface::TYPE_CONTENT) ->getId(); /** @var \Drupal\content_entity_base\Entity\Storage\RevisionableStorageInterface $entity_storage */ $entity_storage = $this->entityManager() ->getStorage($entity->getEntityTypeId()); $header = array($this->t('Revision'), $this->t('Operations')); $rows = []; $vids = $entity_storage->revisionIds($entity); $entity_revisions = array_combine($vids, array_map(function($vid) use ($entity_storage) { return $entity_storage->loadRevision($vid); }, $vids)); $latest_revision = TRUE; foreach (array_reverse($vids) as $vid) { $row = []; /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $revision */ $revision = $entity_revisions[$vid]; if ($revision->hasTranslation($langcode) && $revision->getTranslation($langcode) ->isRevisionTranslationAffected() ) { if ($latest_revision) { $row[] = $this->getRevisionDescription($revision, TRUE); $row[] = [ 'data' => [ '#prefix' => '<em>', '#markup' => $this->t('Current revision'), '#suffix' => '</em>', ], ]; foreach ($row as &$current) { $current['class'] = ['revision-current']; } $latest_revision = FALSE; } else { $row[] = $this->getRevisionDescription($revision, FALSE); $links = $this->getOperationLinks($revision); $row[] = [ 'data' => [ '#type' => 'operations', '#links' => $links, ], ]; } } $rows[] = $row; } $build[$entity->getEntityTypeId() . '_revisions_table'] = array( '#theme' => 'table', '#rows' => $rows, '#header' => $header, ); // We have no clue about caching yet. $build['#cache']['max-age'] = 0; return $build; } /** * Get the links of the operations for an entity revision. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity_revision * The entity to build the revision links for. * * @return array * The operation links. */ protected function getOperationLinks(EntityInterface $entity_revision) { $links = []; $revert_permission = $this->hasRevertRevisionPermission($entity_revision); $delete_permission = $this->hasDeleteRevisionPermission($entity_revision); if ($revert_permission) { $links['revert'] = $this->buildRevertRevisionLink($entity_revision); } if ($delete_permission) { $links['delete'] = $this->buildDeleteRevisionLink($entity_revision); } return $links; } }