<?php /** * @file * Contains \Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerGeneration\ConfigPackagerGenerationArchive. */ namespace Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerGeneration; use Drupal\Component\Serialization\Yaml; use Drupal\config_packager\ConfigPackagerGenerationMethodBase; use Drupal\Core\Archiver\ArchiveTar; use Drupal\Core\Config\InstallStorage; use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface; /** * Class for generating a compressed archive of packages. * * @Plugin( * id = \Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerGeneration\ConfigPackagerGenerationArchive::METHOD_ID, * weight = -2, * name = @Translation("Archive"), * description = @Translation("Generate packages and optional profile as a compressed archive for download."), * ) */ class ConfigPackagerGenerationArchive extends ConfigPackagerGenerationMethodBase { /** * The package generation method id. */ const METHOD_ID = 'archive'; /** * Reads and merges in existing files for a given package or profile. */ protected function preparePackage($add_profile, &$package, $existing_packages) { if (isset($existing_packages[$package['machine_name']])) { $existing_directory = $existing_packages[$package['machine_name']]; // Scan for all files. $files = file_scan_directory($existing_directory, '/.*/'); foreach ($files as $file) { // Skip files in the install directory. if (strpos($existing_directory, InstallStorage::CONFIG_INSTALL_DIRECTORY) !== FALSE) { continue; } // Merge in the info file. if ($file->name == $package['machine_name'] . '.info') { $package['files']['info']['string'] = $this->mergeInfoFile($package['files']['info']['string'], $file->uri); } // Read in remaining files. else { // Determine if the file is within a subdirectory of the // extension's directory. $file_directory = dirname($file->uri); if ($file_directory !== $existing_directory) { $subdirectory = substr($file_directory, strlen($existing_directory) + 1); } else { $subdirectory = NULL; } $package['files'][] = [ 'filename' => $file->filename, 'subdirectory' => $subdirectory, 'string' => file_get_contents($file->uri) ]; } } } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function generate($add_profile = FALSE, array $profile = array(), array $packages = array()) { // If no packages were specified, get all packages. if (empty($packages)) { $packages = $this->configPackagerManager->getPackages(); } $return = []; // Remove any previous version of the exported archive. $machine_name = $this->configFactory->get('config_packager.settings')->get('profile.machine_name'); $archive_name = file_directory_temp() . '/' . $machine_name . '.tar.gz'; if (file_exists($archive_name)) { file_unmanaged_delete($archive_name); } $archiver = new ArchiveTar($archive_name); if ($add_profile) { // If no profile was passed, load the profile. if (empty($profile)) { $profile = $this->configPackagerManager->getProfile(); } $this->generatePackage($return, $profile, $archiver); } // Add package files. foreach ($packages as $package) { $this->generatePackage($return, $package, $archiver); } return $return; } /** * Writes a package or profile's files to an archive. * * @param array &$return * The return value, passed by reference. * @param array $package * The package or profile. * @param ArchiveTar $archiver * The archiver. */ protected function generatePackage(array &$return, array $package, ArchiveTar $archiver) { $success = TRUE; foreach ($package['files'] as $file) { try { $this->generateFile($package['directory'], $file, $archiver); } catch(\Exception $exception) { $this->failure($return, $package, $exception); $success = FALSE; break; } } if ($success) { $this->success($return, $package); } } /** * Registers a successful package or profile archive operation. * * @param array &$return * The return value, passed by reference. * @param array $package * The package or profile. */ protected function success(array &$return, array $package) { $type = $package['type'] == 'module' ? $this->t('Package') : $this->t('Profile'); $return[] = [ 'success' => TRUE, // Archive writing doesn't merit a message, and if done through the UI // would appear on the subsequent page load. 'display' => FALSE, 'message' => $this->t('!type @package written to archive.'), 'variables' => [ '!type' => $type, '@package' => $package['name'] ], ]; } /** * Registers a failed package or profile archive operation. * * @param array &$return * The return value, passed by reference. * @param array $package * The package or profile. * @param Exception $exception * The exception object. */ protected function failure(&$return, array $package, Exception $exception) { $type = $package['type'] == 'package' ? $this->t('Package') : $this->t('Profile'); $return[] = [ 'success' => FALSE, // Archive writing doesn't merit a message, and if done through the UI // would appear on the subsequent page load. 'display' => FALSE, 'message' => $this->t('!type @package not written to archive. Error: @error.'), 'variables' => [ '!type' => $type, '@package' => $package['name'], '@error' => $exception->getMessage() ], ]; } /** * Writes a file to the file system, creating its directory as needed. * * @param directory * The extension's directory. * @param array $file * Array with the following keys: * - 'filename': the name of the file. * - 'subdirectory': any subdirectory of the file within the extension * directory. * - 'string': the contents of the file. * @param ArchiveTar $archiver * The archiver. * * @throws Exception */ protected function generateFile($directory, array $file, ArchiveTar $archiver) { $filename = $directory; if (!empty($file['subdirectory'])) { $filename .= '/' . $file['subdirectory']; } $filename .= '/' . $file['filename']; if ($archiver->addString($filename, $file['string']) === FALSE) { throw new \Exception($this->t('Failed to archive file @filename.', ['@filename' => $file['filename']])); } } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function exportFormSubmit(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { // Redirect to the archive file download. $form_state->setRedirect('config_packager.export_download'); } }