

 * @file
 * Contains \Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerAssignment\ConfigPackagerAssignmentCoreType.

namespace Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerAssignment;

use Drupal\config_packager\ConfigPackagerAssignmentMethodBase;

 * Class for assigning configuration to a core package based on entity types.
 * @Plugin(
 *   id = \Drupal\config_packager\Plugin\ConfigPackagerAssignment\ConfigPackagerAssignmentCoreType::METHOD_ID,
 *   weight = 0,
 *   name = @Translation("Core type"),
 *   description = @Translation("Assign designated types of configuration to a core configuration package module. For example, if image styles are selected as a core type, a core package will be generated and image styles will be assigned to it."),
 *   config_route_name = "config_packager.assignment_core"
 * )
class ConfigPackagerAssignmentCoreType extends ConfigPackagerAssignmentMethodBase {

   * The package assignment method id.
  const METHOD_ID = 'core-type';

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function assignPackages() {
    $config_types = $this->configPackagerManager->listConfigTypes();
    $core_types = $this->configFactory->get('config_packager.assignment')->get('core.types');
    $config_collection = $this->configPackagerManager->getConfigCollection();

    $initialized = FALSE;
    foreach ($config_collection as $item_name => $item) {
      if (in_array($item['type'], $core_types)) {
        if (!$initialized) {
          $initialized = TRUE;
        try {
          $this->configPackagerManager->assignConfigPackage('core', [$item_name]);
        catch(\Exception $exception) {


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