{# /** * @file * Order template used on the admin order page. * * Available variables: * - attributes: HTML attributes for the wrapper. * - order: The rendered order fields. * Use 'order' to print them all, or print a subset such as * 'order.order_number'. Use the following code to exclude the * printing of a given field: * @code * {{ order|without('order_number') }} * @endcode * - order_entity: The order entity. * * @ingroup themeable */ #} {{ attach_library('commerce_order/form') }} {% set order_state = order_entity.getState.getLabel %} <div class="layout-order-form clearfix"> <div class="layout-region layout-region-order-main"> {{ order.order_items }} {{ order.total_price }} {% if order.activity %} <h2>{% trans %}Order activity{% endtrans %}</h2> {{ order.activity }} {% endif %} </div> <div class="layout-region layout-region-order-secondary"> <div class="entity-meta"> <div class="entity-meta__header"> <h3 class="entity-meta__title"> {{ order_state }} </h3> {% for key in ['completed', 'placed', 'changed'] %} {% if order[key] %} <div class="form-item"> {{ order[key] }} </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> <details open> <summary role="button"> {{ 'Customer Information'|t }} </summary> <div class="details-wrapper"> {% for key in ['uid', 'mail', 'ip_address'] %} {% if order[key] %} <div class="form-item"> {{ order[key] }} </div> {% endif %} {% endfor %} </div> </details> {% if order.billing_information %} <details open> <summary role="button"> {{ 'Billing information'|t }} </summary> <div class="details-wrapper"> {{ order.billing_information }} </div> </details> {% endif %} {% if order.shipping_information %} <details open> <summary role="button"> {{ 'Shipping information'|t }} </summary> <div class="details-wrapper"> {{ order.shipping_information }} </div> </details> {% endif %} {# If the order has possible transitions, render the field for transition buttons. #} {% if order_entity.getState.getTransitions is not empty %} <div class="entity-meta__header"> {{ order.state }} </div> {% endif %} </div> </div> </div>