<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_order\Kernel; use Drupal\commerce_order\Adjustment; use Drupal\commerce_price\Price; use Drupal\Tests\commerce\Kernel\CommerceKernelTestBase; /** * @coversDefaultClass Drupal\commerce_order\Adjustment * @group commerce */ class AdjustmentTest extends CommerceKernelTestBase { /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public static $modules = [ 'entity_reference_revisions', 'profile', 'state_machine', 'commerce_order', 'commerce_order_test', ]; /** * Tests the constructor and definition checks. * * @covers ::__construct * * @dataProvider invalidDefinitionProvider */ public function testInvalidAdjustmentConstruct($definition, $message) { $this->setExpectedException(\InvalidArgumentException::class, $message); new Adjustment($definition); } /** * Invalid constructor definitions. * * @return array * The definitions. */ public function invalidDefinitionProvider() { return [ [[], 'Missing required property type'], [['type' => 'custom'], 'Missing required property label'], [ [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => 'Test', ], 'Missing required property amount', ], [ [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => 'Test', 'amount' => '10 USD', ], sprintf('Property "amount" should be an instance of %s.', Price::class), ], [ [ 'type' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Foo', 'amount' => new Price('1.00', 'USD'), ], 'foo is an invalid adjustment type.', ], [ [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => 'Foo', 'amount' => new Price('1.00', 'USD'), 'percentage' => 0.1, ], 'The provided percentage "0.1" must be a string, not a float.', ], [ [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => 'Foo', 'amount' => new Price('1.00', 'USD'), 'percentage' => 'INVALID', ], 'The provided percentage "INVALID" is not a numeric value.', ], ]; } /** * Tests the constructor and definition checks. * * @covers ::__construct */ public function testValidAdjustmentConstruct() { $definition = [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => '10% off', 'amount' => new Price('-1.00', 'USD'), 'source_id' => '1', ]; $adjustment = new Adjustment($definition); $this->assertInstanceOf(Adjustment::class, $adjustment); } /** * Tests getters. * * @covers ::getType * @covers ::getLabel * @covers ::getAmount * @covers ::isPositive * @covers ::isNegative * @covers ::getPercentage * @covers ::getSourceId * @covers ::isIncluded * @covers ::isLocked * @covers ::toArray */ public function testGetters() { $definition = [ 'type' => 'custom', 'label' => '10% off', 'amount' => new Price('-1.00', 'USD'), 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]; $adjustment = new Adjustment($definition); $this->assertEquals('custom', $adjustment->getType()); $this->assertEquals('10% off', $adjustment->getLabel()); $this->assertEquals('-1.00', $adjustment->getAmount()->getNumber()); $this->assertEquals('USD', $adjustment->getAmount()->getCurrencyCode()); $this->assertFalse($adjustment->isPositive()); $this->assertTrue($adjustment->isNegative()); $this->assertEquals('0.1', $adjustment->getPercentage()); $this->assertEquals('1', $adjustment->getSourceId()); $this->assertTrue($adjustment->isIncluded()); $this->assertTrue($adjustment->isLocked()); $this->assertEquals($definition, $adjustment->toArray()); } /** * Tests the arithmetic operators. * * @covers ::add * @covers ::subtract * @covers ::multiply * @covers ::divide */ public function testArithmetic() { $first_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('2.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $second_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('3.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $third_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('5.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $fourth_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('6.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $this->assertEquals($third_adjustment, $first_adjustment->add($second_adjustment)); $this->assertEquals($second_adjustment, $third_adjustment->subtract($first_adjustment)); $this->assertEquals($fourth_adjustment, $second_adjustment->multiply('2')); $this->assertEquals($first_adjustment, $fourth_adjustment->divide('3')); } /** * @covers ::add */ public function testMismatchedTypes() { $first_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('2.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $second_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'promotion', 'amount' => new Price('3.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $this->setExpectedException(\InvalidArgumentException::class, 'Adjustment type "promotion" does not match "custom".'); $first_adjustment->add($second_adjustment); } /** * @covers ::add */ public function testMismatchedSourceIds() { $first_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('2.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '1', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $second_adjustment = new Adjustment([ 'type' => 'custom', 'amount' => new Price('3.00', 'USD'), 'label' => '10% off', 'percentage' => '0.1', 'source_id' => '2', 'included' => TRUE, 'locked' => TRUE, ]); $this->setExpectedException(\InvalidArgumentException::class, 'Adjustment source ID "2" does not match "1".'); $first_adjustment->add($second_adjustment); } }