<?php namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_order\Functional; use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderType; /** * Tests the commerce_order_type entity forms. * * @group commerce */ class OrderTypeTest extends OrderBrowserTestBase { /** * Tests if the default Order Type was created. */ public function testDefaultOrderType() { $order_types = OrderType::loadMultiple(); $this->assertNotEmpty(isset($order_types['default']), 'Order Type Order is available'); $order_type = OrderType::load('default'); $this->assertEquals($order_types['default'], $order_type, 'The correct Order Type is loaded'); } /** * Tests creating an order Type programaticaly and through the add form. */ public function testCreateOrderType() { // Remove the default order type to be able to test creating the // order_items field anew. OrderType::load('default')->delete(); // Create an order type programmaticaly. $type = $this->createEntity('commerce_order_type', [ 'id' => 'kitten', 'label' => 'Label of kitten', 'workflow' => 'order_default', ]); $type_exists = (bool) OrderType::load($type->id()); $this->assertNotEmpty($type_exists, 'The new order type has been created in the database.'); // Create an order type through the add form. $this->drupalGet('/admin/commerce/config/order-types'); $this->getSession()->getPage()->clickLink('Add order type'); $values = [ 'id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Label of foo', ]; $this->submitForm($values, t('Save')); $type_exists = (bool) OrderType::load($values['id']); $this->assertNotEmpty($type_exists, 'The new order type has been created in the database.'); // Testing the target type of the order_items field. $settings = $this->config('')->get('settings'); $this->assertEquals('commerce_order_item', $settings['target_type'], t('Order item field target type is correct.')); } /** * Tests draft order refresh options in order type form. */ public function testDraftOrderRefreshSettings() { $url = 'admin/commerce/config/order-types/default/edit'; $this->drupalGet($url); $this->assertSession()->fieldExists('refresh_mode'); $this->assertSession()->fieldExists('refresh_frequency'); $edit['refresh_mode'] = 'always'; $edit['refresh_frequency'] = 60; $this->submitForm($edit, t('Save')); $order_type = OrderType::load('default'); $this->drupalGet($url); $this->assertEquals($order_type->getRefreshMode(), $edit['refresh_mode'], 'The value of the draft order refresh mode has been changed.'); $this->assertEquals($order_type->getRefreshFrequency(), $edit['refresh_frequency'], 'The value of the draft order refresh frequency has been changed.'); } /** * Tests deleting an order Type through the form. */ public function testDeleteOrderType() { /** @var \Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderTypeInterface $type */ $type = $this->createEntity('commerce_order_type', [ 'id' => 'foo', 'label' => 'Label for foo', 'workflow' => 'order_default', ]); commerce_order_add_order_items_field($type); $order = $this->createEntity('commerce_order', [ 'type' => $type->id(), 'mail' => $this->loggedInUser->getEmail(), 'store_id' => $this->store, ]); // Confirm that the type can't be deleted while there's an order. $this->drupalGet($type->toUrl('delete-form')); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains(t('@type is used by 1 order on your site. You cannot remove this order type until you have removed all of the @type orders.', ['@type' => $type->label()])); $this->assertSession()->pageTextNotContains(t('This action cannot be undone.')); // Confirm that the delete page is not available when the type is locked. $type->lock(); $type->save(); $this->drupalGet($type->toUrl('delete-form')); $this->assertSession()->statusCodeEquals('403'); // Delete the order, unlock the type, confirm that deletion works. $order->delete(); $type->unlock(); $type->save(); $this->drupalGet($type->toUrl('delete-form')); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains(t('Are you sure you want to delete the order type @label?', ['@label' => $type->label()])); $this->assertSession()->pageTextContains(t('This action cannot be undone.')); $this->submitForm([], t('Delete')); $type_exists = (bool) OrderType::load($type->id()); $this->assertEmpty($type_exists); } }