

namespace Drupal\Tests\commerce_log\Kernel;

use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItem;
use Drupal\commerce_order\Entity\OrderItemType;
use Drupal\commerce_price\Price;
use Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductVariation;
use Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductVariationType;
use Drupal\Tests\commerce\Kernel\CommerceKernelTestBase;

 * Tests integration with cart events.
 * @group commerce
class CartIntegrationTest extends CommerceKernelTestBase {

   * A sample user.
   * @var \Drupal\user\UserInterface
  protected $user;

   * The variation to test against.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_product\Entity\ProductVariation
  protected $variation;

   * The cart manager.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_cart\CartManagerInterface
  protected $cartManager;

   * The cart provider.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_cart\CartProviderInterface
  protected $cartProvider;

   * The log storage.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_log\LogStorageInterface
  protected $logStorage;

   * The log view builder.
   * @var \Drupal\commerce_log\LogViewBuilder
  protected $logViewBuilder;

   * Modules to enable.
   * @var array
  public static $modules = [

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function setUp() {

    $this->installConfig(['commerce_product', 'commerce_order']);
    $this->user = $this->createUser();
    $this->logStorage = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getStorage('commerce_log');
    $this->logViewBuilder = $this->container->get('entity_type.manager')->getViewBuilder('commerce_log');

    // Turn off title generation to allow explicit values to be used.
    $variation_type = ProductVariationType::load('default');

    $this->variation = ProductVariation::create([
      'type' => 'default',
      'sku' => 'TEST_' . strtolower($this->randomMachineName()),
      'title' => 'Testing product',
      'status' => 1,
      'price' => new Price('12.00', 'USD'),

    // An order item type that doesn't need a purchasable entity.
      'id' => 'test',
      'label' => 'Test',
      'orderType' => 'default',

   * Tests that a log is generated when an order is placed.
  public function testAddedToCart() {
    $cart = $this->cartProvider->createCart('default', $this->store, $this->user);
    $this->cartManager->addEntity($cart, $this->variation);

    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultipleByEntity($cart);
    $this->assertEquals(1, count($logs));
    $log = reset($logs);
    $build = $this->logViewBuilder->view($log);
    $this->assertText("{$this->variation->label()} added to the cart.");

   * Tests that a log is not generated when a non-purchasable entity added.
   * The cart manager does not fire the `CartEvents::CART_ENTITY_ADD` event
   * unless there is a purchasable entity.
  public function testAddedToCartNoPurchasableEntity() {
    $cart = $this->cartProvider->createCart('default', $this->store, $this->user);
    $order_item = OrderItem::create([
      'title' => 'Membership subscription',
      'type' => 'test',
      'quantity' => 1,
      'unit_price' => [
        'number' => '10.00',
        'currency_code' => 'USD',
    $this->cartManager->addOrderItem($cart, $order_item);

    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultipleByEntity($cart);
    $this->assertEquals(0, count($logs));

   * Tests that a log is generated when an order is placed.
  public function testRemovedFromCart() {
    $cart = $this->cartProvider->createCart('default', $this->store, $this->user);
    $order_item = $this->cartManager->addEntity($cart, $this->variation);
    $this->cartManager->removeOrderItem($cart, $order_item);

    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultipleByEntity($cart);
    $this->assertEquals(2, count($logs));
    $log = end($logs);
    $build = $this->logViewBuilder->view($log);

    $this->assertText("{$this->variation->label()} removed from the cart.");

   * Tests that a log generated when a non-purchasable entity removed.
  public function testRemovedFromCartNoPurchasableEntity() {
    $cart = $this->cartProvider->createCart('default', $this->store, $this->user);
    $order_item = OrderItem::create([
      'title' => 'Membership subscription',
      'type' => 'test',
      'quantity' => 1,
      'unit_price' => [
        'number' => '10.00',
        'currency_code' => 'USD',
    $order_item = $this->cartManager->addOrderItem($cart, $order_item);
    $this->cartManager->removeOrderItem($cart, $order_item);

    $logs = $this->logStorage->loadMultipleByEntity($cart);
    $this->assertEquals(1, count($logs));
    $log = end($logs);
    $build = $this->logViewBuilder->view($log);

    $this->assertText("{$order_item->label()} removed from the cart.");

   * Enables commerce_cart for tests.
   * Due to issues with hook_entity_bundle_create, we need to run this here
   * and can't put commerce_cart in $modules.
   * See
   * @todo patch core so it doesn't explode in Kernel tests.
   * @todo remove Cart dependency in Checkout
  protected function enableCommerceCart() {
    $this->cartManager = $this->container->get('commerce_cart.cart_manager');
    $this->cartProvider = $this->container->get('commerce_cart.cart_provider');


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