

namespace Drupal\commerce_checkout\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutFlow;

 * Defines the interface for checkout flows which have panes.
interface CheckoutFlowWithPanesInterface extends CheckoutFlowInterface {

   * Gets the panes.
   * @return \Drupal\commerce_checkout\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane\CheckoutPaneInterface[]
   *   The panes, keyed by pane id, ordered by weight.
  public function getPanes();

   * Gets the visible panes for the given step ID.
   * @param string $step_id
   *   The step ID.
   * @return \Drupal\commerce_checkout\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane\CheckoutPaneInterface[]
   *   The panes, keyed by pane id, ordered by weight.
  public function getVisiblePanes($step_id);

   * Gets a pane with the given ID.
   * @param string $pane_id
   *   The pane ID.
   * @return \Drupal\commerce_checkout\Plugin\Commerce\CheckoutPane\CheckoutPaneInterface|null
   *   The pane, or NULL if not found.
  public function getPane($pane_id);


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