<?php namespace Drupal\blacksmith\Blacksmith\EntityImporter\FieldFormatter; use Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface; use Drupal\Core\Logger\LoggerChannelTrait; use Drupal\Core\Messenger\MessengerTrait; /** * Class FieldFormatterBase. * * @package Drupal\blacksmith\Blacksmith\EntityImporter\FieldFormatter */ class FieldFormatterBase implements FieldFormatterInterface { use MessengerTrait; use LoggerChannelTrait; /** * The field definition of the field about to be imported. * * @var \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinition */ protected $fieldDefinition; /** * The module's logger channel. * * @var \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface */ protected $logger; /** * FieldFormatterBase constructor. * * @param \Drupal\Core\Field\FieldDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition * The field definition of the field about to be imported. */ public function __construct(FieldDefinitionInterface $fieldDefinition) { $this->fieldDefinition = $fieldDefinition; $this->logger = $this->getLogger('blacksmith'); } /** * Prepare all values to be saved in the database. * * @param array|string $values * A value from the Blacksmith file. * * @return mixed * The value ready to be saved in the database. */ public function format($values) { $fieldName = $this->fieldDefinition->getName(); if (!$this->hasMultiple($values)) { $values = [$values]; } $cardinality = $this->fieldDefinition->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getCardinality(); if ($cardinality !== -1 && count($values) > $cardinality) { $this->messenger()->addWarning("The field '$fieldName' only supports up to $cardinality value(s)."); } $formattedValues = []; foreach ($values as $value) { if (!$this->validateUniqueValue($value)) { $this->messenger()->addWarning("Invalid value : '$value' in field '$fieldName'"); continue; } $value = $this->formatUniqueValue($value); $formattedValues[] = $value; } return $formattedValues; } /** * Prepare an individual value to be saved in the database. * * @param mixed $value * A unique value from the Blacksmith file. * * @return mixed * The value to save in the database. */ protected function formatUniqueValue($value) { return $value; } /** * Checks if the value actually has multiple values. * * @param mixed $value * The value from the Blacksmith file. * * @return bool * Whether or not there are multiple values. */ protected function hasMultiple($value) : bool { if (!is_array($value)) { return FALSE; } if ($value === []) { return FALSE; } return array_keys($value) === range(0, count($value) - 1); } /** * Make sure that the value is valid if based on the field restrictions. * * @param mixed $value * The value to validate. * * @return bool * Whether the value is valid or not. */ protected function validateUniqueValue($value) : bool { if ($allowedValues = $this->fieldDefinition->getFieldStorageDefinition()->getSetting('allowed_values')) { return array_key_exists($value, $allowedValues); } return TRUE; } }