{# /** * @file * view: The view in use. * fields: A list of fields, each one contains: * content: The output of the field. * raw: The raw data for the field, if it exists. This is NOT output safe. * class: The safe class ID to use. * handler: The Views field handler controlling this field. * inline: Whether or not the field should be inline. * wrapper_element: An HTML element for a wrapper. * wrapper_attributes: List of attributes for wrapper element. * separator: An optional separator that may appear before a field. * label: The field's label text. * label_element: An HTML element for a label wrapper. * label_attributes: List of attributes for label wrapper. * label_suffix: Colon after the label. * element_type: An HTML element for the field content. * element_attributes: List of attributes for HTML element for field content. * has_label_colon: A boolean indicating whether to display a colon after the label. * element_type: An HTML element for the field content. * element_attributes: List of attributes for HTML element for field content. * row: The raw result from the query, with all data it fetched. */ #} <div class="container-fluid region-container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="scope-summary-title">{{ fields.title.content }}</div> <div class="country-iso"><span class="country-sub-label">Country: {{ fields.title_1.content }}</span></div> <div class="country-iso"><span class="country-sub-label">WDPA ID:</span> <span class="wdpaid-value">{{ fields.field_pa_wdpa_id.content }}</span></div> <div class="country-iso"><span class="country-sub-label">IUCN Category:</span> <span class="iucn-cat-value">{{ fields.field_pa_iucn_category.content }}</span></div> <div class="country-iso"><span class="country-sub-label">Management Plan:<br>{{ drupal_view('management_plans_by_pa', 'block_1', fields.nid.content|render) }}</span></div> </div> <div class="col-sm-6"> <div class="pa-card-source">{{ drupal_entity('node', 18209, 'source_attribution') }}</div><div id="pa-radar"><div id="mini-loader-wrapper"><div id="mini-loader"></div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> {{ fields.view_node.content }}