//This file loads first var tipTemplate = '<div class="tooltip biopama-tip" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow biopama-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner biopama-tip-inner"></div></div>'; var tipWideTemplate = '<div class="tooltip biopama-tip biopama-tip-wide" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow biopama-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner biopama-tip-inner"></div></div>'; var tipTopTemplate = '<div class="tooltip biopama-tip" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow biopama-top-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner biopama-tip-inner"></div></div>'; var tipBottomTemplate = '<div class="tooltip biopama-tip-bottom" role="tooltip"><div class="arrow biopama-bottom-arrow"></div><div class="tooltip-inner biopama-tip-inner"></div></div>'; var regionColor = "#a25b28"; var countryColor = "#679B95"; var paColor = "#8FBF4B"; var thisMap; //the map var tTipDelay = 200; var mapContainer = 'map-container'; var mapLoader; var mapGeneric; var mapZoom; var paFill; var mapInfo; var mapLegend; //this is to flag if the user is coming in directly to a country URL to help highlight that country. var firstVisit = 1; var regionChanged = 0; var countryChanged = 0; var paChanged = 0; //We create the object that holds our Global settings // !!important!! For the country change, as we need to 'fly' to the country we will not always have the needed map features visible // So we update country settings in 2 parts. First we take the ISO2 code the moment the user changes the setting. THEN we take the other values AFTER the map is done moving var selSettings = { paName: 'default', WDPAID: 0, countryName: 'trans-ACP', regionID: null, regionName: null, ISO2: null, ISO3: null, NUM: null, }; jQuery(window).resize(function(){ var height = getWindowHeight(); resizeMap(height); if(jQuery(".indicator-chart")){ myCharts.forEach(function(object, index){ myCharts[index].resize(); }) } }); jQuery.fn.extend({ formatNumber: function(options){ var defaults = { cents: '.', decimal: ',' } var o = jQuery.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function() { var thiz = jQuery(this), values, x, x1, x2; values = jQuery.trim(thiz.html()); values += ''; x = values.split(o.cents); x1 = x[0]; x2 = x.length > 1 ? o.cents + x[1] : ''; var rgx = /(\d+)(\d{3})/; while (rgx.test(x1)) { x1 = x1.replace(rgx, '$1' + o.decimal + '$2'); } thiz.html(x1 + x2); }); } }); function precise(x, precision) { return Number.parseFloat(x).toFixed(precision); } function getWindowHeight(){ var height = jQuery(window).height();// - $('#admin-menu-wrapper').outerHeight(true) + $('#messages').outerHeight(true); if (jQuery('#toolbar-item-administration-tray')[0]){ var adminHeight = jQuery('#toolbar-item-administration-tray').height() + jQuery('#toolbar-bar').height(); jQuery('#map-container').css('top', adminHeight); height = height - adminHeight; } return height; } function resizeMap(height){ jQuery('#map-container').css('height', height); thisMap.resize(); } function initiateToolTips(){ jQuery('.ui-accordion-content a[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({ template: tipTopTemplate, placement: "top", container: '#accordion_right_side', delay: 200, trigger:"hover", html: true, }); } function buildFilter(arr, arg, filter) { var filter = [arg, filter]; if (arr.length === 0) { return filter; } for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i += 1) { filter.push(arr[i]); } return filter; }