jQuery(document).ready(function($) { //mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiamFtZXNkYXZ5IiwiYSI6ImNpenRuMmZ6OTAxMngzM25wNG81b2MwMTUifQ.A2YdXu17spFF-gl6yvHXaw'; mapboxgl.accessToken = 'pk.eyJ1IjoiYmxpc2h0ZW4iLCJhIjoiMEZrNzFqRSJ9.0QBRA2HxTb8YHErUFRMPZg'; var map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: mapContainer, style: 'mapbox://styles/jamesdavy/cjw25laqe0y311dqulwkvnfoc', //Andrews default new RIS v2 style based on North Star attributionControl: true, renderWorldCopies: true, center: homepageMapCenter, zoom: homepageMapZoom, minZoom: 1.4, maxZoom: 12, attributionControl: false, }).addControl(new mapboxgl.AttributionControl({ customAttribution: "UNEP-WCMC and IUCN (2019), <br>\n Protected Planet: The World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA),<br>\n May 2019, Cambridge, UK: UNEP-WCMC and IUCN.", compact: true })); thisMap = map; map.addControl(new mapboxgl.ScaleControl({ maxWidth: 150, unit: 'metric' })); class mapGenericControl { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group'; this._container.innerHTML = "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-iD' type='button' id='id-editor-link' title='Open Open Street Map (OSM) iD editor' href='#' onclick='idEditor();return false;'><i class='fas fa-pencil-alt'></i></button>"+ "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-sat' title='Toggle Satellite base layer' id='satellite-layer' type='button'><i class='fab fa-grav'></i></button>" + "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-news' title='Toggle News' id='emm-news' type='button'><i class='far fa-newspaper'></i></button>";/* + "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-flickr' id='flickr-images' type='button'><i class='far fa-images'></i></button>"; */ return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } class paFillControl { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group mapboxgl-ctrl-layer-fill'; this._container.innerHTML = "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon' type='button' id='layer-fill-toggle' title='Toggle fill for selected polygons'><i class='fas fa-fill-drip'></i></button>"; return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } class mapZoomControl { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group map-zoom-group'; this._container.innerHTML = "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-z-global' type='button' title='Zoom to global extent'> </button>"+ "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-z-region' type='button' title='Zoom to regional extent' style='display: none;'> </button>"+ "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-z-country' type='button' title='Zoom to country extent' style='display: none;'> </button>"+ "<button class='mapboxgl-ctrl-icon mapboxgl-ctrl-z-pa' type='button' title='Zoom to protected area extent' style='display: none;'> </button>"; return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } class mapLoaderControl { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl ajax-loader ajax-load'; this._container.innerHTML = "<div id='map-loader-wrapper'>"+ "<div id='map-loader'></div>"+ "</div>"; return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } class mapCountrywdpaAcpHover { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl map-country-pa-info-wrapper'; this._container.innerHTML = "<div id='map-region-info'></div><div id='map-country-info'></div><div id='map-pa-info'></div><div id='map-indicator-info'></div>"; return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } class mapLegendBox { onAdd(map) { this._map = map; this._container = document.createElement('div'); this._container.className = 'mapboxgl-ctrl'; this._container.innerHTML = "<div id='map-legend' style='background: #fff; padding: 5px;'><div id='wms-map-legend' ></div><div id='custom-map-legend' ></div><div style='display: none;' id='custom-map-legend-nan'>"+ "<div class='legend-unit' style='display: flex; padding: 5px;'>"+ "<div class='legend-color' style='background: repeating-linear-gradient(315deg,#DC143C,#DC143C 4px,#ccc 4px,#ccc 8px); width:20px; height:20px;'></div>"+ "<div class='legend-text'> NaN = No Data</div></div>"+ "</div></div>"; return this._container; } onRemove() { this._container.parentNode.removeChild(this._container); this._map = undefined; } } mapLoader = new mapLoaderControl(); mapGeneric = new mapZoomControl(); mapZoom = new mapGenericControl(); paFill = new paFillControl(); mapInfo = new mapCountrywdpaAcpHover(); mapLegend = new mapLegendBox(); /* map.addControl(mapLoader, 'top-left'); map.addControl(mapGeneric, 'top-right'); map.addControl(mapZoom, 'top-right'); map.addControl(paFill, 'top-right'); map.addControl(mapInfo, 'bottom-right'); map.addControl(mapLegend, 'bottom-right'); */ $('input').each(function(i){ if({ =; $(this).closest('form').addClass(; } }); map.on('moveend', function (e) { //this flag can only be true in this case if the Protected Area has been changed to one in a different country from the search if (countryChanged == 1){ updateCountry(); } if (paChanged == 1){ updatePa(); } if (regionChanged == 1){ updateRegion(); } var currentBounds = map.getBounds() /* $('input[data-drupal-selector=edit-top]').val(; $('input[data-drupal-selector=edit-bottom]').val(; $('input[data-drupal-selector=edit-left]').val(currentBounds._ne.lng); $('input[data-drupal-selector=edit-right]').val(currentBounds._sw.lng); $('input[data-drupal-selector=edit-iso2]').val(selSettings.ISO2); $('div[data-drupal-selector=edit-actions]').find('input[type=submit]').click(); */ }); map.on('load', function () { //$('.mapboxgl-ctrl-layer-fill').hide(); //var satSwitch = document.getElementById; var hoverStyle = { "line-color": "#8fc04f", "line-width": 3, }; var selectableStyle = { 'fill-color': 'rgb(255, 152, 0)', 'fill-outline-color': 'rgb(255, 152, 0)', "fill-opacity": 0.3 }; var selectedStyle = { "line-color": "#679b95", "line-width": 3 }; map.addSource("BIOPAMA_Poly", { "type": 'vector', "tiles": [mapPolyHostURL+"/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"], "minZoom": 0, "maxZoom": 12, }); map.addSource("BIOPAMA_Point", { "type": 'vector', "tiles": [mapPointHostURL+"/{z}/{x}/{y}.pbf"], "minZoom": 0, "maxZoom": 12, }); /* We have 3 Major Layer types: Region Country Protected Area Each of the 3 Layers has 2 sources - Polygon and Point The Polygon Source is to show the area and the Borders using 3 layers: Fill (poly), Selected (line), Hover (fill) The point source is for labels and as the name implies, points. Each type of layer can be viewed as a point instead. Each layer is declared below in the order (Misc., Region, Country, PA, Labels) */ //this is the GAUL country borders for the ACP countries map.addLayer({ "id": "gaulACP", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapGAULLayer, "maxzoom": 6, "paint": {"line-color": "#aaa", "line-width": 1,} }, 'state-label-lg'); //EEZ for ACP countries map.addLayer({ "id": "BIOPAMA", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapEEZLayer, "maxzoom": 6, "paint": {"fill-color": "hsl(224, 39%, 73%)", "fill-opacity": 0.3} }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "regionMask", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "paint": { 'fill-color': '#fff', "fill-opacity": 0.01, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "regionsMask", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "paint": { 'fill-color': '#fff', 'fill-outline-color': '#fff', "fill-opacity": 0.01, } }, 'state-label-lg'); /* map.addLayer({ "id": "regions", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "maxzoom": 4, "layout": {}, "paint": { "fill-color": "#fff", "fill-opacity": [ "interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 0, 1, 4, 0 ] } }, 'state-label-lg'); */ map.addLayer({ "id": "regionsBorder", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "paint": { "line-color": "#75b329", "line-width": ["interpolate", ["linear"], ["zoom"], 0, 4, 5, 1] } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "regionHover", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none", }, "paint": { "line-color": regionColor, "line-width": 4, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "regionLabels", "type": "symbol", "source": "BIOPAMA_Point", "source-layer": mapSubRegionPointLayer, "maxzoom": 4, "layout": { "text-field": ["to-string", ["get", "Group"]], "text-font": [ "Arial Unicode MS Regular" ], "text-size": 22, "text-ignore-placement": true }, "paint": { "text-color": "#a25b28", "text-halo-width": 3, "text-halo-color": "#fff", "text-halo-blur": 4 } }, 'country-label-sm'); map.addLayer({ "id": "regionSelected", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapSubRegionLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none", }, "paint": { "line-color": regionColor, "line-dasharray": [3, 1], "line-width": 3, } }, 'state-label-lg'); /* map.addLayer({ "id": "regionPoint", "type": "circle", "source": mapRegionPointSource, "source-layer": mapRegionPointLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, "paint": { "circle-radius": 5, "circle-color": "#000", "circle-opacity": 0.8 } }, 'state-label-lg'); */ map.addLayer({ "id": "countryMask", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "paint": { 'fill-color': '#fff', "fill-opacity": 0.01, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "countryFill", "type": "fill", "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "paint": { 'fill-color': '#fff', 'fill-outline-color': '#fff', "fill-opacity": 0.6, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "countryHover", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none", }, "paint": { "line-color": countryColor, "line-width": 2, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "countrySelected", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, "paint": { "line-color": countryColor, "line-width": 3 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpMask", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapPaLayer, "minzoom": 3, "paint": { 'fill-color': '#fff', "fill-opacity": 0.01 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpFill", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapPaLayer, "minzoom": 3, "paint": { "fill-color": [ "match", ["get", "MARINE"], ["1"], "hsla(173, 21%, 51%, 0.2)", "hsla(87, 47%, 53%, 0.2)" ], "fill-opacity": [ "interpolate", ["exponential", 1], ["zoom"], 3, 0.3, 5, 0.5, 6, 1 ] } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpFillHighlighted", "type": "fill", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapPaLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, 'paint': { 'fill-color': paColor, 'fill-outline-color': paColor, "fill-opacity": 0.6 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpHover", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapPaLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, "paint": { "line-color": "#8fc04f", "line-width": 3, } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpSelected", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapPaLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, "paint": { "line-color": "#679b95", "line-width": 2, }, "transition": { "duration": 300, "delay": 0 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpPoint", "type": "circle", "source": "BIOPAMA_Point", "source-layer": mapPaPointLayer, "filter": ["match", ["get", "Point"], [1], true, false], "minzoom": 5, "paint": { "circle-color": [ "match", ["get", "MARINE"], ["1"], "hsla(173, 21%, 51%, 0.2)", "hsla(87, 47%, 53%, 0.2)" ] } }, 'state-label-lg'); /* map.addLayer({ "id": "regionLabels", "type": "symbol", "source": mapRegionPointSource, "source-layer": mapRegionPointLayer, "maxZoom": 4, "filter": ["==", "$type", "Point"], "layout": { "text-field": "{Name}", "text-size": 16, "text-padding": 3 }, "paint": { "text-color": "hsla(213, 49%, 13%, 0.95)", "text-halo-color": "hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .9)", "text-halo-width": 2, "text-halo-blur": 2 } }, 'country-label-sm'); */ //we seperate polygon and point layers to have an offset for the points, allowing the user to still see the point and the label at thte same time. map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpPolyLabels", "type": "symbol", "source": "BIOPAMA_Point", "source-layer": mapPaLabelsLayer, "minzoom": 5, "layout": { "text-field": ["to-string", ["get", "NAME"]], "text-size": 12, "text-font": [ "Arial Unicode MS Regular", "Arial Unicode MS Regular" ] }, "paint": { "text-halo-width": 2, "text-halo-blur": 2, "text-halo-color": "hsl(0, 0%, 100%)", "text-opacity": 1 } }, 'country-label-sm'); map.addLayer({ "id": "wdpaAcpPointLabels", "type": "symbol", "source": "BIOPAMA_Point", "source-layer": mapPaPointLayer, "minzoom": 5, "layout": { "text-field": "{NAME}", "text-size": 12, "text-padding": 3, "text-offset": [0,-1] }, "paint": { "text-color": "hsla(213, 49%, 13%, 0.95)", "text-halo-color": "hsla(0, 0%, 100%, .9)", "text-halo-width": 2, "text-halo-blur": 2 } }, 'country-label-sm'); //add the selected Country Layer //add the Country masks layer for indicators map.addLayer({ "id": "CountriesBadMask", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, 'paint': { "line-color": "rgba(255,255,255, 0.1)", "line-width": 3 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ "id": "CountriesGoodMask", "type": "line", "source": "BIOPAMA_Poly", "source-layer": mapCountryLayer, "layout": { "visibility": "none" }, 'paint': { "line-color": "#8FBF4B", "line-width": 3 } }, 'state-label-lg'); map.addLayer({ id: 'satellite', source: {"type": "raster", "url": "mapbox://mapbox.satellite", "tileSize": 256}, type: "raster", "layout": { "visibility": "none" } }, 'road-rail-platform'); $('body').toggleClass('loaded').delay( 500 ).queue(function() { $('.mapboxgl-ctrl.ajax-loader').toggle(false); mapPostLoadOptions(); //$('#take-a-tour').popover("show"); //$('.popover').attr('id', 'tourTip'); $( this ).dequeue(); }).delay( 3000 ).queue(function() { //$('#take-a-tour').popover("hide"); //$( this ).dequeue(); }); }); });