
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
	thisMap.on('click', getFeatureInfo);
	function getFeatureInfo(e){
		var CountrySelected = countryCheck(e);
		var pasSelected = paCheck(e);
		var countryText = '';
		var pasText = '';

		if (typeof CountrySelected !== 'undefined' ){
			countryText = "<div class='node-pop-country'>" + CountrySelected + "</div>";
		if (typeof pasSelected !== 'undefined' ){
			pasText = "<div class='node-pop-pa'>Protected Areas:<br>" + pasSelected + "</div>";
		var paPopupContent = "<div class='node-pop-wrapper'>" +
				countryText +
				pasText +
		if (paPopupContent.length > 63){
			new mapboxgl.Popup()

	function countryCheck(e){
		var country = getMapCountry(e.point);
		if (typeof country !== 'undefined') {
			var countrySelected = 'disabled';
			if (selSettings.iso2 !={
				countrySelected = 'enabled';
			var countryLink = "Country: <a class=' "+countrySelected+"' href='/country/""'>" + + "</a>";
			return countryLink;
	function paCheck(e){
		var PAs = getMapPAs(e.point);
		if (typeof PAs !== 'undefined') {
			var paLinks = "";
			for (var key in PAs) {
			  paLinks = paLinks + "<a href='/pa/"+PAs[key].properties.WDPAID+"'>" + PAs[key].properties.NAME + "</a><br>";
			return paLinks;

var homepageMapZoomOptions = {
	padding: {top: 20, bottom:20, left: 20, right: 20}
/* (function ($, Drupal) {
	$( ".view-id-menu_level_1_policies_:visible" ).trigger('RefreshView')
})(jQuery, Drupal); */

function zoomToCountry(iso2){
  var result;
  if(iso2 === 'FJ'){
    thisMap.fitBounds([[166.61,-26.39], [192.01,-9.62]], homepageMapZoomOptions);
  } else if (iso2 === 'TV'){
    thisMap.fitBounds([[168.58,-13.60], [191.48,-3.88]], homepageMapZoomOptions);
  } else if (iso2 === 'KI'){
    thisMap.fitBounds([[-201.57,-15.70], [-136.18,10.31]], homepageMapZoomOptions);
  } else {
      url: DOPAgetCountryExtent+iso2,
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function(d) {

        thisMap.fitBounds(jQuery.parseJSON(d.records[0].extent), homepageMapZoomOptions);
      error: function() {
        console.log("Something is wrong with the REST servce for country bounds")

function zoomToPA(wdpaid){
	selSettings.WDPAID = wdpaid;
      url: DOPAgetWdpaExtent+wdpaid,
      dataType: 'json',
      success: function(d) {
        thisMap.fitBounds(jQuery.parseJSON(d.records[0].extent), homepageMapZoomOptions);
		selSettings.paName = d.records[0].name;
		if (d.records[0].iso2 != selSettings.ISO2){
			selSettings.ISO2 = d.records[0].iso2;
      error: function() {
        console.log("Something is wrong with the REST servce for PA bounds")

//returns the first country object
function getMapCountry(point){
	var feature = thisMap.queryRenderedFeatures(point, {
	//as long as we have something in the feature query 
	if (typeof feature[0] !== 'undefined'){
		return feature[0];

//returns a list of PA objects
function getMapPAs(point){
	var paFeatures = thisMap.queryRenderedFeatures(point, {
	if (typeof paFeatures[0] !== 'undefined'){
		return paFeatures;

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