langcode: en status: true dependencies: config: - - node.type.protected_area - taxonomy.vocabulary.designation id: node.protected_area.field_pa_designation_eng field_name: field_pa_designation_eng entity_type: node bundle: protected_area label: 'English Designation' description: "Designation in English. <b>Allowed values for international-level designations</b>: Ramsar Site,\r\nWetland of International Importance; UNESCO-MAB Biosphere Reserve; World Heritage\r\nSite. <b>Allowed values for regional-level designations</b>: Baltic Sea Protected Area (HELCOM);\r\nSpecially Protected Area (Cartagena Convention); Marine Protected Area (CCAMLR);\r\nMarine Protected Area (OSPAR); Site of Community Importance (Habitats Directive);\r\nSpecial Protection Area (Birds Directive); Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean\r\nImportance (Barcelona Convention). No fixed values for protected areas designated at a\r\nnational level." required: false translatable: false default_value: { } default_value_callback: '' settings: handler: 'default:taxonomy_term' handler_settings: target_bundles: designation: designation sort: field: name direction: asc auto_create: false auto_create_bundle: '' field_type: entity_reference