<?php /** * @file * Adds includes to Beautytips settings page and provides some built in * functionality. TODO: hook_theme invoke - maybe Invoked include hooks: * admin_info, menu_change, theme_change, form_change, menu_items * ex beautytips_textinput_info. */ function beautytips_ui_admin_settings(&$form) { $items = beautytips_ui_include_invoke('beautytips', 'admin_info', []); if (is_array($items)) { foreach ($items as $form_item) { if (count($form_item)) { $keys = array_keys($form_item); if (count($keys)) { foreach ($keys as $menu_item) { $form[$menu_item] = $form_item[$menu_item]; } } } } } } /** * Clear menu cache and theme registry in case beautytips help tips turned on * or off */ function beautytips_ui_admin_submit($form, $form_state) { \Drupal::moduleHandler()->invoke('menu', 'rebuild'); \Drupal::cache('menu')->deleteAll(); drupal_theme_rebuild(); } /** * Implements hook_menu(). */ function beautytips_ui_menu() { $items = []; $menu_items = beautytips_ui_include_invoke('beautytips', 'menu_items', []); if (is_array($menu_items)) { foreach ($menu_items as $menu_item) { if (is_array($menu_item)) { $path = key($menu_item); $items[$path] = $menu_item[$path]; } } } return $items; } /** * Determine whether an include implements a hook, cf. module_hook. * * @param $tooltip * The name of the tooltip file (without the .inc extension), such as * 'youtube' or 'google'. * @param $hook * The name of the hook (e.g. "thumbnail", "settings", etc.). * * @return * TRUE if the tooltip is loaded and the hook is implemented. */ function beautytips_ui_include_hook($module, $tooltip, $hook) { return function_exists($module . '_' . $tooltip . '_' . $hook); } /** * Invoke hook in a particular include. * * @param $module * the helper module * @param $tooltip * The name of the tooltip (without the .inc extension). * @param $hook * The name of the hook (e.g. "menu_change", "form_change", etc.). * @param ... * Arguments to pass to the hook implementation. * * @return * The return value of the hook implementation. */ function beautytips_ui_include_invoke($module, $hook, $args) { $includes = beautytips_ui_include_list(); foreach ($includes as $tooltip) { $function = $module . '_' . $tooltip . '_' . $hook; $params[] = beautytips_ui_include_hook($module, $tooltip, $hook) ? call_user_func_array($function, $args) : NULL; } return $params; } /** * Maintains a list of all loaded include files. * * @return $files array. */ function beautytips_ui_include_list() { $files = [ '' => 'drupal_help', '' => 'textinput', ]; foreach ($files as $name) { module_load_include('inc', 'beautytips', 'includes/' . $name); } return $files; } /** * Implements hook_form_alter(). * * Adds beautytips for textareas and textfields. */ function beautytips_ui_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) { beautytips_ui_include_invoke('beautytips', 'form_change', [ 'form' => &$form, 'form_state' => $form_state, 'form_id' => $form_id, ] ); } /** * Implements hook_menu_alter(). */ function beautytips_ui_menu_alter(&$items) { beautytips_ui_include_invoke('beautytips', 'menu_change', ['items' => &$items]); } /** * Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter(). */ function beautytips_ui_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) { beautytips_ui_include_invoke('beautytips', 'theme_change', ['theme_registry' => &$theme_registry]); }