name: Apigee Developer Portal Kickstart type: profile description: 'A fast demo and starting point for Apigee Developer Portals.' # core: 8.x # Optional: Declare your installation profile as a distribution # This will make the installer auto-select this installation profile. # The distribution_name property is used in the installer and other places as # a label for the software being installed. distribution: name: Apigee Developer Portal # Required modules # Note that any dependencies of the modules listed here will be installed automatically. install: - node - history - block - breakpoint - ckeditor - color - config - comment - contextual - contact - menu_link_content - datetime - block_content - quickedit - editor - help - image - menu_ui - options - path - page_cache - dynamic_page_cache - big_pipe - taxonomy - dblog - search - shortcut - toolbar - field_ui - file - rdf - views - views_ui - tour - automated_cron - admin_toolbar - admin_toolbar_links_access_filter - admin_toolbar_tools - apigee_edge # List any themes that should be installed as part of the profile installation. # Note that this will not set any theme as the default theme. themes: - bartik - seven # Information added by Drupal.org packaging script on 2018-12-31 version: '8.x-1.0-alpha1' core: '8.x' project: 'apigee_devportal_kickstart' datestamp: 1546295284