
 * @file
 * Default user order template.
 * Available variables:
 * - attributes: HTML attributes for the wrapper.
 * - order_details_path: The path to the order details.
 * - order: Order information received from connector.
 *   Each order will have the following elements:
 *   - customer_id: Customer ID from the commerce backend.
 *   - store_id: The store ID from the commerce backend.
 *   - increment_id: [?]
 *   - created_at: The date the order was created.
 *   - group_id: [?]
 *   - email: The email that was used to place the order.
 *   - firstname: [?]
 *   - lastname: [?]
 *   - billing:
 *     - address_id: The customers address ID.
 *     - firstname: The name to address the delivery to.
 *     - lastname: The name to address the delivery to.
 *     - street: The street that was.
 *     - street2: Second stree entry.
 *     - city: The city string.
 *     - region: The region that was chosen.
 *     - postcode: The postcode.
 *     - country_id: The 2 letter country code.
 *     - telephone: The entered phone number.
 *     - default_billing: [?]
 *     - default_shipping: [?]
 *     - customer_address_id: [?]
 *     - customer_id: [?]
 *     - extension: [?]
 *   - shipping:
 *   - totals
 *     - sub: Sub total formatted to 2 decimal places.
 *     - tax: Total tax amount formatted to 2 decimal places.
 *     - discount: Discount amount applied formatted to 2 decimal places.
 *     - grand: Grand total of the order formatted to 2 decimal places.
 *   - items:
 *     Each item will have the following elements:
 *     - product_id: The product ID.
 *     - sku: The product SKU.
 *     - name: The product name.
 *     - type: The product type.
 *     - price: The price of the product.
 *     - ordered: The order quantity.
 *     - shipped: The quantity of items shipped.
 *     - refunded: The quantity of items refunded.
 *   - coupon: The coupon code that has been applied.
 *   - payment:
 *     - method_code: [?]
 *     - method_title: [?]
 *     - amount: The amount that has been payed
 *     - extension:
 *       - cc_last4: Last 4 digits for the credit card.
 *       - cc_year: The expiration year.
 *       - cc_month: The expiration month.
 *   - status: Status of the order.
 *   - state
 *   - extension
 * @ingroup themeable
<div{{ attributes.addClass(['customer-order']) }}>
  <div class="customer-order__order-id">
    <div class="customer-order__order-id-label">{{ 'Order #'|t }}</div>
    <div class="customer-order__order-id-value">{{ order.order_id }}</div>
  <div class="customer-order__order-date">
    <div class="customer-order__order-date-label">{{ 'Order Placed'|t }}</div>
    <div class="customer-order__order-date-value">{{ order.created_at|date('U')|format_date('short') }}</div>
  <div class="customer-order__order-total">
    <div class="customer-order__order-total-label">{{ 'Total'|t }}</div>
    <div class="customer-order__order-total-value">{{ order.totals.grand }}</div>
  <div class="customer-order__details-button">
    <a class="customer-order__details-button-link" href="{{ order_details_path }}">{{ 'Details'|t }}</a>

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