/** * @file * Renders a BaseCustomerPageView. */ (function($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { 'use strict'; Drupal.acm_customer = Drupal.acm_customer || {}; Drupal.acm_customer.Views = Drupal.acm_customer.Views || {}; Drupal.acm_customer.Views.BaseCustomerPageView = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends Drupal.acm_customer.Views.BaseCustomerPageView# */{ /** * @type {jQuery} */ $content: false, /** * @type {object} */ originalEvents: { 'click .form-item__buttons a': 'redirectToPage', 'click .form-actions a': 'redirectToPage' }, /** * @type {object} */ additionalEvents: { }, //Override this event hash in //a child view events : function() { return _.extend({}, this.originalEvents, this.additionalEvents); }, /** * @type {object} */ ajaxOptions: { submit: { nocssjs: true, reset: false, } }, /** * @constructs * * @augments Backbone.View * * @param {string} url * The url to load the form from. */ initialize: function(url) { this.ajaxOptions.url = url; var self = this; // Create a Drupal.ajax instance to load the form. var formLoaderAjax = Drupal.ajax(this.ajaxOptions); // Customer form responsed, render it. formLoaderAjax.commands.acmCustomerForm = function(ajax, response, status) { self.render(, ajax); Drupal.ajax.instances[this.instanceIndex] = null; }; // Customer form redirected, so go to that form instead. formLoaderAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormRedirect = function(ajax, response, status) { self.customerFormRedirect(ajax, response, status); }; // This will ensure our scoped AJAX command gets called. formLoaderAjax.execute(); }, /** * Renders the view. * * @param {string} form * The form html. * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * A {@link Drupal.Ajax} instance. */ render: function(form, ajax) { // Add the intiial form element variables. These can be overridden in the // renderForm method if something extends this view. this.$form = $(form); // Add the form to the page. this.renderForm(); var $ajaxSubmit = $('.js-form-submit', this.$form); // If no submit buttons, don't continue. if (!$ajaxSubmit.length) { return; } var self = this; // AJAXify the form submit button. this.formSaveAjax = this.ajaxifySaving(this.ajaxOptions, $ajaxSubmit); // AJAX command called when form is saved. this.formSaveAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormSaved = function(ajax, response, status) { self.customerFormSaved(ajax, response, status); }; // AJAX command called when form fails validation and sends the status // messages. this.formSaveAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormValidationErrors = function(ajax, response, status) { self.customerFormValidationErrors(ajax, response, status); }; // AJAX command called when form fails validation and sends the array of // fields that failed validation. this.formSaveAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormValidationErrorsFields = function(ajax, response, status) { self.customerFormValidationErrorsFields(ajax, response, status); }; // AJAX command that can be used to display messages form the server // before the page has been reloaded. this.formSaveAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormMessage = function(ajax, response, status) { self.messages = response; }; Drupal.acm_customer.Router.on('route', function(route, params) { // This triggers before the route has completely changed, so we add a // small delay to the function call so we can ensure that we have // navigate to the next route in the app. setTimeout(function() { self.customerFormMessage({}, self.messages, 200); self.messages = null; }, 100); }); // AJAX command called when the ACMCheckoutFlow plugin issues a redirect. this.formSaveAjax.commands.acmCustomerFormRedirect = function(ajax, response, status) { self.customerFormRedirect(ajax, response, status); }; }, /** * Renders the pane form. */ renderForm: function() { // Add the form to the page and set the jQuery object to a variable // to be used in ajax callbacks. this.$content = this.$el.html(this.$form); // Reattach behaviors and scroll to the top of the form. Drupal.attachBehaviors(this.el); }, /** * AJAX command called after the form is saved. * * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * {@link Drupal.Ajax} object created by {@link Drupal.ajax}. * @param {object} response * The response from the Ajax request. * @param {string} * The data to use with the jQuery method. * @param {string} [response.method] * The jQuery DOM manipulation method to be used. * @param {string} [response.selector] * A optional jQuery selector string. * @param {object} [response.settings] * An optional array of settings that will be used. * @param {number} [status] * The XMLHttpRequest status. */ customerFormSaved: function(ajax, response, status) { // Change to the next form page. Drupal.acm_customer.Router.navigate(, true); }, /** * AJAX command called after the form fails validation. * * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * {@link Drupal.Ajax} object created by {@link Drupal.ajax}. * @param {object} response * The response from the Ajax request. * @param {string} * The data to use with the jQuery method. * @param {string} [response.method] * The jQuery DOM manipulation method to be used. * @param {string} [response.selector] * A optional jQuery selector string. * @param {object} [response.settings] * An optional array of settings that will be used. * @param {number} [status] * The XMLHttpRequest status. */ customerFormValidationErrors: function(ajax, response, status) { // Empty previous messages. $('.validation', this.$content).remove(); // Add messages above the form. this.$content .prepend($('<div class="validation" />').html(; // Scroll to the added messages. this.scrollTo(this.$content); }, /** * AJAX command called after the form fails validation and passes the * fields array. * * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * {@link Drupal.Ajax} object created by {@link Drupal.ajax}. * @param {object} response * The response from the Ajax request. * @param {string} * The data to use with the jQuery method. * @param {string} [response.method] * The jQuery DOM manipulation method to be used. * @param {string} [response.selector] * A optional jQuery selector string. * @param {object} [response.settings] * An optional array of settings that will be used. * @param {number} [status] * The XMLHttpRequest status. */ customerFormValidationErrorsFields: function(ajax, response, status) { var fields =; fields.forEach(function(field) { var fieldName = ''; var parts = field.split(']['); parts.forEach(function(part, i) { if (i === 0) { fieldName = part; } else { fieldName += '[' + part + ']'; } }); $('[name="' + fieldName + '"]').addClass('required error'); }); }, /** * AJAX command called after the ACMCheckoutFlow plugin issues a redirect. * * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * {@link Drupal.Ajax} object created by {@link Drupal.ajax}. * @param {object} response * The response from the Ajax request. * @param {string} * The data to use with the jQuery method. * @param {string} [response.method] * The jQuery DOM manipulation method to be used. * @param {string} [response.selector] * A optional jQuery selector string. * @param {object} [response.settings] * An optional array of settings that will be used. * @param {number} [status] * The XMLHttpRequest status. */ customerFormRedirect: function(ajax, response, status) { Drupal.acm_customer.Router.navigate(, true); }, /** * AJAX command called to present messages on the current page. * * @param {Drupal.Ajax} ajax * {@link Drupal.Ajax} object create by {@link Drupal.ajax}. * @param {object} response * The response from the Ajax request. * @param status */ customerFormMessage: function(ajax, response, status) { $('.messages', this.$content).remove(); window.x = this.$content; window.y =; this.$content.prepend($('<div class="messages" />').html(; this.scrollTo(this.$content); }, /** * AJAXifies a submit element. * * @param {object} options * The ajax options. * @param {jQuery} $el * The element being AJAXified. */ ajaxifySaving: function(options, $el) { var url = $el.closest('form').attr('action'); if ($el.attr('href')) { url = $el.attr('href'); // Make sure we're using the ajax path. if (url.indexOf('ajax/account') === -1) { url = url.replace('account', 'ajax/account'); } } var settings = { url: url, setClick: true, event: 'click.acm_customer', progress: true, submit: options.submit, base: $el.attr('id'), element: $el[0] }; return Drupal.ajax(settings); }, /** * Scrolls to an element. * * @param {jQuery} $el * The element to scroll to. */ scrollTo: function($el) { $('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: $el.offset().top - 100 }, 300, 'linear'); }, /** * Event listener to redirect to a route. * * @param {object} e * The event object. */ redirectToPage: function(e) { var $el = $(e.currentTarget); // Don't handle links that bypass js. if ($el.hasClass('bypass-js')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); var href = $el.attr('href'); Drupal.acm_customer.Router.navigate(href, true); return false; } }); }(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal));