/** * @file * Renders a customer page. */ (function($, _, Backbone, Drupal) { 'use strict'; /** * @namespace */ Drupal.acm_customer = Drupal.acm_customer || {}; /** * @namespace */ Drupal.acm_customer.Views = Drupal.acm_customer.Views || {}; Drupal.acm_customer.Views.CustomerView = Backbone.View.extend(/** @lends Drupal.acm_customer.Views.CustomerView# */{ /** * @constructs * * @augments Backbone.View */ initialize: function() { this.initializeRouter(); }, /** * Initializes the router. */ initializeRouter: function() { this.router = new Drupal.acm_customer.CustomerRouter(); Backbone.history.start({ pushState: true, root: '/' }); } }); // Load the view in document.ready to give a chance to extend/override the // BasePanesView in other modules/themes. $(document).ready(function() { var view = new Drupal.acm_customer.Views.CustomerView(); Drupal.acm_customer.Router = view.router; }); }(jQuery, _, Backbone, Drupal));